Урок по английскому языку на тему Любимое время года (5 класс)

Быкова Светлана Викторовна, учитель английского языка, категория: высшая. МОУ «ШКОЛА №22 Г. ДОНЕЦКА»

Тема: Любимое время года.
Организация устной тренировки по оперированию лексическим материалом по теме.
Совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения и диалоговой речи.
Развитие навыков в грамматике, контрастирование Present Simple и Present Continues.
Углубить знания учеников по теме.
I. 1. Оргмомент.
The topic of our lesson is: “My favourite season”. Today we’ll speak about seasons and months of the year.
2. Речевая зарядка.
T: What day is it today?
What is the date?
What season is it now?
What seasons do you know?
What are autumn months?
What is the weather like in autumn? (it is warm or cool, sometimes it rains, the wind blows).
T: Read and translate some sayings about the weather.
На доске:
- A sunshiny shower,
Won’t last an hour.
- When the days begin to lengthen,
Then the cold begins to strengthen.
- If bees stay at home,
Rain will soon come.
If they fly away,
Fine will be the day.
II. Основная часть урока. Работа с текстом.
1) Предтекстовый этап. Прослушивание грамзаписи 11.
T: Listen to the text. Amy is talking about her year.
2) Текстовый.
T: Match the text to the pictures. Giving reasons.
3) Послетекстовый этап. Выполнение упражнений по тексту №2 с. 13.
T: Answer the questions.
- How many week’s holiday does Amy have in a year?
(Amy has 13week’s holiday in a year.
- Where does Sophie live?
(She lives on a farm in Scotland.)
- What does Amy do when she visits Sophie?
(Amy helps on the
Контрастирование ГМ
T: We’ll speak about Present Simple and Present Cont. When do we use the Pres. Simple?
(We use the Pres. S. to talk about things that happen repeatedly or about facts that are true.)(We use the Pres. Cont. to talk about something that is happening at the moment we speak.)
Ex.4 (на доске) Find the negatives of this sentences in the calendar.
- How do we make the negative of the Pres. S.?
(don’t / doesn’t + 1ф.гл.)
- Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences.
5) Говорение.
Which months do you like?
Which months don’t you like?
6) Аудирование.
Answer the questions: What is happening? Which month is it?
1.(Amy is getting an Easter egg.
She gets Easter eggs in April)
2. (Amy is going by train to stay with her cousin in Scotland. She goes to stay with Sophi in August.)
3. (Amy is going skiing. She goes skiing in February.)
4. (Amy is having a birthday party. She has her birthday party in May.)
5. (Amy is going on a school trip. She goes on a school trip in June.)
6. (The summer holidays are starting. The summer holidays start in July.)
7. (Amy is sending a birthday present to Sophi She sends her a birthday present in September.)
III Итог урока.
Д/ЗW.B.p11 №3-6(п)

Дополнительный материал
Write the correct word under each symbol.