План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Школьные будни. Школьная форма (6 класс)

Российская Федерация
Городского округа «Город Калининград»
План – конспект

открытого урока английского языка
«Школьние будни. Школьная форма»
Урок английского языка
для 6 класса
Учитель английского языка
Джураев К.М.
Калининград – 2017 год
Урок английского языка для 6 класса на тему
«Школьные будни. Школьная форма»
Структура урока:
I. Организационный момент II. Фонетическая зарядка III. Речевая разминка IV. Развитие навыков говорения V. Развитие навыков чтения VI.
IX. ФизкультминуткаРазвитие навыков аудирования и говорения
Развитие навыков монологической речи
Подведение итогов урока.
Школьные будни. Школьная форма.
Цель: развитие навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения.
Ход урокаI. Организационный момент
II. Фонетическая зарядка:
algebraastronomyBasics of Life Safety biology chemistry computer science drawingeconomicsforeign language geometry history literature mathematics musicphysicsreadingsocial science sports technology
Today you will speak about School Days, School Uniform: pros and cons. III. Речевая разминка. Do you understand the subject of our lesson? What does it mean? Please, everybody makes a sentence saying his/ hers agreement or disagreement about following statements:
1. What subjects have you got in school?
2. There are ……………….., ………………,…………….and………………
3. What are your favorite school subjects?
4. My favorite school subjects are …………….
5. And what are your favorite school subjects?
6. My favorite school subject is …………….
IV. Развитие навыков говорения
Упр. 18, стр. 20. What do you like best about your school? Think about your school and your school life. Complete the spidergram in your workbook and tell the class about your ideas.

V. Развитие навыков чтения
Упр. 19, стр. 20. Here are some essays written by third-grade American schoolchildren. Read the essays and, in pairs, decide who will get the first prize and why.
What do you like best about your school?
Hi. My name is Alyssa Valenzuela. I am 9 years old. My school is one the best schools ever. I like my classroom, and our library. I like kids in my class. There are twenty kids in my class. I like the teachers. They do all kinds of things like tennis rackets and jump ropes there. I also like location. I get to school by bike because it is only two minutes away. It’s so close to my house!
My name is Chloe Gardea Faith. I am 10 years old. I like my school because I’ve met a lot of different people and made new friends there. I know 40 people in the whole school. My classmates are fun to play with and they are smart.
I like the playground because of the equipment. I enjoy the reading time and I like the books. I like the teachers. We do really time and I like the books. I like the teachers. We do really fun stuff. I like the mind challenge puzzles. I like our classroom.
VI. Физкультминутка.
VII. Развитие навыков аудирования и диалогической речи. Упр. 21, стр. 21.
Listen and read. Asking for permission and making a request. Work in pairs. Ask your partner what you could do.
Example: Для выражения просьбы (making a request) может использовать общий вопрос с модальным глаголом can/could.
Can I borrow your dictionary? Могу я взять твой словарь?
Could I use your computer, please?
Мог (ла) бы я взять воспользоваться твоим компьютером?
Yes response No response
Yes, of course. No problem. Sorry, I’m using it.
Yes, you can. Here you are. No, I’m sorry. I’m using it now.
VIII. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Look at the pictures on the board and compare Russian and British school uniform.
I like to wear ……..
I do not like to wear ……
I can wear ……….
I must wear ………when I go to school.
I must wear ……..when I do sports.
I must wear …….when I go to the park.
We wear white shirts and black or dark blue trousers. The girls of our school wear white blouse and dark blue skirts or dresses. The color of the British school uniform depends on the school rules. British students wear green, brown uniform.
IX. Подведение итогов урокаI see, you are well prepared today. It was a real pleasure to listen to your answers. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Домашнее заданиеупр. 5, стр. 33