Презентация по английскому языку Хорошо ли ты знаешь Британию?
Quiz Quiz: “Do you know Britain?” Which holiday is on December 25? a) St. Valentine’s Day b) Easter c) Christmas near the Tower of London In what city were the famous “Beatles” born? a)London b)Glasgow c) Liverpool Task №4. Are you good at London sights? What building has Big Ben? a. Buckingham Palace b. The Houses of Parliament c. The Tower of London d. Trafalgar Square Here Stands the statue of admiral Nelson. a. St. James’s Park b. St. Paul’s Cathedral c. The Tower of London d. Trafalgar Square What building is the home of the queen? a. Buckingham Palace b. St. Paul’s Cathedral c. The Tower of London d. Trafalgar Square What flower is the symbol of London? d. a red rose b. a white rose a. a red tulip c. a yellow rose Where is the National Gallery? a. Buckingham Palace b. St. Paul’s Cathedral c. The Tower of London d. Trafalgar Square Task №5. Match English and Russian proverb Толочь воду в ступе Семь раз отмерь - один раз отрежь Лучше поздно, чем никогда East or West – home is best В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше Мой дом - моя крепость Век живи – век учись All’s well that ends well Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается Москва не сразу строилась Друг познается в беде Делу – время, а потехе - час О вкусах не спорят Task №6. Find and correct grammar mistakes in each sentence. 1. He like apples.2. We don’t lives in London.3. There is 4 lions in the zoo.4. He not go to school.5. They have got not a kite.6. Often my mum cooks cakes.7. She is play the piano now. 1. He likes apples.2. We don’t lives in London.3. There is 4 lions in the zoo.4. He not go to school.5. They have got not a kite.6. Often my mum cooks cakes.7. She is playing the piano now. are does