Ученический проект Леса — зеленые легкие нашей планеты на английском языке (6 класс)
Secondary School №3
Specialized in Definite Subjects
Named after G. PanfilovForests are the green lungs of our Planet
Done by: Aredakov Sergey, Shamov Egor,
Shatalov Kirill, students of the 6th form
Supervised by: Kuznetsova Olga Mikhailovna,
English language teacher
Anzhero-Sudzhensk 2016
Introduction………………………………………………………….. 3-4
Chapter I The value of forests for humanity…………………… ….. 5-6
Chapter II The facts speak for themselves…………………………. 7-8 Chapter III How to save forests? ………………………………… .. 9-12
Chapter III What do you know about trees? .................................... 13-14
Conclusion…………………………………………….. …………… 15
Used Literature and Sites …..…………………………………… …. 16-18
Appendix I The Quiz «What do you know about the Christmas tree»? 19-20
Appendix II Photo collage………………………………………… 21-24
Scientists have long spoken about the adverse effects of technological progress on nature. Climate change, melting ice, lowering the quality of drinking water has a very negative impact on people's lives. Ecologists of the world have long sounded the alarm about the pollution and destruction of nature.
There is a massive deforestation in all countries, in every corner of the world. Many kinds of plants and animals are killed.
The forest isn't just trees. It is a coordinated ecosystem based on the interaction of many species of flora and fauna. There are shrubs, plants, lichens, insects, animals, microorganisms and even people. Everything in nature is interconnected! Forests are destroyed - ecological balance in nature is disturbed.
The relationship of mankind with the forest a few centuries was determined by the concept of «conquest». The forest was as an obstacle to development progress, as a commodity, a profit.
This attitude to nature, to forests didn’t go unpunished: in the history we already have examples of ancient lost civilizations: the ancient culture of Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean and Central America.
The process of the forest destruction is an urgent problem in many parts of the globe. Forests are the green lungs of our Planet.
Our project is very important and relevant. We recall that
Forest is oxygen, the lungs with which we breathe. You cannot destroy the forest! It threatens our health.
Forest helps us to restore our physical and psychological strength!
Saving the forest today – we think about the future of our children and grandchildren!
Without forests there will be no life on the Earth!
Project aim: to draw attention to the problem of preserving the forests on our planet.
Project objectives:
1. Collect and study material about the forest resources of our planet.2. Collect the solid facts to attract to the forest problem.3. Find out what is happening on our planet for the salvation of the forest.4. What is our students’ work on this issue?
5. Gather information for the quiz «The Christmas Tree».6. Create photo collage «What do we know about the trees of our planet»?7. Make a leaflet «Take care of the forest»!
Chapter I The value of forests for humanity
From the point of view of science, the forest is a special creation of nature – harmonious, beautiful and diverse. Important and indispensable component parts of a complex organism are also forest soils, surface and underground water, air, sunlight, solar energy. Everything is in the forest interconnected with each other!
Forests play a big role in a person's life.
1. Forest is the lungs of the planet, excellent biological air filter. The more forests grow, the more they emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
2. Forests influence the weather, protecting the environment from severe changes in temperature and night frosts. Scientists have found that the climate is milder where, there are more trees.
3. The regulator of natural processes (forest plantations to protect soil from weathering).
4. Forest plays a large role in the water cycle. It filters it and stores it in the soil helps to maintain the level of groundwater and prevents floods and drought.
5. Forest, especially coniferous, allocates phytoncides, which kill disease-causing microbes, improve the air.
In certain doses, volatile production have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, strengthen impellent and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and stimulate cardiac activity.
6. Forests play a major role in the development of the economy. It is possible to allocate following basic directions of use of the forest:
The source of food (mushrooms, berries, animals, birds, honey);
The source of energy (firewood);
Building material;
Raw materials for production (paper production).
About 100 species of wild fruit, berry and nut plants grow in the forest of Russia. There are almost 200 kinds are edible, having high value as a medicinal and technical raw materials.
Forests are the largest ground for hunt in the world: squirrel and sable, marten and ermine, beaver and otter, black grouse, capercailzie, hazel grouse. And that’s not all what can hunters bring from the forests.
People need wood first of all.
First of all, construction. All the houses in the villages of Siberia are built of wood.
Wood is used in the railway industry.
Wood is the best material for shipbuilding.
Wood is used in the chemical industry: in the manufacture of turpentine, acetone, vinegar, rubber, alcohol, fertilizers and plastics.
Wood is the only material for paper production.
A very large amount of wood is used as fuel.
More than 20 thousand is required for a person of things of wood: fabrics, toys, musical instruments and sporting goods.
Why are forests cut down?
Make room for the construction works;
Make room for arable land;
Expand pastures;
Extract minerals;
Use of wood in industries.
7. In addition, forests are the health resort, decoration of the landscape, sources of pleasure and health.
Chapter II The facts speak for themselves
Our Earth is often called the green planet. There is a life in all its magnificence and diversity only here on one of the known planets. Forests occupy about 30% of the land area, despite massive deforestation. It is more than 4 billion hectares of land.
Interesting facts:
More than half of the atmosphere oxygen comes from forests.
Forests are an excellent dust filters. 1 hectare of forest filters up to 50-70 tons in a year.
It picks up from the polluted atmosphere ozone, cement dust, soot, lead, nitrogen oxides, etc. 1 kg of leaves can absorb per season to 50-70 g of sulfur dioxide, 40-50g of chlorine and 15-20mg of lead.
It is known that 1 hectare of forest absorbs 6-7 tons of carbon dioxide and highlights 5-6 tons of oxygen in a year.
1 hectare of forest consumes 2 kg of carbon dioxide during an hour, in this time 200 people exhale 2 kg of carbon dioxide.
During the year 1 hectare of forest clears 18 million cubic meters of air.
The attending of forest during 5-7 hours, improves the work of cardiovascular and nervous system.
The forest is a kind of sponge which at first collects, and then releases the water to streams and rivers and prevents floods.
Poplar retains 100 grams of soot.
Linden gets on well with asphalt. Linden can grow in it more than 60 years.
If in a forest a large number of dandelions, the trees can get sick. This means that the soil is compacted, and this is an alarm.
There are herbs that do not burn, for example, cat's claw, UVA URSI, Helichrysum, and Sakhalin buckwheat, which is taller than a human, does not burn, even if it’s to pour kerosene.
Sad facts: (Candidate of biological Sciences E. KALICINSKA)
For 10 thousand years have disappeared from the face of the Earth for about two-thirds of all trees.
Since 1950 became the fertile soils less on 580 million hectares. This is more, than all Western Europe!
70 percent of the world's remaining undeveloped forests located on the territory of three countries: Russia, Canada and Brazil.
22 percent of undeveloped forests left in Russia and 26% in America.
In 11 countries, including Finland, Sweden, Vietnam and Thailand, preserved forests are under threat: only 5 percent of forests in these countries are undeveloped, and at that they are already at risk.
There aren't untapped forests in 76 countries of the world.
Paper consumption per capita in the world has increased by an average of 90 %.
Yearly, 13 million forest is lost, whereas only 6 hectares grow.
This means that the forest disappears every second as well the size of a football field.
About 13 million hectares of forest are destroyed yearly and almost half of them where never people gone before.
How much forest is left? - About 3 billion hectares of land. [24]
International world resources Institute received a map of the state forest planet for the last 8000 years.
Best of all were preserved boreal forests. It is a wide belt of pine trees between the Arctic tundra and deciduous forests.
There are the forests of Russia, Scandinavia, Alaska and Canada. They remained intact due to the harsh climate, long winters and poor soils. In addition, boreal forests grow very slowly, spread over a large area and are of little interest for logging.
Forests of the temperate zone have suffered significantly stronger. Once they were extended to most of Europe, China, America, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Argentina. The mild climate and fertile soil has served them a disservice: they are mercilessly destroyed.
In ancient times China was covered with forests. But forests around the Mediterranean 2000 years ago were destroyed by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Rainforests are also under threat. From 1960 to 1990 was destroyed a fifth of the forest cover in the tropics.
And what's left? A large portion of undeveloped forests are the three major forests: one is in Russia, the second stretches across part of Canada and Alaska, the third is tropical forest in the North-West of the Amazon basin. [14]
Chapter III How to save forests?
International WRI started a large-scale study of the state of forests in different countries. Scientists, public figures, ecologists are looking for ways to save and preserve forests. [14]
They believe that in the new Millennium we must develop a different approach to the forest. Jonathan Lash, President of the international world resources Institute, suggests adhering to the concept that was called «frontier development». We are talking about intelligent interaction of forest ecosystems and humanity with respect for each other's interests. International WRI is developing a new approach to the use of forests, which includes several stages:
1. Collection necessary information about the state of forests;
2. The creation of a payments’ system for use of forest resources;
3. The creation of a measures’ system to improve the condition of preserved forests on the planet.
Institute recommends each state:
Protect undeveloped forests;
Save at least two «variants» of each type of forest ecosystems;
Establish land use in the territory;
Try to restore fragmented and threatened forests.
The solution to the problem of deforestation
Ecologists suggest many ways to preserve forests. Here are some of them:Начало формыКонец формы
The transition from paper to electronic;
The collection of waste paper and separate gathering of garbage will reduce the use of wood for paper production;
Establishment of forest farms, which will be planted trees of valuable species having the smallest timing of maturation;
A ban on logging in protected areas, and tougher penalties for it;
Increase of the stamp duty on the export of wood abroad, to make it unprofitable.
The penalties for unauthorized cutting of trees and shrubs have increased in Russia since 2008.
Both adults and children began to think increasingly how to save the forests. You can find a lot of different information in the Internet:
How to save the forest? Six simple and necessary rules [16]
1. Follow the rules of fire safety.
2. Do not engage in deforestation. This is a crime, from both an environmental and legislative point of view.3. Do not leave household and construction debris in the woods.4. Don't encourage poaching by buying lilies or snowdrops; don’t engage in poaching themselves.5. Teach children eco-awareness, teach them to love and protect nature.6. Participate in cleanup and volunteer programs to improve the health of forests, plant trees.
Children take part in ecological marathon «The Earth is a planet of Life; create projects «How to help the forest»? [1]
These rules are from the project of students from Tatarstan:
• Develop places of mass rest of people.
• Don’t litter.
• Plant flowers and trees.
• Create places for kindling fires.
• Establish waste collection points.
• Enclose the existing anthills.
• Inform the population.
• Make flyers and fire stands.
(The ecological path, a special area for recreation and prohibiting banners)
Each of us is waiting for the most fabulous holiday of the year. The smell of pine needles, garlands, and gold balls certainly we associate with the New Year and Christmas. Do you buy a Christmas tree for New Year Celebration?
Each year, across the country rallies in defense of our beauties - spruce. Children of different ages think about how to save and protect our spruce.
Schools of the Kemerovo region took part in the action «Save the Christmas tree». [2]
Siberian fir is one of the major Siberian conifer forests.
The life of Siberian spruce is about 250-300 years.
Age Christmas trees - 10 to 15 years.
1 hectare of coniferous forest clears up to 50 tons of dust.
Yearly, more than 15 thousand trees are cut for the New Year.
It is more than 7 million trees in Russia. It's horrible!
How can I replace the Christmas tree for New Year Celebration?
Students conducted a survey in one school in Kemerovo in the third forms:
68 families put the Christmas tree.
22 families decorated the house with fir branches.
98 families put an artificial spruce.
10 families made the Christmas tree themselves.
130 trees were saved by our families. It is a whole forest!
In our school we conducted a survey too: The result was almost the same.
All students understood that our Christmas trees need to protect.
New year's Eve-favorite and joyous celebration and the Christmas tree is the symbol of this holiday. But you can create joy and without harm to the living trees.
New Year symbols we can make with your own hands.
Currently, there are various models of artificial Christmas trees in Great abundance. You can choose any models!
Ecologists and activists of Kuzbass contributed:
Spending exhibitions, film screenings, flash mobs, with a view to preserve «The green lungs of Kuzbass». Ecologists and activists were handing out leaflets in Berezovsky 7 days before the New Year celebration with an appeal not to cut or buy a live Christmas tree. [23]
Svetlana Shaporenko, the ecologist said that «in our time, the most affordable and reasonable to buy artificial fir-trees. ...» Every year we pay for a natural Christmas tree for 300-500 rubles, and we use it 2 weeks. But an artificial Christmas tree you can buy about 2000 rubles and it will be used 10 years.
Finally, after the holiday we see a sad picture – there are already thrown green beauties everywhere.
There is an alternative option to purchase a live Christmas tree. It will delight you with their views and after the winter holidays. No, it's not an artificial tree. There is a decorative tree in a pot. Its care it a little harder, but the end result will you receive in your garden very well.
What kind of the Christmas tree would you like to choose?
Chapter 4 What do you know about trees?
Top - 10 the oldest trees on the planet
The oldest Spruce on the ground
Trees - dwarfs
Trees - symbols of Russia
Trees vampires and trees donors
The biggest tree
The most dangerous tree
The most beautiful tree
It is interesting, isn’t it?
Photo collageTop - 10 the oldest trees on the planet
Spruce Tikkо
Dragon Tree, «Dragon's blood»
A giant cypress «Zoroastrian SARV»
The oldest chestnut «Tree of a hundred horses»
Tree Yew from the village HangeryPine Methuselah
A giant Sequoia «General Sherman»
Strashensky Sycamore tree, Tnjri, «The tree of life»
Baobab «The kettle Ifati»
Oak Barthorp [8],[20], [21],[22]
Trees – dwarfs
Herbaceous willow
Bonsai trees [12]
Trees of Russia Symbols of Russia
The Siberian Spruce
Willow [15]
Oak and Pine, Acacia and Birch, Cedar, Maple and Rowan - trees donors.
Poplar, Aspen, Ash, Lilac - vampire trees. [9], [10]
The most unusual trees of the world
1. Hyperion
2. Tule Tree
3. The baobab, 6000 years, South Africa
4. Bombax, Silk trees
5. The great Banyan tree, Ficus Bengali, «Tree Forest
6. Wawon Tree, the biggest Tree «Tunnel»
7. The Baobab, Madagascar
8. The sacred Fig Tree of the Sri Maha Bodhi
9. Rainbow Eucalyptus
10. «Curve» Forest
11. Walking trees
12. Sycamores «Wood basket»
13. The circus trees of Axel Erlandson
14. Don't kill Pine
15. Acacia, the «Tree of life»
16. Spiny peach Palm
17. The milk tree
18. Breadfruit
19. Sausage tree
20. Candy tree, Hovenia «Sweet »
21. Candlestick tree
22. Soapy wood
23. Tree Keppel
24. Cannon tree
25. Bottle tree
26. Tis
27. Oil tree
28. Albitsiya, the sleeping tree, silk tree, Mimosa
29. Wisteria [3], [17], [19], [21], [22], [26]
In our work we tried to deal with the issue of forests. We have collected a lot of interesting information about the forest and the trees that grow on our planet. This information can’t be interested in or to leave anyone indifferent.
We can speak English and Russian. It doesn't matter. It is important to speak about problems and even shouting.
Our work is a small contribution to solving the problem of salvation of the woods. Our collected material can use on class hours, various debates and quizzes, just for learning. We planted trees, participated in cleaning the school grounds and the town.
But our main contribution is to teach others how to protect nature, to respect and to love it.
People don’t care about the problem of deforestation. They don’t understand that forests provide them a normal life. They will be more, maybe, carefully to treat trees after our project, won’t they?
Each person can contribute to the revival of the world's forests.
Plant more trees!
We can protect nature ourselves.
We can’t allow others to destroy it.
Only each of us depends on the preservation of life on the Earth.
Everything in nature is interconnected: animals, plants, trees and people.
Take care of nature!
Take care of yourself!
Plant more trees!
Trees are very beautiful. They are our Health and our Life!
Used Literature and Sites
Electronic resources:
1. Давлетова В. А. Проектно-исследовательская работа «Как сохранить леса?». - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.metod-kopilka.ru/proektno-issledovatelskaya_rabota_kak_sohranit_lesa-7003.htm2. Калибатова Дарина. Проект «Сохраним леса!» [Презентация]. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.myshared.ru/slide/1006157/3. Широкова А. Д. Самые необычные и удивительные деревья мира. – [Презентация]. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.myshared.ru/slide/1006157/4.Влияние вырубки лесов на мировую экологию и меры по их спасению.- [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://greenologia.ru/eko-problemy/vyrubki-lesov.html5.Вырубка лесов.- [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://environmentalengineering.ru/problem.html6. Вырубка лесов - проблемы леса. Вырубка леса - экологическая проблема. Лес - легкие планеты (1). - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://fb.ru/article/146599/vyirubka-lesov---problemyi-lesa-vyirubka-lesa---ekologicheskaya-problema-les---legkie-planetyi7. Готовые Викторины про Новый год и рождество. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://znaeteli.ru/viktoriny/gotovye-viktoriny-pro-novyi-god-i-rozhdestvo/rozhdestvenskaya-novogodnyaya-elka/8.Деревья-долгожители России и мира. Деревья-долгожители планеты. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://fb.ru/article/133796/derevya-dolgojiteli-rossii-i-mira-derevya-dolgojiteli-planetyi
9.Деревья-доноры и вампиры. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.treeland.ru/article/garden/donor.htm10.Деревья-доноры и деревья-вампиры. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.ansmed.ru/books/elektronnaya-enciklopediya-narodnoy-mediciny/chast-17-tayny-rastitelnogo-mira/nayti-svoego-311.Жизнь деревьев. Сколько лет живет ель? - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://fb.ru/article/135031/skolko-let-jivet-el-uznaem
12. Интересный мир. Интересные факты и новости со всего света. Самое маленькое дерево. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.nazdar.ru/interesno/?p=104913. История новогодней елки. Легенды и факты о рождественской ели. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.uralweb.ru/tourism/travel/5585.html14.Исчезновение лесов. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://eco.na-vi.su/deforestation/15. Какие виды деревьев занесены в красную книгу. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://mrhow.ru/2655-kakie-vidy-derevev-zaneseny-v-krasnuyu-knigu.html16. Как сохранить лес: 6 простых и нужных правил. Инфографика. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.aif.ru/dontknows/122521917. Колбасное дерево. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.syl.ru/article/207160/new_gde-rastet-kigeliya-kolbasnoe-derevo-kolbasnoe-derevo-v-domashnih-usloviyah18.Кто придумал наряжать ёлку и когда? - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: https://otvet.mail.ru/question/2084813819. Необычные деревья мира. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://fb.ru/article/187486/samyie-neobyichnyie-derevya-mira20.Драконовые деревья. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://allfreefoto.ru/5782-neobyichnyie-derevya.html21.Самые необычные деревья на земле (10 фото). - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://pressa.tv/interesnoe/8968-samye-neobychnye-derevya-na-zemle-10-foto.html22. Самые причудливые деревья мира. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.happy-giraffe.ru/user/15736/blog/post33662/23.Сберечь «зелёные лёгкие» Кузбасса. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://ecokem.ru/sberech-zelyonye-lyogkie-kuzbassa/24. Сколько лесов осталось на нашей планете.- [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа:http://www.mirprognozov.ru/prognosis/climate/skolko-lesov-ostalos-na-nashey-planete/ru17
25. Сохраним лесную красавицу ёлочку/[Презентация]. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://www.myshared.ru/slide/1006157/26. 10 самых старых деревьев на земле. - [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: http://kp.ua/life/487161-top-10-samykh-starykh-derevev-na-zemle18
Appendix I The Quiz «What do you know about the Christmas tree»?
1) What was an ancient symbol of the Christmas tree?
a) The tree of lifeb) The tree of knowledgec) World treed) The tree of death
2) Which country originated the tradition of the Christmas tree?
a) In China
b) In Germany
c) In Denmark
d) In Scotland
3) What kind of Christmas tree decorations were used instead of tinsel before the middle of the 20th century?
a) Stripes of goldb) Strips of silverc) Strips of aluminumd) Strips of tin
4) What were the needles made on the first artificial Christmas trees?
a) Aluminumb) Featherс) Plasticd) Fabric
5) What was used for lighting the Christmas tree, while not invented electric garlands?
a) Jewels
b) Candles
c) Gas lanterns
d) Sequins
6) What was the symbol of the tree in Russia before the 19th century?
a) «New life»b) Deathc) Wealthd) Love
7) Which English monarch was «responsible» for the custom to put the Christmas tree on Christmas day? a) Queen Elizabeth Ib) Queen Victoriac) King George IIId) King Edward II
8) Name the 14th President of the United States of America who brought the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree in the White House?
a) Martin van Buren
b) Franklin Piercec) Abraham Lincolnd) James Buchanan
9) What city gives London a huge fir annually which is set in Trafalgar square?a) Copenhagenb) Osloc) New Yorkd) Helsinki
10) What kind of tree is usually set as a Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in New York City?
a) Balsam fir
b) The Douglas fir
c) Whitewood
d) Pine
11) Where was installed the tallest Christmas tree which was listed in the Guinness book of world records?a) In Mexico Cityb) In Germanyc) In Denmarkd) In Scotland
1. World tree
2. Germany
3. Strips of silver
4. Feather
5. Candles
6. Death
7. Queen Victoria
8. Franklin Pierce
9. Oslo
10. Whitewood
11. in Mexico City
[7], [11], [13], [18]
Appendix II Photo collage
Top – 10 the oldest trees on the planet
1. Spruce Tikkо, 9500 thousand yearsThe oldest Spruce grows on mountain Fulufyallet in Sweden.
2. Dragon Tree, 7-9 thousand years, the Arabian Sea, the island of SocotraA giant cactus «Dragon's blood».
3. SARV-e Akbar-Kuh or «Zoroastrian SARV», 4-4, 5 thousand years, Iran
A giant cypress with height of 25 meters and 18 meters in circumference
4. «Tree of a hundred horses», from 2 to 4 thousand years, Sant’ Alfio, on the slopes of mountain Etna in Sicily
The oldest chestnut in the world is just 8km from the active volcano Mount Etna.
5. Tree Yew from the village Hangery, 4000 years, North Wales
An old, old yew with an evil spirit on the territory of the small church
6. Pine Methuselah, 4000 years, National Park, California
Is named after the oldest biblical character
7. General Sherman, 2300-2700 years, the USA, National Park "Sequoia" A giant tree, the oldest and tallest on the planet is General Sherman.
8. Strashensky Sycamore tree, 2000 years, Nagorno-Karabakh
In local language it is called Tnjri.
The ancient sycamore tree was considered «The tree of life».
9. Baobab «The kettle Ifati», 1200 years, Madagascar, Toliara
It is called «Teapot» because of the shape, which accommodate 117 thousand liters of water.
10. Oak Barthorp, 1200 years, Manthorpe, East, UK
It is one of the oldest oaks in Europe.
Trees – dwarfs
Herbaceous willow, Arctic
The smallest tree on the planet is a 6 centimeter dwarf willow.
Bonsai, China and JapanBonsai is the art of growing an exact copy of this tree in miniature.
Trees of Russia Symbols of Russia
The Siberian Spruce
Trees donors and vampires
Birch focuses energy and attention, perfectly ionizes the air.
Oak helps to cope with stress, activates blood circulation and speeds recovery.
Pine and Spruce calm and relieve mental stress. Walking through the pine forest, you can get rid of cough and cold, but you can get sick heart.
Beech increases resistance to stress and ability to concentrate, improves circulation.
Chestnut cures insomnia, relieves nervous tension and dispels fears.
Larch has a strong anti-inflammatory action, it fills one with optimism.
Linden gives a charge of vivacity.
Poplar actively «sucks away» the negative energy from the environment but causes headache.
Oak and Pine, Acacia and Birch, Cedar, Maple and Rowan - trees donors, generously endowing the human energy.
Poplar, Aspen, Ash, Lilac on the contrary, have a solid reputation of vampire trees.
The most unusual trees of the world
1. Hyperion, California, USA
The tallest tree on the Earth
It is higher than the statue of Liberty.
2. Tule Tree, 2000 years, MexicoThe most discordant cypress and the thickest tree on the Earth.
3. The baobab, 6000 years, South Africa In 1933, inside the trunk of the baobab was equipped with a bar. In it can fit 15-20 people. 22
4. Bombax, Silk trees, CambodiaIt is a temple with the trees which are UNESCO world Heritage Site list.
5. The great Banyan tree, Ficus Bengali, «Tree Forest», IndiaIt’s hard to understand that this is not a shady grove but one tree.
6. Wawona Tree, Yosemity national Park USAThe biggest Tree «Tunnel» A tree is so big that in 1881 in his trunk had made a tunnel into which freely passes a car.
7. The Baobab, MadagascarMassive trunk serves as a water source for local fauna, especially in the dry season.
8. The sacred Fig Tree of the Sri Maha Bodhi, Sri LankaUnder the huge dome and aerial roots hanging down to the ground the great Buddha reached Enlightenment in the sixth century BC.
9. Rainbow Eucalyptus, The Philippine Islands Beautiful coloring of the bark comes from the permanent detachment of old strips of bark, bright green, young bark…
10. «Curve» Forest, near Gryfino, Eastern Poland There is an unusual forest with 400 trees. Their wood is used in the manufacture.
11. Walking trees, Lake Baikal
The complex root system helps these trees (larches and pines) to stay on the surface.
12. Sycamores, CaliforniaWood basket - there is six individual plants.
13. The circus trees of Axel Erlandson, California14. Don't kill pine, Canada
It dried up in the 1970-ies. The locals set the tree in place and here today the tree stands as a living.
15. Acacia, the «Tree of life», the desert of Bahrain
It grows in the desert. It is alive, thanks to the extremely powerful and deep root system.
16. Spiny peach palm, Costa Rica and Nicaraguay
Its trunk is covered with sharp black needles. Fermented the palm fruit is a favorite treat.
17. The milk tree, South and Central America.
The milky juice of the tree, both in appearance and taste like cow's milk.
18. Breadfruit, Thailand
It bears 12 kg oval «fruit rolls» which accumulates starch.
19. Sausage tree, Africa, Madagascar
Only hippos, monkeys and giraffes eat Kigelia’s fruits which have a very significant weight – nearly 8 pounds.
20. Candy tree, Southeast Asia
Hovenia «Sweet » Its stalks taste like raisins with a taste of rum.
21. Candlestick tree, Panama
In the trees you can see the real candles. The locals use them to light their homes.
22. Soapy wood, Sapindus, the Florida PeninsulaLightly rubbing his ripened the fruits, you will get some soap lather.
23. Tree Keppel, India
In taste they resemble mango and grapes.
24. Cannon tree, South AmericaIt is very dangerous to come near him or stand under it. There is a risk of getting hit.
25. Bottle tree, NamibiaThe most poisonous plant is on the planet. Its milky juice is extremely dangerous
26. Tis, Europe and AsiaIt is listed in the red book. The needles of the tree contain toxic substances, and when it falls, all the plants under it are killed.
27. Oil tree, The Philippine IslandsTree «Hang», its fruits contain almost pure oil. In recent years, the country develops a new technology of using the fruits of this tree as a fuel source for engines.
28. Albitsiya, the sleeping tree, silk tree, Mimosa India, Australia, the Caucasus and Central AsiaMimosa is the large beautiful plant. Its height is about 12 meters.
29. Wisteria, Japan
The most beautiful tree in the world