Интерактивная игра по теме Англоговорящие страны

100 100 200 200 400 400 300 400 USA UK Russia Japan 300 300 300 200 400 200 100 500 500 500 500 100 Row 1, Col 1 What is the biggest state in the USA? Alaska 1,2 What is“Union Jack”? The name of the flag of the UK 1,3 How many hills does Moscow stand on? On 7 hills. 1,4 What is the capital of Japan? Tokyo 2,1 The most populated state in the USA is … . California. 2,2 Royal Mile is a… a street in Edinburgh, Scotland. 2,3 Yaroslavl is … yearsolder than Moscow. 137 2,4 The symbolic tree of Japan is… Sakura 3,1 Who invented jeans? Levi Strauss. 3,2 Which building is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II? The Buckingham Palace. 3,3 Is the Volga longer than the Mississippi? No 3,4 Japan is a constitutional monarchywhere the power of the… is very limited. Emperor 4,1 Grand Canyon is on the river …in the state of … . Colorado, Arizona 4,2 During her reign Britain becamea rich industrial country with adeveloped trade, an empire with lots of colonies…What’s her name? Queen Victoria (reigned 1837-1901) 4,3 The American twin-city of Yaroslavl is … Birlington. 4,4 The names of 2 islands suffered from American atomic bombing in 1945 Hirosima and Nagasaki 5,1 The first American man … stepped on the Moon in … . Neil Armstrong, 1969 5,2 What remind people of the queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert in London? The Albert Hall and the Victoria and Albert Museum. 5,3 What’s the Pencil and what’s its height? The monument to G.Washington on the National Mallin Washington D.C., 555 feet 5,1⁄8 inches (169.294 m) 5,4 Ива склонилась и спит. И кажется мне, соловей на ветке Это ее душа. ***Тихая лунная ночь… Слышно, как в глубине каштана Ядрышко гложет червяк. The author of these … is… . Haiku (Hokku), Matsuo Bashō (1644 – November 28, 1694)