Урок систематизации и обобщения знаний по английскому языку по теме еда в 8 классе Potluck party

УО «Средняя школа №3 г.Новополоцка»
Разработка урока в 8 классе
Potluck party
(урок обобщения и систематизации знаний)
Михальченко А.В.,
учитель английского языка
2013 – 2014 учебный год
Тема урока: Potluck party
Класс: 8 класс
Вид урока: обобщающий
Учебник: Л.М. Лапицкая, T.Ю. Севрюкова, Н.В. Демченко, А.В. Волков «Английский язык», 8 класс
Цель: закрепление лексического материала по теме «Meals».
-создать условия для расширение знаний учащихся о национальных кухнях различных стан мира;
-создать условия для совершенствования навыков говорения, восприятия и понимание речи на слух;
-формировать умения и привычки работать в коллективе, культуры отношений в процессе учебного труда.
Оснащение урока:
Компьютер, экран, проектор.
Презентация в Power Point.
Раздаточный материал
Ход и содержание урока, деятельность учителя и учеников.
Warm-Up T: Today we are going to speak about food again. Look at the screen and try to guess the topic of our lesson.
We are going to speak about national cuisine of different countries
As you know food is a part of people’s culture and if you want to understand the nation it is important to try on different food. And now we are going to some kind of journey in different part of our world.
Before departure. We are at the airport
Повторение лексики, связанной с темой «Еда» и оценочной лексики.
Учащиеся по картинкам вспоминают слова, затем учитель проверяет вместе с детьми, показывая всплывающие ответы.
Join the name of the name of the dishes with the name of the countries
Belarus (twice)
Слайд 1
Слайд 2, 3
Grammar practice
(reflexive pronouns) Let’s as to repeat our grammar rule.
Now we are in Italy. Italian cuisine is famous all over the word.
Complete the sentences with the reflexive pronouns
Italian dinner
1. I have a big family. One day we decided to make an Italian dinner for my mum by…
2. Nick... bought all the products.
3. Girls made the salad by…
4. I… did the pizza.
5. Nick…made spaghetti with special sous…
6. This sous was invented by our mum…
7. Ann…served the table.
8. When mum came she astonished «Did you make it…!» Слайд 4
Слайды 5,6
Moving activity We’ll play a “Snowball game”. Stand in a circle. I’ll throw the ball to you saying the personal pronouns you’ll catch the ball and say the personal and reflexive pronouns. Слайд 7
Listening and practice Now we are in France. It is famous for its restaurants. So we are going to listen the text and answer the questions
Where did the action take place?
What did the standard menu include?
What did Marry and John decide in the end?
Слайды 8
Speaking and writing.
Now we are going to make an advertisement for Belarussian, American and British restaurant. Work in groups and make your presentation. Слайд 9,
10, 11
Homework Speak about Belarussian cuisine. Слайд 12
Round-up Pot is the symbol of wealth especially if it is not empty. My pot is full of different food. And I want to give you some presents but before it answer my questions. Who will give the right answer – receive my presents.
French people love it very much, but indeed it is Hungarian food (croissant).
It’s good with tea (biscuit).
It’s very tasty but it leads to serious teeth problems (sweet).
It is like a lamp (pear).
The name of this fruit is its colour (orange).
It’s very useful fruit. It is said it a day keeps a doctor away (apple).
It is impossible to make a sandwich without it (roll).
It helps us to overcome the stress (chocolate).
Our lesson is over. Good buy.
Слайд 13, 14