Урок по английскому языку на тему Конструкция to be going to do smth

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Good morning children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?
I have some good news for you. Your friend Linda sent you a letter. В письме Линда пишет нам о своих планах на выходные. Чтобы это письмо прочитать, перевести и ответить на него нам необходимо выучить конструкцию СОБИРАТЬСЯ ЧТО ТО СДЕЛАТЬ. Let’s begin our lesson with revision. TO BE хором! Look at the board (СЛАЙД1)
Конструкция строиться с помощью гл. to be в нужной форме + going to + V СЛАЙД ,3,4 5
Look at the board. Lets complete the sentences.
Контроль : как мы строим вопросы? Make up short dialogues. Ask and answer the questions. Work in pairs. Well done!
Open your notebooks. We are going to listen to the conversation. Ex. 22. Get ready to answer my questions after. We are going to listen to the tape twice. Is it clear? Start listening!
So who can answer: what is the name of the girl?
What is she going to do?
Right!! Close your notebooks. Now you are ready to read the letter. I give you 2 minutes to read the letter. After we are going to do some exercises. Start reading!
Раздать карточки!
Контроль are you ready? So look at your cards. Your task is to answer the question: what is Linda not going to do? cross the picture. СЛАЙД6
Отдельно раздать упражнения, если необходимо.
Good! Hand in your papers. You may close your computers and open your book. Page 59. Ex/ 26
Read and translate the phrases. All together. We should write the sentences.
The first group. Your task is to write what your mother is going to do. The second group: write what your friends are going to do. The third: about yourself. Use the phrases. You have 2 minutes. Write as many sentences as you can. Работаем на время. Напишите как можно больше предложений.
Ready? Good! Hand in your papers. Today we learnt the construction …? для чего? что мы можем делать?
Put down your home task. You have to write back to Linda. Answer her questions.