Презентация по английскому языку на тему Тeenagers and their idiols of music 8кл
Name of school G.MakhambetovThe theme of the lesson: “Teenagers and their idiols of music “ The English teacher G.E.Bisekenova
The aim of the lesson :1.to develope the puples’ skills and habits in monologue speech through asking, answering questions. 2.to develop pupils’ speaking ,listening, reading,writing habits . 3.to bring up the feeling of love in the music.
The procedure of the lesson I.Organization moment. (greeting,date,weather,season) II.Phychological tune.(about music,listening, giving ) III.Warm up.(methord of cluster) Say the types of music : modern folk pop film orchestral; classical dance serious instrumental music
IV. Checking up the home task: ex 5.p 65.V. Elvis -the biggest names in rock 'n' roll. Elvis Presley is a famous; a musician;actor the biggest names in rock 'n' roll. Raised by loving, working-class parents, Presley's family had little money, and they moved from place to place frequently. He was deeply devoted to his parents, especially his mother, Gladys, and was raised to have a strong faith in God. Presley attended the Assembly of God Church with his parents, where gospel music became an important influence for him. Presley got his first guitar at the age of 10, and soon after, had his first taste of musical success when he won a talentshow at Humes High School in Memphis. After graduating in 1953, he worked a number of jobs while pursuing his musical dream. He cut his first demo record at what later became known as Sun Studio that year, and before long, Sam Phillips, the record label owner, decided to take the young performer under his wing. Presley soon began touring and recording, trying to catch his first big break. "That's All Right" was Presley's first single in 1954 .
In 1956, Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis & Johnny Cash got together at the famous Sun Records Studio in Memphis and made history called the Million Dollar Quartet. Elvis was one of the performers featured on a set of stamps of rock and blues legends issued by the U.S. Postal Service in June 1993. Fans had fought for years to get Elvis a stamp, and many were disappointed that they had to vote for either the 'Young' Elvis (which eventually won) or the 'Jumpsuit' Elvis.
The week of August 6th kicks off Elvis week at Graceland. This is when thousands from around the world gather to pay tribute to the King. At night, everyone is given candles as they line up to walk up Graceland’s drive-way and past Elvis’ grave to pay their respects. (Photo: Alison Wright/Corbis)
VI.Discussion. Read the text Ex I.p66. yourselves answer the questions on it . 1.What influenced Elvis and his music ? 2.What was Memphis for young Elvis ? 3.How did Elvis make his first record? 4.What did music critics think of his music ? 5.What can you say his post army career ? 6.Why wasn’t he a success in his a late period ?
VII. Say in English 1.Элвистің дүниетанымына діни жиындар,рухани музыка және блюздар үлкен әсерін тигізді. 2.Элвистің балалық шағы өткен Мемфис қаласы блюз орталығы болып есептелетін қалада жергілікті радиостансы жұмыс істеді. 3.Жасөспірімдер рок – н- ролды және Элвис Преслиді ұнататын. 4.Музыка сыншылары оны әдепсіз деп есептеді. 5.Әскерге шақырған кезде, оның шығармашылығы үзіліп қалды. 6.Шығармашылығының екінші кезеңі өзінің бұрынғы бейнесіне еліктеу ғана еді. 7.Оның денсаулығы нашарлады. VIII. Listen to the song “Are You Lonesome tonight” by Elvis Presley. and sing this song with him. IX.Conclusion. Home task write an essay about E.Presley. Making.