Презентация по английскому языку на тему Вебквест Животные вокруг нас (3 класс)

«Animals around us»Web-quest по английскому языку для 3 классаУМК «Rainbow English» 3 класс Блок 2Выполнила: Красюк А.А.MБОУ лицей №4 г. Чехов Московской области ContentsIntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationResources IntroductionThere are two types of animals: wild and domestic ones. Wild animals are called so because they live without a man in forests, steppes and deserts. In other words, they don’t need a human to survive. Domestic animals live with a man, they are tamed by him. Domestic animals can be pets (dogs, cats, parrots) or kettle (cows, horses, pigs). Welcome to the animal world!Do you like animals? Do you want to know more about them? So, I invite you to take part in this web-quest! Here you can find much information about wild and domestic animals. Using the information from the Internet, you can do some tasks. Your final task is a presentation about your favourite animal.VIDEOBACK TaskYou can work in groups or individually. Your task is 1. to use the given resources and study the information which you will find there. 2. to answer all the questions. 3. to find the pictures of the animals.4. to introduce the results of your research by a Power Point Presentation. BACK ProcessStep1First, you should repeat the words after the speaker. Try to remember them.Click here for:Step2Divide into three groups of four or five:If you are interested in wild animals choose «At the Zoo».If you are interested in farm animals choose «On the farm».If you are interested in domestic animals choose «Pets».PetsAfrican animalsFarm animals «At the Zoo»Surf the Net and answer the following questions:What animals can you see at the Zoo?What can they do?Choose your favourite wild animal and describe it.BACK «On the farm»Surf the Net and answer the following questions:What animals can you see on the farm?What do they give us?Choose your favourite farm animal and describe it.BACK «Pets»Surf the Net and answer the following questions:1.What pets do you know?2.Why do people keep pets at home?3.Describe your pet.BACK EVALUATIONMake a report about your exploration: If your report is done in Microsoft Word -3 points, in Microsoft PowerPoint -5 points; If all questions were answered completely and rationales for the answers were clearly stated – up to 10 points; Your presentation is accompanied with an oral tale in English (min 8 sentences – 10 points, up to 12 sentences – 15 points); You are made the presentation during a week ( 3 points.) «5»- 30-33 points «4»- 25-29 points «3»- 20-24 pointsRussian Оценка результатовВыполните отчёт о проведённом исследовании.Если ваша работа выполнена в Microsoft Word – 3 балла, в Microsoft PowerPoint – 5 баллов;Вы дали развернутые вопросы на все ответы – до 10 баллов; Ваша презентация сопровождается устным рассказом на английском языке (min 8 предложений – 10 баллов, до 12 предложений – 15 баллов); Вы выполнили презентацию в течение 1 недели ( 3б.) «5»- 30-33 балла «4»- 25-29 баллов «3»- 20-24 баллаEnglish Материалы с сайтов:http://yandex.ru/video/search?p=1&filmId=8f5c2qwqUXI&text=animal%20facts%20for%20children&_=1440502313876&safety=1http://www.languageguide.org/english/vocabulary/african-animals/http://lingualeo.com/ru/jungle/at-the-zoo-356977#/page/1http://www.magickeys.com/books/zoo/index.htmlhttp://www.anglomaniacy.pl/animals-facts.htmhttp://www.languageguide.org/english/vocabulary/farm-animals/http://www.magickeys.com/books/farm/page1.htmlhttp://www.slideshare.net/silvapato05/difference-between-domestic-and-wild-animals?nexhttp://www.languageguide.org/english/vocabulary/pets/http://engmaster.ru/topic/2719http://lingualeo.com/ru/jungle/my-pets-404686#/page/1http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/petsTopic.htmThe end Thank you for your attention!Начало