Презентация к уроку английского языка Достопримечательности Москвы (7 класс)
The aims of our lessons:speak Englishlearn new informationread English listen Englishwrite English
sightsitemsthingstouristattractions places of interest interesting places
sightseeingt r e a s u r ee x h i b i t i o n sg a l l e r yc a t h e d r a lf o r t r e s sc a s t l ea b b e yp a l a c em a s t e r p i e c e sr e s i d e n c ep a i n t i n g s
to foundto transform intoto restoreto crownto designto treasureto decorateto houseto containпреобразовывать ввосстанавливатькороноватьосновыватьукрашатьвмещатьсодержатьпроектироватьвысоко ценитьVerbs
Adjectives uniqueancientraremagnificentpreciousдрагоценныйуникальныйвеличественныйдревнийредкий
The capital of the Russian FederationMoscow
Who founded Moscow?When did he found Moscow?Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscowin 1147.
Who designed the Grand Kremlin Palace?The architect Konstantin Thon designed the Grand Kremlin Palace.
When did Russian masters decorate the Uspensky Cathedral?Russian masters decorate the Uspensky Cathedral in 1642 – 1643.
What did the famous cast master Andrei Chokhov make in 1586?The famous cast master Andrei Chokhov made the Tsar Cannon in 1586
What did Ivan Motorin, a skilful cast master, and his son Michail design and make?Ivan Motorin, a skilful cast master, and his son Michail designed and made the Tsar Bell.
What did the Russian architects Barma and Postnik design and build on Red Square?The Russian architects Barma and Postnik designed and built the Vassily Blazhenny Cathedral on Red Square in 1552.
What did Pavel and Sergey Tretyakov buy for the Tretyakov Gallery?Pavel and Sergey Tretyakov bought masterpieces of Russian painters for the Tretyakov Gallery.