Карточки для проверки по английскому языку на тему Неправильные глаголы 4-5 класс
present past Перевод
be draw cost choose did present past Перевод
was break cut do drew present past Перевод
be buy cost choose cut present past Перевод
do catch cost break did present past Перевод
break do cost cut choose present past Перевод
be buy cost cut did present past Перевод
be catch cost chose did present past Перевод
flew go found eat drank present past Перевод
drive go left had flew present past Перевод
eat find got went left present past Перевод
fly get had knew drink present past Перевод
drink drive had go leave present past Перевод
go leave had ate get present past Перевод
make meet ran said see present past Перевод
send sat sang sleep sent present past Перевод
say saw ran sing read present past Перевод
meet said read made send present past Перевод
run say slept sit saw present past Перевод
meet read saw sent sing present past Перевод
make meet saw read send present past Перевод
speak win wrote thought teach present past Перевод
swim win wrote taught think present past Перевод
speak swam write think taught present past Перевод
swim spoke write thought teach present past Перевод
speak swam wrote think teach present past Перевод
think taught spoke swim win present past Перевод
speak swam write think taught