Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 2 класс. Учебник Rainbow English

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 класс
________________________ ________________________ _________________
1.Вставь в предложения am, is, are
My name _____ Ben. I ____ a pilot. The school ____ big and nice. Tom and Tim ___ brothers.
We ____ good pupils.2. Заверши предложения, вставив a, an, --, там, где это необходимо.
Betty can see ____ orange. It is ____ sweet apple. She can see ____ bananas.
3.Соедини вопросы с подходящими ответами.
1 Are you nine? a I am eleven.
2 What is your name? b No, I am not. I am eight.
3 Where is Don from? c Yes, he is. He is in Madrid.
4 Are they funny? d I am happy.
5 Is he in Madrid? e He is from London.
6 How old are you? f Yes, she is. She is a good cook.
7 Are you happy or sad? g No, he isn’t. He is not old.
8 Is he a student or a pupil? h My name is Mary.
9 Is Mary a cook? iNo, they are not.
10 Is Mr Black old? j He is a student.
4. Заполни пропуски подходящими местоимениями.
Bess can see a tulip. ____is a red tulip.
Lena and Olga are from Moscow. ___ are cute.
___am a good pupil.My mum is a cook. ___ a good cook.
--How is Don? - ____is fine, thank you.5. Составь предложения, обрати внимание на знаки препинания.
to/like/I/ride/ horse/.________________________________________________________________
the/what/is/time/? _________________________________________________________________
cat/is/the/under/the/bed/. ____________________________________________________________
6.Посмотри на картинки и напиши который час.
7. Вставь в предложения предлог в соответствии с картинками.
My books are ___ the box. Harry is ___ the tent.
My plane is ___ the floor.
My dolls are ___ the bed.