Урок по обучению коммуникативному чтению на основе журнальной статьи по англ яз

МБОУ СОШ №9 с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов г. Павлово Нижегородской области
Учитель английского языка Нина Владиславовна Зрячева
14 марта 2014 года

Урок по обучению коммуникативному чтению на основе журнальной статьи.
Тема: «Флора и фауна»
практическая – обучение чтению с полным пониманием прочитанного и развитие умения монологической речи на основе прочитанного;
воспитывающая – обучение постановке целей на будущее и определение способов их достижения;
образовательная – расширение общего и филологического кругозора;
развивающая – развитие речевых способностей.
Языковой и речевой материал:
а) ЛЕ по теме;
б) РО: I know that; I have learnt that;
Книга «First Certificate Practice Tests» by Diana L. Fried-Booth , Longman, 2006
Ход урока
Речевая зарядка
T: Good morning, nice to see you again. I hope you are well today. Spring has come at last. Have you seen the rooks? They have come back.
P: Yes, but early spring is not always sunny and warm. Sometimes night temperatures are still very low and besides there isn’t food supply enough. Birds are very weak after long flights back home.
T: It’s really a great problem.
P: We should help them.
Обучение чтению с полным пониманием прочитанного текста (аутентичной журнальной статьи).
T: Today we are going to read an article about a photographer who specializes in taking photographs of birds called storks.
Снятие языковых трудностей.
T: Look at the blackboard, here are some new words and phrases to help you understand the text better
a stork – аист
to be allowed up onto the roof- получить разрешение подняться на крышу
twigs – прутья
initially – сначала
eventually – в конце концов
in view of – принимая во внимание
great concern about – большое беспокойство о
to decrease – уменьшаться
drought – засуха
disastrous consequences – катастрофические последствия
to adjust to – приспособиться к
sufficient – подходящий
Предваряющее задание к тексту перед первым прочтением.
T: Read the text carefully (5-7 minutes) and say what the text is about.
Первое прочтение текста.

·Контроль предваряющего задания.
T: So, what is the text about?
P1: The text is about birds.
P2: The text is about the survival of the birds.
Повторное чтение текста «White Storks».
T: Read the text once more and put the pictures in the right order.

Контроль понимания прочитанного (условно-речевые упражнения)
P3: Picture 1 (pylons carrying electricity have become loaded with piles of twigs), picture 3 (it can find food in rubbish tips), picture 3(the stork populations in Spain no longer migrate by fly
·ing off to Africa for the winter)

T: Answer the questions on the text and give the proof from the text.
Who is the narrator of the story?
What was his purpose in being in Spain?
Why had storks been his ticket into many adventures over the years?
Was he lucky to see the birds?
Why was there a great concern about the birds in the 20th century?
How do birds adjust to the environmental changes?
Will the stork survive?
Обучение содержательной идентификации понятной информации.
T: Look through the text and find equivalents to
to stroll along the streets ( to walk)
to adapt ( to adjust to)
first (initially)
a great number (a sizable percentage)
food (diet)
Обучение содержательному поиску информации.
T: What do you think about the situation upon the whole? (Use the final paragraph to give the right answer or give your own ideas)
Oбучение монологической речи на основе прочитанного текста.
T: Tell us what you have learnt about white storks and their problems, begin with «from the text «White Storks» I have learnt about many problems of beautiful birds called storks»
P1: I have learnt that it is very difficult to take pictures of white storks because they make their nests very high.
P2: I have learnt that their nests are like platforms made out of twigs high up on rooftops or treetops
P3: Now I know that human development has also affected the storks’ ability to survive etc.
Обучение неподготовленной монологической речи (речевое упражнение).
T: Tell your classmates about the storks, use the language of the text
Работа над рецептивным словарём.

Уточните значение лексических единиц рецептивного характера
T: Find the following words and phrases in the text and try to find out their meaning
at a prospect of being allowed; due to the lack of; sites; pylons carrying electricity; to become loaded with; the reliable source; to insure
Найдите в тексте предложения с этими словами и переведите их на родной язык.
T: Find the sentences with these words and phrases in the text and translate them into Russian.
Составьте вопросы к найденным предложениям.
T: Make up questions to the sentences you have found.
Подведение итогов работы на этапе.
T: So what have we done at the lesson today?
P4: We have spoken about one of the most important ecological problems such as the survival of animals.
Формулирование домашнего задания.
T: Please write an essay about the animals in your town and the way you would like to help them.
T: I have some interesting texts about other ecological problems in this country, if
you want to know more , read one of them and tell it to the group in short next time.

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