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Welcome to Wonderland.
Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear boys and girls! We are glad to see you at our party. I know you like fairy tales. And I would like to invite you to Wonderland. We will meet there funny boys and girls, smart cats and dogs, small kittens and puppies. Look! There is a magic book. Let s open it! But I don’t know magic words… So, what will we do? Oh, look! There is a man. Do you know him? This is Ole Lukoye. He comes to the obedient children with his bright umbrella and tells funny stories. They sleep and see beautiful dreams. But he comes with his black umbrella to the naughty children and they sleep without dreams. I think he can help us to open this book. Hello, Mr Lukoye! Can you help us? Could you say magic words, please? Oh, thank you. See you later. Good-bye. (reads) And now all together! 1,2, 3 - look! We are opening the book! Crimble, crumble, booms!
Great! The book is opened. The first page. Who is there? This is a character from the book of Daniel Defoe. His name is Robinson Crusoe. He lived alone on the Ireland for a long time. He had no friends at all. Look! There is a letter near him. Who can read it? (smb. reads a letter)
Dear friends! I am so lonely. I have got a parrot. This parrot is my only friend. It is red, yellow and green. It can speak. Come and play with my parrot. I want to have many friends.
Kids, I know a story about a cunning Fox who said that all animals are friends now: cats and dogs, mice and cats, cocks and foxes. And the silly Crow believed her. So, lets listen to the fable!
(“The Crow and the Fox ”)
Good-bye, Mr. Robinson. May be will you teach this Crow to think before speaking. All together: 1,2 3,look! We are opening the book! Crimble, Crumble, Booms”
And we are on the second page. Kids, do you know this boy? His name is Peter Pan. He can fly. He would like to tell us about himself. Who can read his words?
Hi! I am Peter Pan. I don’t like school. I cannot read. My motto is: No school! Play all day long! Fly with me and play all day long!
He lives alone on the other planet without his mum and Dad. James Burry wrote a tale about this flying boy. Look, he is watching the stars. He is very sad and lonely. Lets sing a song about the little star.( “Twinkle, twinkle, little star”) В этой песне поётся о маленькой звёздочке.
Мигалка, мигалка, маленькая звездочка, Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Мне интересно, что ты такое. How I wonder what you are.
Высоко вверху над миром, Up above the world so high,
Как бриллиант в небе. Like a diamond in the sky.
Мигалка, мигалка, маленькая звездочка, Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Мне интересно, что ты такое. How I wonder what you are!
Peter, what a pity, that you cant read. Go to school and you will have a lot of friends! And you will read a lot of interesting books. And we will go next. Lets repeat magic words : 1,2,3, look! We are opening the book! “Crimble, Crumble, Booms!”
And we are on the third page. Here is a pirate. A famous English writer Stevenson wrote about pirates in his book “Treasure Ireland”. What did he write?
Hi, kids! I am Jack. I am a pirate. We, pirates, are very bad. I am angry. I like to kill. I hate children. My flag is black. Go away from my Ireland!
Oh, he is so cruel. If we tell him a poem about “Little mouse”, he will be kinder and better. (“Little mouse”) Bye, Jack! Don’t be so cruel and angry! Be polite and friendly! And we say: 1, 2, 3,look! We are opening the book! Crimble, Crumble, Booms!
So, we are on the fourth page. Oh, this is Miss Mary Poppins. She is a beautiful and polite lady. She likes children. And she knows a lot of tales. Look at her. She says something… Lets read her letter!
Hello, dear children! I am Mary Poppins. I am young and pretty. My hair is black. I have got blue eyes. I like children very much. I like animals too and have many friends at the zoo. I like to sing songs. Sing me a song, please! ( “We met on Sunday”) В этой песне поётся о девочке и мальчике, которые познакомились в воскресенье, в понедельник поговорили, во вторник улыбнулись друг другу, в среду вместе смеялись, в четверг танцевали, в пятницу поругались, в субботу рассталисью…
We Met on Sunday
We met on Sunday, the first of July.
We talked on Monday, the second of July.
On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked,
That was the second of July.
We smiled on Tuesday, the third of July.
On Sunday we met, and on Monday we talked.
On Tuesday we smiled, on the third of July.
We laughed on Wednesday, the fourth of July.
On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked,
On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed,
On the fourth of July.II.We danced on Thursday, the fifth of July.
On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked.
On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed.
On Thursday we danced, on the fifth of July.
We cried on Friday, the sixth of July.
On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked.
On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed.
On Thursday we danced and on Friday we cried,
On the sixth of July.We parted on Saturday, the seventh of July,
On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked.
On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed.
On Thursday we danced and on Friday we cried.
But on Saturday we parted and we said: “Goodbye.” “Goodbye.”
Good-bye, Mary! See you! Have a nice flight! And we say: “1, 2, 3 , look! We are opening the book! Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
We are on the fifth page. Whom can you see there? They are a bear and a pig. What do they say?
Hello, kids! I am Winnie – the – Pooh. I like to play with little boys and girls. They like me too. I am funny. I can sing funny songs. I know many funny stories. Come and play with me and my friends. Meet them all! Listen to the story, which happened to him one day. (“Winnie and Piglet”)
Thank you, Winnie! Your story was very funny and interesting. Have a good time. Its time to go away. All together: 1, 2, 3, -look. We are opening the book! Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
We are on the sixth page. I see 2 cowboys. They are talking about something. What are they talking about?
Hi, kids! We are 2 cowboys. We are from America. We live on the farm. And we have got a lot of horses and cows. We are strong, brave and clever. We can ride, swim, run and jump very well. We like to sing and dance too. And we would like to dance for you. Clap your hands! ( dance)
Thanks, dear friends. Sorry, we have no time. We have to go. See you. Lets say magic words: 1,2,3,-look! We are opening the book! Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
The seventh page. Who is there? Can you see a girl there? Do you know her? Her name is Alice. She is from Wonderland. The famous English writer Lewes Carol l wrote about her in his book “Alice in Wonderland”. Hi, Alice! Nice to meet you.Hello, dear friends! I am Alice. I am pretty and curious. I am from Wonderland. I saw many funny cats and rabbits in this land. They can talk. I like to read books. I read a lot. One day I went to this beautiful land. I liked it very much. And I am living here now.
Alice, we would like to sing a song for you. This song is about the mouse and the clock. (“Hickory, Dickory, Dock”)
Bye, Alice! Good luck! Say:”1,2,3,look! We are opening the book! Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
The eighth page. Oh! There are a lot of cartoon heroes of Walt Disney on this page. Who are they?
Hi, kids! Nice to meet you. We are heroes of Walt Disney. I am Mickey Mouse and its my girl friend Minnie Mouse. I have got many friends: Mc Duck, Brother Bear, Snow White, Aladdin, Cindirella, Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio. They are true and friendly.
And I know 3 little kittens. They are so funny. But they have lost their mittens. Meet them. (poem “3 little kittens”)
Time is over. I hope we will meet. Bye, Mickey. All together: 1,2,3,look! We are opening the book. Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
The next page. Are you afraid of monsters and ghosts? No? Great! What are they doing?
We are ghosts. We come to American and English kids on Halloween. We are ugly and cruel. We like to frighten small boys and girls.
We aren’t afraid of you. We know a funny poem on Halloween. Listen to it! (poem “Knock, Knock”)
1.Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a ghost
I'm a little ghost
2.Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a cowboy
I'm a little cowboy
3.Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a witch
I'm a little witch
4.Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a pirate
I'm a little pirate
5.Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween
Fly away, ghosts! Do you remember magic words? 1,2,3,-look! We are opening the book. Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
Kids! Do you know this place? Its Great Britain. Its London, the capital of this beautiful country. Have you ever been to London zoo? No? Lets go. Oh! The zookeeper.Hello! I am Mr. Black. I live in London. I work in the zoo. I like animals. I feed them. You can see tigers, lions, bears, wolves, giraffes, peacocks and monkeys in the zoo. I have a friend. He is a dog. He is Bingo.
Kids! Lets listen to the song “Bingo”
Bye, Mr. Black! Bye, Bingo. We have no time. See you. Thanks for the story about the zoo.
So: Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
Here is a Spider. He is bad. What does he say?
Hi, little boys and girls! I am very bad. I am cruel. I like to kill flies, birds and butterflies. Look! (The story about Spider and Butterfly.)The Butterfly is free. And we have to go. Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
Can you see a man and a farm? Read his words, please!
Good morning, children. How are you? I am fine. I am Mc Donald. I live on the farm. I have got many pets: cows, sheep, horses, ducks, chickens, hens, cats and dogs. They are clever because they can talk. They like to sing too.
(the song “Old Mc Donald”)
Thanks, Mr. Mc Donald. The song was funny. Bye. Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
I see the Sun and the Wind. They are arguing about something..(the tale “The Sun and the Wind”)
So, the Sun is stronger. Don’t quarrel! Bye. Crimble! Crumble! Booms!
There is a Magician. He says something.
Hello, dear friends! I am a great Magician. I can do everything. But I am kind and friendly. I live in the Kingdom with my friends. Look at it! ( the poem “The Kingdom”)
I think it’s the last page of the magic book. Can you hear a song? This is a beautiful song about Fairy land. Listen to it! (song “Fairy land”)
This is the end. Our book is closed. I think it was a thrilling and interesting travelling. Good bye. Good luck. See you in Wonderland next time.