Школьная форма: аргументы за и против

Урок по теме “School uniform and dress code”. 10 класс
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Воспитывать уважение к культуре и традициям других народов.
компьютер, презентация о школьной форме в разных странах, листы с текстом, дискуссионные карточки, видеофильм.
1.      Организационный момент.
2.      Сообщение темы и целей урока учащимся.
3.      Вводное слово учителя. Понятие « дресс- код».
4.      Презентация «Школьная форма в разных странах»
5.      Работа с текстом.
6.      Дискуссия «Быть или не быть школьной форме?» Аргументы ЗА и ПРОТИВ.
7.      Подведение итогов дискуссии.
8.      Видеофильм о нашей школе.
9.      Домашнее задание.
10. Итоги урока. Объявление оценок.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, girls and boys. Good morning our guests. I am glad to see you.
2. Сообщение темы и целей урока.
We are having an unusual lesson today. Our lesson is about the school uniform and dress code. We will speak about school uniform in Britain, USA,Russia and others. We’ll  take part in the discussion about the role of dresscode  in our modern life. Children I want you to take an active part in our lesson and our discussion.
3. Понятие “dress code”, “school uniform”.Презентация.
Слайд 2. Dress code- a standard of dress established for a given environment, as in the military, in a school or business, or in a cultural group.
A uniform is a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity. Modern uniforms are worn by armed forces and paramilitary organisations such as police, emergency services, security guards, in some workplaces and schools and by inmates in prisons.
School uniform
Across the world uniforms are worn in many schools. School uniforms vary from a standard issue T-shirt to rigorous requirements for many items of formal wear at private schools.
Countries with school uniforms mandated include Japan, India, Australia, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, as well as many other places. In some countries uniform types vary from school to school.
4. Сообщения учащихся школьных формах в Англии,США,России и др.(Презентация).
Комментирование слайдов учащимися.
Слайд 3.This photograph shows boys and girls in a Soviet primary school about 1978.
Basic education in the Soviet Union had 10 grades. Children began at 7 years and graduated at 16. Girls in grades 1-8 wore a brown dress with a black pinafore style-apron in front. Another source says a dark-blue or black dress with an Edwardian style pintafore white apron.
Boys wore a still obligatory, but more civilian-looking uniform. It consisted of dark blue pants, short jacket with chevron (image of the book on a background of the sun), white shirt, and red scarf. The younger boys sometimes wore large white collars over their jackets, but this varied from school to school and over time.
Слайд 4.On this slide you can see girls at the last bell celebration, wearing the traditional Soviet school uniform.
Слайд 5.Here you see Soviet pupils on the1st of September,1985.
Слайд 6.Today, there is no unified standard uniform in Russia; however, certain schools may have their own uniform that students are required to wear. Educational institutions without a uniform may also have a certain dress code.
Слайд 9.There is also a modern-day tradition for girls to dress into brown Soviet-style school uniform for their graduation ceremony.
Слайд 10. Boys
Long grey or black trousers (shorts may be worn in the Summer)
White Shirt
School tie (optional in most primary schools)
Jumper or sweater with the school logo on. The colour is the choice of the schools.
Black shoes
Слайд 11.Girls
As above.Girls may wear skirts
During the summer term girls often wear summr school dresses.
Слайд 16.American school children have generally not worn uniforms. Uniforms are used by some schools. Exclusive private schools generally adopted British uniform styles, even short pants for elementary children in some cases. Cathlolic schools generally required a basic uniform of white shirt, tie, and slacks. Military boarding schools of course had uniforms.
All public schools in America should have a relaxed dress code. Schools have many rules and guidelines. How students dress should not have to be included within those rules.
Many schools have relaxed dress codes. In these schools, students are able to wear the clothes they wish, just as long as their clothes are not offensive or too revealing
5.   Чтение текста и ответы на вопросы. Приложение №1(текст о школьной форме).
6. Discussion.Работа в парах.
You know that the students in our school are expected to wear a uniform. Some of you wear it with pleasure but some of you hate it. What would be your arguments for and against a school uniform?
Нaving Dress Codes. For and Against. 
The question of uniforms and having dress codes is still argued and discussed among teachers and students.There are a lot of arguments against and in favour of uniform.
Students protest against dress codes because they want to have more freedom.
Teachers say that free style makes it difficult for children to concentrate on their classes.
Study the reasons for and against dress codes and discuss them in pairs.
Summarize and present your ideas.
7. Подведение итогов дискуссии.
(Один ученик из каждой группы подводит итоги дискуссии.)
9. Домашнее задание.
9. Итоги урока. Объявление оценок.
 I am pleased with your answers. Your marks are…Thank you for the lesson. Bye.