Презентация научно-исследовательской работы для XV Поволжской научной конференции учащихся им. Н.И.Лобачевского
The research work is done by Saifullina Aliya, the student of the 11th form from Gymnazium №1named after Chingiz Aitmatov after the quidance G.R.Ishmeeva, the teacher of English.
“The role of tonque language (Tatar) in the study of a foreign language (English)”The theme of the research is
The purposes of the research are:To study grammatical forms with different structuresTo establish the correspondence between similar structures in English and Tatar languagesTo identify the features that are unique to English and only to the Tatar languageThe research objective is establishment of relations between similar structures of the two languages and identifying typical features.
Research methods are:observationsurvey of our peersthe study of literature on the topic and comparison of genetically distant from each other languages
The results of the survey:The problem of the interaction of Tatar and English is one of the urgent problems of national schools, that’s why our problem is very actual.
The Tatar language The English languageИсемСыйфатРәвешАлмашлыкСанСыйфат фигыльThe NounThe AdjectiveThe AdverbThe Pronoun The NumeralThe Participle Models to match the grammatical forms in
1. The noun:1)Category of gender and numbersuffix –er in English suffixes –чы/-че in Tatar (which are necessary to form the names of professions) singer - җырчыwatcher - караулчыteacher - укытучыdancer - биюче
2) The presence of abstract suffixes of the noun in both languages:-ness,-ity in English -лык/-лек in Tatar Blindness - сукырлык Cleverness - акыллылык Whiteness - аклык-ism in English -изм in Tatarleninism - ленинизм,idealism - идеализм,fascism - фашизм
3) The category of the number of the noun:-s, -es in English -лар, -ләр, -нар, -нәр in Tatar apple-apples - болын-болыннарbanana-bananas - тәрәзә-тәрәзәләр only in singular only in plural butter – май - spectacles, scissors, trousers water - су - яшьләр, кызыллар, аклар
4) The similarity of the category of case, especially the presence of possessive case in Tatar and English: brother’s dog - абыйның этеbrothers’ dog - абыйларның этеa puppet theatre - курчак театры But there are some differences. They are in the forms of expression of case, which can be clearly seen in the developed models: предлог of -ның, -нең days of a week - курчакның предлог to -га, -гә, -ка, -кә to go to the cinema - курчакка
2. The adjective 3.Тhe adverb1) A similarity of the lexical-semantic groups:green, red, white - яшел, кызыл, ак delicious, sour - тәмле, ачыlong, short - озын, кыскаbeautiful, ugly - гүзәл, куркыныч
2) The similarity in the formation of adjectives and adverbs, using suffixes:-y/-ful/less in English -лы/-ле/-сыз/-сез in Tatar cloud – cloudy - болыт - болытлыbeauty – beautiful - ямь - ямьлеuse – useless - файда - файдасызThe differences (a special form of education degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs in English):Difficult-more difficult, the most difficult etс.
4. The pronoun.1) The similarities in the classification:my - минеке your - синекеour - безнеке in English in Tatar
2) A special form of the possessive pronoun, which tends to use without the noun: “Whose hat is this?” – Hers. in English“Бу кемнең эшләпәсе?” – Аныкы. in Tatar
3) The use of demonstrative pronouns in both languages:thisthesethatthoseherethereбуболартегетегеләрмондатегендә------
5. Numerals.1) The cоmpound numerals are formed almost in the same way, but there is a little difference: In English: any some simple numeral + ten fourteen - seventeen - eighteen - In Tatar: ун + any simple numeral ундүрт унҗиде унсигез
2) A similarity of numerals, which mean hundreds or thousands in both languages:A hundred, a thousand, two hundred, two thousand – in EnglishБер йөз, бер мең, ике йөз, ике мең – in Tatar.3) The similarities in the formation of complex numerals. They can be seen in double-digit, three-digit, and fur-digit numerals in these languages:forty five - кырык биш4)The formation of ordinal numerals:the suffix –th in English(the fourth, the sixth)-нчы/нче in Tatar (дүртенче, алтынчы)
6. Participle1) The participles in both languages are formed using suffixes:-ed in English (if a verb is regular)-ган, -гән, -кан, -кән in TatarThe novel recommended be the librarian turned out to be very dull.Китапханәче тарафыннан тәкъдим ителгән роман, бик куңелсез булды.
2) Participle II in English and Participle in Tatar are used as a definition:In EnglishIn Tatar1.“First of all she went to the bombed building.”1.“Сез язган Ольга Никонованы мин бик яхшы хәтерлим.(Ф.Яруллин)2. We were impressed by the events described in the article.2. Статьяда язылган вакыйгалар безгә йогынты ясадылар.
ConclusionThe practice of learning English, by passing the intermediate language (Russian), showed the advantages of comparative method in the study of English language, which is very important to achieve better results in learning English in Tatar Gymnazium.
Book By Istvan Kecskes, Tünde Papp This is the first book that discusses the effect of foreign language learning on first language processing. The main idea of the authors is that foreign language learning has a positive effect on the development and use of mother tongue skills.
ReferencesGaneev F.A. The morphology of the Tatar language.Gatiatullina Z.Z. Comparative topology Tatar and English. Kazan 1979.Henderson I.F. A Dictionary of Scientific Terms.Fifth edition by Kenneth J.H. New York, 1953Makau E.A. Comparative Grammar and typological "Problems of Linguistics" 1964 № 1Mueller V.K. English-Russian dictionaryNasyyri K. Short Tatar grammar, described in the examples. Kazan, 1860Rayevskaya N. Modern English Grammar (Part I). Kiev, 1967 Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use / Cambridge University Press.Valiullina Z.M. A comparative grammar of the Russian and English languages. Zakiev Z. Tatar grammar II. Morphology. Publishing house "Insan" Kazan.
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