Разработка открытого урока английского языка по теме У. Шекспир — на века
Teacher: Semenyakina N. N.
Lesson plan.
Theme of the lesson: “Not of an age, but for all time”
(generalization of the theme)
Objectives: 1. To develop communicative skills and abilities using various kinds of activities and the following grammar material: all grammar tenses, Reported Speech, general and special questions.
2. To talk about the greatest poet and dramatist William Shakespeare, to revise some biographical facts of his life and literary works, to discuss the writer’s role in English literature.
3. To encourage and broaden students’ literary experience.
4. To mobilize the full range of students’ intelligence.
Audience: a group of 13 year old students (intermediate level)
Approximate time: 45 minutes.
Equipment: interactive whiteboard software, 14 copies of handouts for two tasks, selection of pictures connected with William Shakespeare’s biography, his literate works and characters.
T.: Good afternoon, students! I’m glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson.
Today we are going to talk about the greatest poet and dramatist William Shakespeare, his life and works, his role in English literature. He is often called by the English people “Our national bard” and “The Great unknown.”
Biographical facts review. First of all up let’s revise the information we know about this great writer. I show you some pictures connected with William Shakespeare’s biography and you are to tell me everything you know about it.
-99060121920P 1: This is the house, where William Shakespeare was born on the 23d of April in 1564. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in Great Britain. We know that this house was in Henley Street.
T: What do you know about his family?
P 2: His parents’ names were John and Mary Shakespeare. His mother was a daughter of a farmer and his father was a glovemaker.
He went to grammar school in Stratford and had a good education. There he learned to love reading. William learned Grammar, logic, Latin and Greek. This school is still in use.
-184785-348615This is Anne Hathaway’s cottage. William married Anne when he was 18. Susanna, his daughter was born first. Then in 2 years the twins Hamnet and Judith followed.
-1752609525When actors visited Stratford William Shakespeare liked to watch them. He was interested in that profession and decided to become an actor himself.
-1590040266065This is London. At the age of 22 Shakespeare left Stratford for London. He went there alone. We don’t know exactly why he did it. Some people say that the reason was his love to poetry and theatre.
-1800225259080This is London’s theatre. Shakespeare became a member of a well-known acting company, which played at the theatre. We know that William Shakespeare played on the stage and wrote plays for this theatre. His knowledge of the stage and his poetical genius made his plays the most wonderful ones ever written.
34290-153670This is the Globe Theatre. The famous Globe Theatre was the center of London’s theatrical life.
T: Can you tell me what the theatre of the 16th century was like?
P 4: In the middle there was a kind of a house, where the actors kept their things used for the performance. The platform with the balcony over it was the stage on which the actors played. In front of the stage there was a large yard. Round the yard there were 3 balconies. These balconies and the yard were for people who came to see the performance. The performance began at 3 o’clock. From its beginning till it was over people could see the flag over the theatre.
T: Why did people go to the theatre? Who can tell me what part did it play in the London’s life?
-89535694690P5: The theatre played a great part in the London’s life. In those day people had no newspapers, no radio or television. The people came to enjoy the performance, to hear the news. Here they were taught the great science of life.
This is the place where the house in which Shakespeare died used to be. It was a big house bought by William Shakespeare for his family, when he was still in London. Here he spent the last years of his life. Unfortunately the house was destroyed.
-51435-24765This is the Holy Trinity Church, where Shakespeare was buried. Visitors coming to Stratford can honor his memory here. It’s interesting that he died on his birthday on the 23d of April in 1616.
3429026035This is the bronze statue of Shakespeare, presented to Stratford in 1888. Shakespeare’s figure is high above the ground and on the ground there are small figures of Shakespeare’s famous characters.
Writer’s literary works.
T: William Shakespeare was an actor, a poet and a drama writer. In his work he showed his creative genius. Let’ name and find out how many literary works he had written. Ira had an individual task to get ready with this information. That’s why I’d like her to come out to the whiteboard and fill in the scheme, please.
Literary works of William Shakespeare
Plays Sonnets Poems
Tragedies Comedies Historical plays
Key: 37 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 long poems, 10 tragedies (Hamlet, King Lear, Othello), 17 comedies (The Twelfth Night, Much Ado about nothing), 10 historical plays (Henry the 4th, Richard the 3d).
Now, please, name some tragedies, comedies and historical plays.
Comedies and tragedies.
T: So as you see, most of his works are plays. Look at the list of
Shakespeare’s works. Here are the names of comedies and tragedies, but they are mixed. Your task is to group them into two columns.
Comedies: Tragedies:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
'The Comedy of Errors'.
'The Taming of the Strew'.
'All's Well that Ends Well'.
'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
'Much Ado about Nothing'.
'Twelfth Night'.
'The Merry Wives of Windsor'
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark'.
'King Lear'.
'Romeo and Juliet'.
'Julius Caesar'.
'Antony and Cleopatra'
Shakespeare’s phrases and sayings.
T: It must be admitted that William Shakespeare gave the English language many phrases and sayings, which English speakers still use every day. Often they don’t realize that these words came from Shakespeare’s plays or poems. Let’s see if you really know them. Look at the whiteboard and match these quotations and Russian equivalents.
“To be or not to be: that is the question.” «Быть или не быть: вот в чем вопрос»
«All is well that ends well” “Всё хорошо, что хорошо заканчивается»
“Love is blind” “Любовь-слепа»
“What is done cannot be undone” «Что сделано- то сделано»
«All the world is a stage and all the men and women are players” «Весь мир –театр, а люди в нём актёры»
«Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” ”Подгнило что-то в датском королевстве”
«A horse! А a horse! My kingdom for a horse!» “Коня! Коня! Венец мой за коня!»
T: Now try to guess where are these quotations from?
The sayings’ illustrating.
T: Let’s see if the sense of the saying is clear for you. Each pair will get a task to choose one of the sayings and illustrate it with a situation. Is the task clear?
For example, I’ve chosen the phrase “What is done cannot be undone” My situation is one little girl was helping her mother to wash dishes after dinner. Suddenly she dropped her mother’s favourite cup and it broke to pieces. The mother didn’t scold her daughter. She said :” What is done cannot be undone, but next time, please, be careful! ”
So, please, choose one of these sayings and make up a situation. Work in pairs.
(in 5 min.) First of all read your saying and then the situation you made up.
Let’s have a moment of relaxation and enjoy a small extract from one Shakespeare’s play. Your task is to guess who the main characters of this play are and what is its title?
(in 5 minutes)T: What is the title of this play?
Who are the main characters?
Is it a comedy or tragedy?
7. Dialogue “At the library”. I see that you know Shakespeare’s literary works very well. But, imagine you came to the library and met your classmate who has never read Shakespeare’s plays. Your task is to evoke interest in reading Shakespeare. So, please, make up your dialogues. Work in pairs.
8. Poetic contest.
Preparing to our lesson we have read a lot of sonnets by William Shakespeare in our English lessons and lessons of Russian literature. But today we’d like to read only one sonnet, number 18. Let’s listen to it first.
Shall 1 compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often in his gold complection dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines.
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breath or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.
Today some of you tried your hand in a literate translation of this sonnet. But the task was very difficult and the translation you hear now is the result of students’ and teacher’s cooperation. You are welcome here. (The students recite)
P.1 : С погожим летним днем сравнить ли мне тебя
Но ты стократ умеренней и краше.
Так ветры буйные бутоны теребят,
И так же кратко, к сожаленью, лето наше.
Сиянье неба то, как золото, так ярко,
То дымкой затуманит нежный лик.
Прекрасное с прекрасным спорит жарко.
Когда природа изменяется вся вмиг.
И красота твоя цвести здесь будет вечно,
И молодость с планеты не уйдет.
И в вечности твой образ будет бесконечно,
И смерть в свои объятья тебя не заберет.
Пока же дышит грудь, и очи могут зрить,
Останется Земля, и ты тут будешь жить.
P2: Хочу сравнить тебя я с летним днем.
Что может быть прекрасней и нежнее,
Чем майский ветер, так играющий цветком?
И дни идут быстрее ...
Небесные глаза порой палят нещадно,
А через миг тускнеют, лишь едва видны.
Зачем же верим мы столь безоглядно
Изменчивой природе в облике весны?
Лишь у тебя все время будет лето,
Не потеряешь ты своих владений.
Тень смерти, пролетя, исчезнет где-то.
Ты будешь вечно жить в строках стихотворений.
Пока живут и дышат люди на земле,
Ты будешь часто сниться им во сне!
T.: Thank you. It was a great pleasure to listen to you. Your translations were very creative and deserve our praise, because you reflected Shakespeare’s ideas in them. I see that you’ve got a literary talent. Now listen to the professional translation of the greatest Russian poet S. Marshak. He gave many Shakespeare’s sonnets a new life and place in Russian poetry. Let’s enjoy it. (One of the students recites)
Сравню ли с летним днем твои черты?
Но ты милей, умеренней и краше.
Ломает буря майские цветы,
И так недолговечно лето наше!
То нам слепит глаза небесный глаз,
То светлый лик скрывает непогода.
Ласкает, нежит и терзает нас
Своей случайной прихотью погода
А у тебя не убывает день,
Не увядает солнечное лето.
И смертная тебя не скроет тень -
Ты будешь вечно жить в строках поэта.
Среди живых ты будешь до тех пор,
Доколе дышит грудь и видит взор.
8. Word search squares.
Summing up the regarded material, let’s see whose group can quickly find 10 words connected with William Shakespeare. Take these word search squares and try to find ten words. (See handouts)
(in 3 minutes) Now look at the whiteboard and check your results. Who has found all the words? Please, raise your hands. Very good!
8. Reflection of the lesson.
Today we’ve touched Shakespeare’s universe and, finishing our lesson, tell me why is he unique?
P 1: Shakespeare’s masterpieces are still read all over the world.
P2: Shakespeare made fuller use of the English language than any other writer.
P3: The last half of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century are known as the golden age of English literature thanks to William Shakespeare.
P 4: Four hundred years later his plays are still acted not only in Britain but all over the world.
T: And his masterpieces are an endless source of inspiration for many contemporary film directors and writers.
What literary works written by William Shakespeare would you like to read in origin in English when you are older?
That’s why a good friend of Shakespeare’s and a playwright Benjamin Johnson said about him: “He was not of an age but for all time.”
Our lesson is over. Good-bye!