Контроль навыков диалогической речи в 5 классе ( УМК Быкова Spotlight)
Контроль навыков диалогической речи в 5 классе
Card 1
Introducing yourself. Greetings. Take roles and act out a dialogue. Use phrases.
Знакомство. Приветствие. Разыграй диалог, используя фразы
Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening/Good night/Goodbye
My name is…
I’m …
And you?Nice to meet you
Are you in Class…?
Card 2
Your friend has got a new skateboard. Act out a dialogue. Use phrases.
У твоего друга появился новый скейтборд. Разыграйте диалог, используя фразы
I have got/haven’t got
Is that your new…?
It’s fantastic
Card 3
You are at a souvenir shop in the UK. Act out a dialogue, use the souvenirs in the pictures.
Ты находишься в сувенирной лавке в Великобритании. Используя сувениры на картинках, разыграй диалог.
How can I help you?
I want to buy….
How about…?
How much is it?
It’s …
Here you are
Card 4
Your family move in new flat. Talk about your new flat and your room . Act out a dialogue.
Твоя семья переехала в новую квартиру, расскажи о ней и разыграй диалог с соседом по парте
What’s your new flat/ bedroom like?
It’s very nice.
I have got a ….
I like….
Really?How many rooms are there in the flat?
There is/are…..
Has it got any furniture?
How about..?
Sounds great!
Card 5
Imagine your parents take you to see the old house/flat of their birthplace. You are excited to see it. Act out the dialogue between you and your dad/mum.
Представь твои родители взяли тебя посмотреть дом или квартиру, где они провели детство. Разыграй диалог
Which house is it?
This one
It’s great
This is nice.
Which is..?
It’s great!
Let’s go in.
Let’s go upstairs.
Card 6
Talk about your family. Act out the dialogue.
Разыграй диалог о совей семье.
What’s his/her name?
Where’s he/she from?
How old is he/she?
Has he/ she got any brothers or sisters?
Cool/kind/sweet/noisy/clever/ friendly/ funny/naughty/caring
Card 7
Think of a famous person you like and talk about him/her to the class.
Подумай о своей любимой знаменитости и расспроси своего соседа по парте
Full name is…
She/He is from…
His/Her birthday is on (date)…
She/He has got…
His/Her hobbies are…
She/He can …
Card 8
Imagine you are at a zoo. Act out a dialogue. Include: asking about an animal, describing the animal, giving a reason why you ( don’t) like it.
Представь, что ты со своим другом в зоопарке. Разыграйте диалог. Спросите о животных, опишите их, назовите причину по которой вы любите или не любите животных.
Do you like the zoo?
It’s great.
What’s that animal over there?
What does it look like?
It has…
I find them..
Card 9
Talk about your pet(s). Ask your friend about his pets. Act out the dialogue.
Расскажи о своем домашнем животном ( своих животных) и расспроси своего друга
What pets have you got?
I have got…
His name…
He is…
His activities
Card 10
Your pet is ill. You take it to the vet’s. Act out the dialogue.
Твой питомец заболел. Ты отвел его к врачу. Разыграй диалог.
What’s the matter?
What ‘s wrong with him?
I think…
Really?How old is..?
Let’s have a look at him