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Intellectual casinoKamchatka. History. Nature. People.Викторину составилаучитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 45Романюк Татьяна Васильевна
The rules of gamecreate several teams of 5;choose a leader for each team;each team has cards with numbers 1,2,3,4; each team has a helper with a box of “coins” (it can be small pieces of colour paper);before reading any question each team makes a bet on some “coins”; if an answer is true, the team gets that amount of coins which the team has asked; if an answer is false, the team gives back that amount of coins which the team has asked;a winner of this game is the team that has the most coins in “team’s bank”;all teams raise the cards with number of correct answer simultaneously.
The Itelmens called themselves “itenme'n-itelmen”. What does it mean? the inhabitant of dry landthe inhabitant of beautiful land reindeer breederscattle breeders
The biggest bird in Kamchatka is... crow Steller’s sea eaglepigeonboreal owl
The Russian for “Steller’s sea eagle” is:беркуторлан- белохвостбелоплечий орланкречет
What is dog salmon?Special food for dogsThe species of Pacific salmonThe species of plant
Before the revolution of 1917 Yelizovo was called:ZavoikoAvachaNagorny
The Valley of Geysers and Caldera Uson are located in the territory of: Nalychevo Nature Park Bystrinskiy Nature Park Kronotsky State Biospheric Reserve They present an independent special protected area
What used to be called “Beringia”? the name of a dogthe “land bridge” between Asia and Americaa famous Dog Sled Race from Asia to America
What is “yukola”?a birddried salmon caviar with the birch barka very tasty fruitdried pieces of salmon
When was Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy founded?1941169017401840
Who was the head of the First Kamchatka Expedition? Vitus BeringVladimir AtlasovGeorge Wilhelm StellerVasiliy Zavoiko
The English for “морской котик” is: Steller’s sea lion Fur sealHarbor seal Sea otter
Which Kamchatka’s animal has the biggest population in Russia? ( the size of this animal comes second in the world.) Steller’s sea lionEuropean hareKamchatka’s brown bearSable
The Itelmens’ God Kutkhu was:the ruler of the hellthe god of firethe creator of the heaven and earth
What is “yukola”? a bird dried salmon caviar with the birch bark a very tasty fruit dried salmon
Who was the author of “Description of Kamchatka”?George Wilhelm StellerStepan KrashenninikovVitus BeringVladimir Atlasov
Who made the first description of Kamchatka land? (It helped to draw Kamchatka on maps as a peninsular.)Vladimir Atlasov Stepan Krasheninnikov Fyodor Laptev Semyon Dezhnev
What is Eurasia's highest active volcano?Klyuchevskoy volcanoAvachinskiy volcanoKoryakskiy volcanoKarymsky volcano
The typical house of the sedentary Koryaks is called:zhupanduplex housepenthouseyurt
The English for “млекопитающее” is predator marmot mammalreptile
Who ordered to arrange the First Kamchatka Expedition?ElizavetaEkaterina The GreatPeter the GreatPavel
How many active volcanoes are there in Kamchatka?20252930
Which sea is called “the world fridge”?The Bering seaThe Yellow seaThe sea of OkhotskThe Laptev sea
Who was the first pioneer in Kamchatka?Vladimir AtlasovFiodor LaptevMikhail StaduhinSemyon Dezhnev
Who built Verkhnekamchatsky Ostrog (now Milkovo)?A group of Cossacks headed by:Vladimir AtlasovFiodor LaptevMikhail StaduhinSemyon Dezhnev
Why was our town named Petropavlovsk?The beginning of the Second Kamchatka Expedition was on October 6, 1740 when two ships the “St. Peter” and the “St. Paul” commanded by Bering and Tchirikov cast anchor in Avacha Bay. They founded a town there. It was named Petropavlovsk to commemorate that historic event. Later on the town became a key point of Russia in the Pacific.
ЛитератураНикитина А.Ю. «Камчатка. Природа и люди.»-Петропавловск-Камчатский,2007г.