Тиждень Тиждень англійської мови
Тиждень англійської мови
План проведення тижня англійської мови
Дата Заходи Клас
02.11.15 1) Урочиста лінійка з нагоди відкриття тижня англійської мови
2) Конкурс на кращу проектну роботу
3) Конкурс «Найкращий знавець англійської мови»(за віковими групами) 1 – 11 класи
5 – 11 класи
3 – 11 класи
03.11.15 1) Конкурс малюнка «Моя улюблена англійська літера»
2) « Жива газета» на тему «Ми вивчаємо англійську мову»
3) Інтелект-шоу «Цікава англійська» 1 – 2 класи
5 – 11 класи
5 – 6 класи
04.11.15 1) Конкурс кросвордів «Words»
2) Квест-гра «Весела англійська» 5 – 9 класи
3 – 4 класи
05.11.15 1) Брейн-ринг «Хто знає англійську краще?»
2) Вечір в англійському кафе „Englishcafé “Veni, vidi, vici!” 7 – 8 класи
9 – 11 класи
06.11.15 Інтелект-шоу «Англійська – це цікаво» 5 – 11 класи
09.11.15 Підбиття підсумків. Нагородження. Урочисте закриття тижня англійської мови 1 – 11 класи
Квест-гра «Весела англійська» (3-4 класи)
Мета гри:1) Освітня: розширити кругозір учнів. Закріпити пройдені теми.2) Виховна: виховувати культуру взаємин при роботі в групі, колективі.3) Розвиваюча: розвивати інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності учнів, готовність допомогти один - одному, культуру спілкування в різних видах колективної взаємодії.
Хід гри
Говорить хлопчик ДжейсонToday we are playing game “English is fun”. I think you know English language. And I think you will do tasks very fast. There are seven tasks. I wish you success!
1. I think you have forgotten English alphabet. My first task is writing words in alphabetical order
1 завдання - напишіть слова в алфавітному порядку
1) holiday 10) present 19) send
2) apple 11) chocolate 20) flower
3) work 12) bed 21) table
4) Last 13) kiss 22) you
5) orange 14) dear 23) name
6) end 15) garden 24) ice
7) jam 16) mother 25) queen
8) union 17) right 26) zoo
9) vase 18) xylophone
Відповідь: apple, bed, chocolate, dear, end, flower, garden, holiday, ice, jam, kiss, Last, mother, name, orange, present, queen, right, send, table, union, vase, work, xylophone, you, zoo
2. My second task is finding of missing letter
2 завдання - знайдіть відсутні літери
Відповідь: B, D, K, Y.
3. Children I am sure you know alphabet but I think you don’t know sounds
3 завдання - з'єднайте літери зі звуками
Aa [di׃]
Ff [waI]
Mm [ju׃]
Qq [eI]
Gg [bi׃]
Dd [em]
Yy [ef]
Jj [dзi׃]
Bb [kju׃]
Uu [dзeI]
4. I like drawing. And for you I have prepared a task to draw
намалювати, а точніше розфарбувати картинку
5. I like crosswords.
5 завдання - «Кросворд»знайди назви кольорів
6 завдання - знайти дієслова і виписати
Відповідь: wash, run, sing, write, eat, go, sit, do, read, play.
7. I want to know how well you can translate
7 завдання - переклад речень
1) I have two brothers.
2) It’s my dog.
3) I am from Ukraine.
4) I am ten.
5) My pen is red.
6) She is sleeping.
7) They are washing.
8) My cat is running.
9) My mother is reading an interesting book.
10) My sister is a good pupil.
9. Підсумки.
Дорогі діти, а зараз ми підрахуємо бали і визначимо переможців!
Dear friends, I was very glad to meet you. I like this game. I think you know English language. We will meet soon. Good buy my friends.
Інтелект-шоу «Цікава англійська» (5-6 класи)
Мета: удосконалювати навики виразного читання, письма, розвивати творчий підхід до вирішення тих чи інших завдань, вміння вести пошукову роботу, підвищувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.Обладнання: загадки, вірш, грамоти, подарунки.
Хід заходу
1. Вітання з учнями.The sun is shining.The stars are smiling.Hello, my dear friends. Today we have a very interesting contest in English. There are two teams. Their names are… Every game has the highest point 5. You should be very quick.2. Представлення команд.T. Every team has to say about themselves (names, hobbies).3. Повідомлення теми виховного заходу.Motto of our contest is English is wonderful.English is great,We can travel to England By plane or by train.4. Римування.
I teamII teamFlyBoxdognineFoxTenfatsnakeCatMatkitefrogPenSkycakecat5. Добери прикметники до іменників.Завдання для двох команд.
Grey GrassLittleAppleBlueCatGreen SkyRedgirl
6. Скласти речення із даних слів.I team1. A yellow, tree, in, is, the, bee.2. A room, red, is, a, table, in.II team 1. A red, is, box, in, the, fox.2. Cat, on, is, the, a, white, mat.7. Відгадати назву тваринки.I teamxof; ckud; togaII team flow; roseh; bitbar8. Добери кольори і заповни пропуски.
I team Spring is …Summer is …Autumn is …Winter is …II team The sun is …The cloud is …The flower is …The butterfly is …
9. Загадки.
It has no legs, But just for fun.It is always On the run (a ball).
Red or rosy In summer I grow.I am a fine flower As you know (a rose).
My beautiful tail is bushyAnd the colour of it is red.I hate the idea of being wornOr upon your head (a fox).
If you want To draw a straight line,Make use of me, For this business is mine (a ruler).
Еhis is a house With one window in it, Showing films Nearly very minutes (TV set).
10. Гра «Всезнайки».1. How many days are in a week?2. What day is after Friday?3. What day has a letter M?4. How do we name a place where we study?5. What holiday do English people celebrate on the 25 th of December?6. Where do they put presents?7. What do people decorate?8. What do people sing on Christmas?11. Підсумок вікторини. 12.Виставлення балів та визначення переможців. T. Did you like our competition ? Now let’s have a little rest. Make a circle and dance to a happy English song.
Брейн-ринг «Хто знає англійську краще?» (7-8 класи)
Мета: підвищувати пізнавальний інтерес учнів до іноземної мови; вчити сприймати на слух іноземні слова; розвивати пам'ять, увагу, мислення учнів; розвивати вміння працювати в групах; виховувати повагу один до одного, інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Хід заняття
1. Привітання
Good morning, pupils! It’s a lovely day! I’m very glad to see you!
Let’s start!
2. Гра «Сніжний ком»
Знайомство з командами. Перший учасник називає своє ім’я «My name is…». Другий учасник повторює ім’я першого і називає своє «Her/His name is …. And my name is …». Третій говорить «Their names are…. And my name is…». Виграє команда яка правильно виконує завдання
3. «Teachers»
Учасники змагань перетворюються на вчителів. Завдання: виправити помилки.
Deer Jane!
Thank you four your letter. I am so glad what you wrote to I! Everyone is phine with me. I am prepare for entrance examz to the university. I would love to invite you to came and watch me next weak. Please let me know if this is convenient four you. I hope to sea you soon.
Your Jack.
Dear Jane!
Thank you for your letter. I am so glad that you wrote to me! Everything is fine with me. I am preparing for entrance exams to the university. I would like to invite you to come and see me next week. Please let me know if this is convenient for you. I hope to see you soon.
Your Jack.
4. «Mistakes»
Учасникам команди прикріпляються картки за словами, визначити «зайвого»
1. peach, pear, chicken, apple, banana
2. tail, cat, mouse, dog, rabbit
3. bird, airplane, kite, helicopter, bus
4. red, sun, green, purple, brown
5. cold, warm, dry, sky, cloudy
5. «Riddles»
Сlean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it? (sugar)
What is found over your head but under your hat? (your hair)
There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it? (watermelon)
I am purple, yellow, red, and green
The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.
I show my colours after the rain
And only when the sun comes out again (a rainbow)
Look at my face and you see somebody
Look at my back and you see nobody. (a mirror)
6. «Poems»
Придумайте риму до кожного слова. Наприклад, take – cake, mother – another…
Pie - … (sky)
Phone - … (bone)
Book - … (cook, took)
Bad - … (dad, sad, mad)
Cat - … (fat)
7. «Translators»
Перекласти прислів’я українською мовою
He laughs best, who laughs last / Сміється той, хто сміється останній
Better late than never / Краще пізно, ніж ніколи
Tastes differ / Немає друзів за смаками
The eye is the mirror of the soul / Очі – дзеркало душі
It is never too late to learn / Весь вік живи – весь вік вчись
A man is known by the company he keeps / Скажи мені, хто двій друг і я скажу, хто ти
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today / Ніколи не відкладай на завтра те, що можна зробити сьогодні
All in good time/Всякому овочу свій час
Look before you leap/Не знаючи броду, не лізь у воду
8. Придумайте как можно больше новых слов, используя буквы данного слова:
9. Підведення підсумків. Нагородження переможців.
Thanks a lot for your work! Good bye!
Вечір в англійському кафе „English café “Veni, vidi, vici!”
(позакласний захід для учнів 9-11 класів)
- Every intellectual person should know these words of wisdom. Guy Julius Caesar once said them. Here are some historical facts:
Guy Julius Caesar was born in 102 BC and was a foremost politician, commander (war leader) and orator of Italy. During eight years he captured the lands of present-day France, Belgium and the western part of Germany. Romans got rich territories and the Gaels got great culture. Hundreds later the people borrowed main Roman vocabulary and the nobles of France were proud of being “the real Romans”. Caesar became the dictator. Some other politicians dreamed of the Roman Republic based on freedom principles and the power of the Senate. Some senators decided to punish the arrogant (in their opinions) ruler and stabbed him with their swords in 44BC. Among them was Caesar’s friend, Mark Brutus whom he told famous words: “And you, Brutus?”
“Veni, vidi, vici” is one of the most famous Caesar’s words. He used them in order to inform Rome about his fast victory. Every educated person should know so-called Caesar’s words of wisdom. If we translate Latin words into English it will sound like “Came, saw and won”.
- Certainly we are not Caesars, but everyone has its own Rubicon to cross. And today we’ll try to do it. Be enthusiastic, initiative and high-minded and you are sure to cross your Rubicon. Good luck!
Look at the blackboard: you’ll have nine steps.
Visit card
- The first step is the visit card of your team. Your task is
to name your team
to elect the captain
to choose the motto
You’ve got time limit – 5 minutes. Then give us your presentation.
Warming up “Quiz”
- You’ve been studying English for ages. You know a lot of facts about English, English-speaking countries, their customs and traditions. To check up your knowledge I’ll ask you questions and you should answer them as soon as possible. One correct answer is a point. Get set, go!
Who discovered America?
Who was the first president of the USA?
What is the national symbol of the USA?
Who discovered Australia?
What is the symbol of England?
What is the capital of the USA?
Where is the Statue of Liberty?
How many stripes does the American flag have?
What is Union Jack?
Who was the first man on the Moon?
What parts does the UK consist of?
When is Halloween celebrated?
Can you give the full name of the UK?
- And now the captains are invited. The task is “You’ll have a card with a word on it and you should write your five associations with that notion”. While the captain writes his own associations, the members of his teams try to guess the captain’s associations and speak them aloud. You’ve got a point if your captain’s association coincides with yours. You can get five points for all five guessed associations.
For example, pupils’ associations with the word “Sun”:
1) yellow; 2) round; 3) hot; 4) summer; 5) sky.
OrangesEnglish test
Understand me
- It’s a famous kind of competition. All the members of your team can try their speaking abilities. You’ll have a card with a word on it; you should explain the meaning of the word and not mention it. The other members should recognize the notion (for example, a forget-me-not, a sunflower, a guitar, a violin).
Speaker: “It’s a kind of flowers. It’s blue. Some young people present them in order to remember him or her. It’s grown in the fields, in wet places”.
English words in Ukrainian language
- We live in Ukraine. Ukrainian is our native language, but more and more English words are being borrowed from the English language into other languages. Your task is to write as many Ukrainian words which were borrowed from English as you can. Time limit is five minutes (football, computer, golf…)
Proverbs and idioms
Proverbs are wisdom of the whole nation. Wherever you live, whatever language you speak, most of the proverbs have similar meanings. For example, my home is my castle (мій дім – моя фортеця), East or West, home is best (в гостях добре, а вдома краще). The same is about the idioms (to kill two hares with one stone – вбити двох зайців). Your task is to find Ukrainian equivalents to the proverbs on your cards. Each team has five proverbs or idioms:
He laughs best, who laughs last / Сміється той, хто сміється останній
Better late than never / Краще пізно, ніж ніколи
Tastes differ / Немає друзів за смаками
The eye is the mirror of the soul / Очі – дзеркало душі
It is never too late to learn / Весь вік живи – весь вік вчись
A man is known by the company he keeps / Скажи мені, хто двій друг і я скажу, хто ти
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today / Ніколи не відкладай на завтра те, що можна зробити сьогодні
All in good time/Всякому овочу свій час
Look before you leap/Не знаючи броду, не лізь у воду
Do you know that…?
The next step is called “Do you know that…?” You know that during English classes we study not only English, but a wide range of different things: we speak both about changeable climate in Great Britain and the Mediterranean climate of Australia. We learn how to be polite, how to protect the environment and how to respect grown-ups. Please try to answer the questions on your cards. Each team has the same card. One correct answer is a point.
What animals are cold-blooded? (reptiles and amphibians)
What animal lives the longest life and how many years does it live? (a tortoise, 400 years)
What animal has more vertebral in his neck: a squirrel or a giraffe? (a squirrel)
What planet is the nearest to the Sun? (Mercury)
Does a kangaroo or a horse run faster? (a kangaroo)
What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham palace)
What mountain is the highest in the world? What is its height? (Everest, 8848 m)
What animal is the largest in the world? (a blue whale)
Poetry corner “Limericks”
- Limericks are small funny poems. Try to translate them as good as possible using rhythms:
There was an old man of West,Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest;When they said, “Does it fit?”He replied, “Not a bit!”That uneasy Old Man of the West. There was an Old Man of Columbia,Who was thirsty, and called out for some beer;But they brought it quite hot,In a small copper pot,Which disgusted that man of Columbia
-Thanks everybody for being so artistic, erudite and for good knowledge of the English language.
Інтелект-шоу «Англійська – це цікаво»
Noughts and crossesDraw a 3 x 3 square grid, similar to the one above, on the board.
Divide pupils into 2 teams.
Teams take it in turns to nominate a square.
Ask a question about school vocabulary.
If they get the answer right, the team’s symbol goes into the square ( x or 0).
If they get the answer wrong, the opposition team gets a chance to answer the question for an extra turn.
The first team to have a line of correct answers in any direction is the winner.
Sample questions:
Where is the United Kingdom situated?
What countries does it consist of?
What is the highest mountain on the British Isles?
What is the longest river?
What is the population of the United Kingdom?
How many people live in London?
What kind of state is the United Kingdom?
Who chooses the Cabinet of Ministers?
What is the flag of the United Kingdom called?
On the British Isles.
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Ben Nevis.
The Severn.
Over 57 million people.
More than 9 million.
Constitutional monarchy.
The Prime Minister.
The Union Jack.
Where is the USA situated?
What area has the USA?
What mountains are there in the country?
What are the main rivers?
What is the population of the USA?
How many states are there in the USA?
Who is the head of the state?
What is the capital of the USA?
What is the financial & business centre of the country?
In the central part of the North American Continent.
Over nine million square kilometres.
The Cordillera, the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian.
The Mississippi, the Colorado, the Columbia.
More than 236 million people.
Fifty states.
The president.
Washington, D.C.
New York.
In a square box there is a red…(fox).
On a gray hat there is a black…(cat).
On a brown log there is a…(frog).
On a blue dish there is a big…(fish).
Under small house there is a gray…(mouse).
Here at the wall there is a red…(ball).
On a black car there is a golden…(star).
Under big chair there is a brown…(bear).
Name 5 animals.