Презентация по английскому языку на тему Правила поведения в школе. Школьная форма: за и против (7 класс)
«School uniform: for and against».
Wordsto attend - посещатьto consist of - состоятьa private (public) school – частная школаa state school – государственная школаto last – длиться, продолжатьсяto accept – приниматьto differ from – отличатьсяeducation – образование compulsory – обязательный remote – удаленный to divide – делить, разделятьto pay for – платить заquality – качествоprominent – выдающийся to achieve – достигать, добиватьсяreligious education – религиозное воспитание
Check yourself1. Education is compulsory between the ages: a) 4 and 15 b) 5 and 16 c) 5 and 182. Prince William went to: a) Eton b) Harrow c) Winchester3. Boarding school means that: a) It is abroad b) Students live there c) There are only boys there.4. Core subjects in secondary schools are: a) English, History, Art b) Art, Technology, PE c) English, Maths, Science.5. There are … terms in a school year: a) 3 b) 4 c) 5
Education:compulsory educationsecondary/higher educationprivate/state educationfree/not free educationto be educated at…self-educatedto attend a school, classes, a meetingmeans of communicationto wear school uniformsuccessful futureschool activities
School uniforms in different countries
School uniform comes backSchool uniform helps students to understand that learning is more important.
foragainst decreasing theft because of expensive clothes helping students to concentrate on their school work helping school officials recognize strangers who come to the school improving discipline in students save parents’ time and money it’s expensive to buy uniform uniforms are very inconvenient (it’s too cold in winter and too hot in summer) uniforms are impractical uniforms deny students their rights to personal identity school uniforms are very conservative by design can’t follow the fashion student’s social standing depends on individual character and less their economic status can’t get lost during school trips everyone is equal stopping kids worrying about what to wear each day can’t express your own image School Survey
Create your own outfit for school
Find the Russian equivalentsa) suspension b) linesc) exclusiond) detentione) report временное исключение из школынаказание письмомисключение из школыоставление после уроковзапись в дневнике
Vocabularyto behave badly/wella good/bad behaviorto punisha severe punishmentвести себя плохо/ хорошохорошее/плохое поведениенаказыватьсуровое наказание
Form nouns from the verbsto agreeto argueto stateto excludeto discussto educateto describeto helpto loveto finishagreementargumentstatementexclusiondiscussioneducationdescriptionhelplovefinish