Презентация по английскому языку по теме Looking for a job
Employment : Looking for a job Words to know To employ-нанимать на работуEmployer-наниматель, работодательEmployee-рабочий, служащийInterview smb. for a job-проводить собеседованиеInterviewer-проводящий собеседованиеInterviewee-интервьюируемыйTo manage-руководитьPromotion-повышениеTo promote smb to smth-повышать кого-либо в должности How to make a successful career? Answer the questions: Is it easy for young people to find a job nowadays?
What activities does the job involve?
What questions do you think will be asked at an interview? A Job Centre In Britain when a pupil leaves school at sixteen or later he or she must find a job. To achieve this goal school leavers without special qualifications will probably visit a Job Centre or look through local newspaper advertisements. A recruitment committee has to read through the papers and select maybe 8 or 10 applicants for interview. At the interview they will be asked their reasons for wanting the job, and have to answer questions about their academic career and other activities and often- questions which seem to have no point but which are intended to reveal their personality, skill and general suitability for the job. Having find a job, you certainly do not expect to stay in it for life-or even more than few years. Whether they are working in private industry or in state sector, people assume that if they want more money or more responsibility they must expect to move from one employer to another, from one area of work to another.Promotion up the steps of the ladder within a firm certainly happens, but advantages to both employer and employee –stability, familiarity with the work, confidence , loyalty to the firm and its worker5s-must set against the advantages of bringing in «fresh blood» Fill in the missing words:jobs, confident, interview, select, selection, manage, skills, employer, train, promotion If you ______to get an interview-do not waste the opportunity. The ______is now very interested in the picture you have given of your_____ and qualifications.
The _________is an opportunity to look more searchingly at the picture and to make a thorough test of your suitability for the _____in relation to others who are being______.
Large organizations often use particular_____ techniques to supplement their interviewing procedures such as intelligence test. Personnel officers are usually_____ to assess your response to their questions. Then answering questions be sure to mention any_____ you had. Be natural and honest. You may not have the abilities and skills the employer_______ but each interview can help built you experience so that you become more_____ and knowledgeable. Thank you for attention