КИМ по английскому языку для студентов спо специальности Дизайн

Экспертное заключение
Зам. директора по УР: И. А. Подорога__________________________________
«____» ____________20____года
ВРИО директора: И. А. Подорога __________________________
Разработала: Шляхто Л.А.
«____»____________20____года Рассмотрено: на МО гуманитарных дисциплин
Контрольно-измерительные материалы по дисциплине
«Иностранный язык»
специальности 54.02.01 «Дизайн» (в промышленности)
Ставрополь, 2015
Общие положения
Контрольно-измерительные материалы предназначены для контроля и оценки результатов освоения учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский) студентами 2-4 курсов специальности «Дизайн». КИМ включает контрольные материалы для проведения промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачета.
В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь:
- общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;
- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас
В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен знать:
- лексический (1200 - 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
Формой промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине является дифференцированный зачет.
Объекты оценивания:
- Выполнение лексико-грамматических заданий
-Чтение и перевод текста по специальности, выполнение заданий к тексту
- Монологическая речь
Вид аттестации: промежуточная аттестация
Форма дифференцированного зачета: смешанная
Формы и методы оценивания:
- Экспертная оценка.
Условия выполнения заданий 
Место выполнения задания: учебный кабинет
Время выполнения задания: 80 минут
Литература для экзаменующихся: словари
Дополнительная литература для экзаменатора: нет
2. Контрольно-измерительные материалы для оценивания результатов освоения учебной дисциплины
Задания для студентов 2 курса
Do you know the history of design?
Match the words with their synonym or explanation
design artistic course
Werkbund New Art, modern style
Bauhaus mustard yellow, olive, dark red
Kunstlehre the act of taking pictures by means of camera and film sensitive to light
Werklehre the art of decorative handwriting
Art Nouveau an industrial union in Germany
calligraphy technical subjects
photography planner, artist, stylist, creator
designer constructing, planning
colors the first institution to train artists for work in industry
Read the text
Architect Yury Andreev says he likes simple things and simple, ordinary food; but VILLA, the restaurant he has designed on Moscow's Myasnitskaya street, offers only refined European cuisine. He also says he does not like to travel doing so only when absolutely necessary and preferring a little evening reading, especially of architectural albums, to a change of scenery. But since the disappearance of the Soviet Union, he has spent his life travelling between two countries: Russia and Latvia. Yury is convinced that an interior decorator is simply an architect in truncated form, and for this reason never engages decorators to take part in his projects. He designed and decorated VILLA, his latest creation, from start to finish entirely on his own in the best traditions of Art Deco. The simple, but elegant furniture combined with the exotic decor; the abundance of sculpture in the interior; the beauty of line; the expressiveness of the materials; the blue, red, brown, and gold: all this is evidence of style. Add the genuine smell of money in the air and what you get is Art Deco, a style "whose main goal was the creation of prosperity and luxury in the years of the lost generation," as Soviet art critics used to write. They, of course, hated Art Deco as a class enemy — but we love it.
art deco – арт деко (декоративный стиль, популярный в 1930-е годы; отличается яркими красками и геометрическими формами)
refined European cuisine – изысканная европейская кухня
to a change of scenery – зд. для смены обстановки (scenery – 1) декорации сцены; 2) вид, пейзаж; ландшафт)
in truncated form – в усеченной форме
to engage – зд. нанимать (Syn. to hire)
abundance – изобилие, богатство
genuine – истинный, подлинный
2.1. Choose the most suitable title to the text:
1) The life of the architect Yury Andreev.
2) The style of architecture in Moscow.
3) The best traditions of Art Deco in modern architecture.
4) The style of restaurants in Moscow.
2.2. True or false?
1) Yury Andreev thinks that an interior decorator and an architect are the same.
2) He designed and decorated the restaurant “Villa” without assistance.
3) The restaurant he has designed is famous for its simple, ordinary food.
4) Art Deco is remarkable for its rich decoration.
5) Yury Andreev is fond of traveling very much.
6) He used the ideas of Art Deco in that project.
2.3. Find the English equivalents in the text:
дизайнер интерьера
последнее творение
изысканная мебель
изобилие скульптуры
признак стиля.
Find the synonyms in the text:
to originate
a designer
indication of style
an aim
2.5. Translate the sentences into English.
1) Ресторан «Вилла» в Москве спроектирован архитектором Юрием Андреевым.
2) Дизайн интерьера выполнен в лучших традициях стиля арт деко.
3) Декораторы никогда не принимают участия в его дизайнерских проектах.
4) Интерьер ресторана поражает изобилием скульптуры, красотой линий, выразительностью материала и цвета.
5) Идея автора заключается в создании атмосферы процветания и богатства.
3. Read the text once again and give the main idea
Критерии оценивания
Студент получает 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ

Оценка Количество баллов
«5» 31-29
«4» 29-25
«3» 24-16
«2» < 16
2- f
5- g6-b
7- e8-d
1. – true
2. – true
3. – false
4. – true
5. – false
6. – true
Предлагает – offers
Архитектурный – architectural
дизайнер интерьера – an interior decorator
архитектор – an architect
последнее творение – latest creation
изысканная мебель – elegant furniture
изобилие скульптуры – the abundance of sculpture
выразительность – the expressiveness
признак стиля – evidence of style
to originate – to design
landscape – scenery
a designer – a decorator
indication of style - evidence of style
an aim- a goal
Задания для студентов 3 курса
Read the text
The History of Interior Design
In the modern world, human life activities are played out in interior spaces. We may love being out-of-doors for the sense of open air and sky, for the escape it offers from life inside enclosure, but the very joy of being outside reflects the reality that so much of life is spent inside.
Buildings and their interiors are planned to serve the purposes and styles from the times of their origins, but they exert their influence on the activities and lives that they house as long as they continue to be used.
The study of interior design, its development and change through history is a useful way both to explore the past and to make sense of the spaces in which modern life is lived.
Professional interior designers are expected to study design history, to know the practices of the past in the terms of “styles”, and to know the names and the nature of the contributions of those individuals who generated the most interesting and influential approaches to design.
escape – спасениеenclosure - ограждениеpurpose – цельto exert – оказывать
development – развитие
to explore – исследовать, изучатьcontribution – вкладapproach – подход2. Find the English equivalents in the text (10 points):
жизнедеятельность людей
внутренние помещения
здания и их интерьер
изучение дизайна интерьера
отражать реальность
служить целям
оказывать влияние
использовать пространство с пользой
изучать историю дизайна
знать правила употребления термина «стиль» в прошлом
3. True or false (5 points):
1). Human life activities are played out in interior spaces.
2). The very joy of being outside reflects the fact that we spend a greater part of our life outside.
3). Buildings and their interiors exert their influence only on the activities of people.
4). The study of interior design, its development and change through history is a useful way to explore the past.
5). Professional interior designers are expected to know the names of the people who contributed much to the development of the design.
4. Answer the questions (5 points):
1). Why do we like being out-of-doors?
2). What does the joy of being outside reflect?
3) What are the buildings and their interiors are planned for?
4). Why is it useful to study the history of the interior design?
5). Do you know what the term “style” means?
5. Insert prepositions where necessary (11 points):
1). People spend a lot ___ their lives ___ interior spaces.
2). Buildings and their interiors influence ___ the activities and lives that they house.
3). One ___ the purposes ___ studying design history is to make sense ___ the spaces ___ which modern life is lived.
4). We must know the names ___ those individuals who generated the most interesting and influential approaches ___ design.
5). What offers the escape ___ life ___ enclosure?
5. Read the text once again and give the main idea
Критерии оценивания
Студент получает 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ

Оценка Количество баллов
«5» 31-29
«4» 29-25
«3» 24-16
«2» < 16
жизнедеятельность людей- human life activities
внутренние помещения - interior spaces
здания и их интерьер - buildings and their interiors
изучение дизайна интерьера - the study of interior design
отражать реальность – to reflect the reality
служить целям - to serve the purposes
оказывать влияние – to exert the influence on
использовать пространство с пользой - to make sense of the spaces
изучать историю дизайна- to study design history
знать правила употребления термина «стиль» в прошлом- to know the practices of the past in the terms of “styles”
of, in
of, of, of, in
of, to
from, inside
Задания для студентов 4 курса
Read the text
The history of graphic design can serve as an excellent source of inspiration, especially if you study how art and technological developments influenced certain designers. While the entire history of graphic design is way too long, here are some interesting details to note.
Advertising existed in ancient times. Egyptians wrote sales messages and designed wall posters on papyrus, while politicians in Pompeii and ancient Arabia created campaign displays.
The lines between graphic design, advertising, and fine art often blurred together until the mid-1800s. At that time, Henry Cole explained the importance of graphic design to his government (in Great Britain) in the Journal of Design and Manufactures. Cole went on to become influential in the growth of design education.
You can see an incredibly successful example of a logo as far back as 1885, when Frank Mason Robinson created the classic Coca Cola logotype. Yet the actual term “graphic design” didn’t appear until 1922, when it was coined by the type designer, illustrator, and book designer William Addison Dwiggins.
Throughout the 20th century, new styles and technologies emerged rapidly, each one exerting some influence on graphic design. For instance, the Bauhaus movement embraced mass production and the new machine culture after World War I; after World War II photography began replacing illustrations in most graphic design, and post-modernism brought new materials, bright colours, and humour to design. And of course with computers came the digital revolution.
Hopefully you’ll look further into some of these design movements. After all, who says Art Nouveau can’t be used in a digital format, and computer fonts can certainly recreate ancient calligraphy. Perhaps graphic designs of the past can help enhance your own work in original ways today.
Lexical exercises
Find in the text word combinations beginning with:
1. excellent …, 2. technological …, 3. entire …, 4. interesting …, 5. ancient …, 6. fine …, 7.successful …, 8. classic …, 9. actual …, 10. new …., 11. mass …, 12. bright …, 13. digital Name in one word:
a) an act of moving or being moved =
b) an identifying symbol used as a trademark =
c) any stimulus to creative though or acting =
d) the art of decorative handwriting =
e) the act of taking pictures by means of a camera and film sensitive to light =
2.1 Grammar exercise
Do a grammar test
1. Art and technological developments (to influence) certain designers.
2. Politicians in Pompeii and ancient Arabia (to create) campaign displays.
3. The entire history of graphic design (to be) way too long.
4. Photography (to begin) replacing illustrations in most graphic design.
5. Cole (to go on) to become influential in the growth of design education.
6. The actual term “graphic design” (not to appear) until 1922.
7. And of course with computers (to come) the digital revolution.
8. Art Nouveau (can be used not) in a digital format.
9. Art and technological developments (to influence) certain designers.
10. Computer fonts certainly (to recreate) ancient calligraphy.
3. Reading comprehension
3.1 Read the text once again and give the main idea (10 points).
The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text discusses the issues of … etc.
3.2 Answer the questions:
1. When did the term “graphic design” appear?
2. When did Frank Mason Robinson create the classic Coca Cola logotype?
3. When did new styles and technologies emerge rapidly?
4. When did the digital revolution come?
5. Did advertising exist in ancient times?
6. When did photography begin replacing illustrations in graphic design?
7. What did post-modernism bring to design?
3.3 True or false:
1. And of course with computers came the era of artificial intelligence.
2. Doctor Pemberton created the classic Coca Cola logotype.
3. Advertising existed in ancient times.
4. The term “graphic design” was coined by the type designer, illustrator, and book designer William Addison Dwiggins.
5. Egyptians designed wall posters on papyrus.
Критерии оценивания
Студент получает 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ

Оценка Количество баллов
«5» 50-46
«4» 45-37
«3» 36-25
«2» < 25
Задание 3.1 «Read the text once again and give the main idea» оценивается по 10 бальной шкале
Find in the text word combinations beginning with:
1. excellent source of inspiration, 2. technological developments, 3. entire history of graphic design, 4. interesting details, 5. ancient times, 6. fine art, 7.successful example, 8. classic Coca Cola logotype, 9. actual term, 10. new styles and technologies, 11. mass production, 12. bright colours, 13. digital format.
Name in one word:
a) an act of moving or being moved = development
b) an identifying symbol used as a trademark = logotype
c) any stimulus to creative though or acting = inspiration
d) the art of decorative handwriting = calligraphy
e) the act of taking pictures by means of a camera and film sensitive to light =
photography2.1 Do a grammar test
1. influenced2. created
3. is4. began
5. went
6. didn’t appear
7. came
8. can’t be used
9. influenced
10. recreate
3.2 Answer the questions:
1. When did the term “graphic design” appear? – It is appeared after 1922.
2. When did Frank Mason Robinson create the classic Coca Cola logotype? - Frank Mason Robinson created the classic Coca Cola logotype in 1885
3. When did new styles and technologies emerge rapidly? - Throughout the 20th century, new styles and technologies emerged rapidly.
4. When did the digital revolution come? - The digital revolution came with computers.
5. Did advertising exist in ancient times? – Yes, it did.
6. When did photography begin replacing illustrations in graphic design? - After World War II photography began replacing illustrations in graphic design.
7. What did post-modernism bring to design? – It brought new materials, bright colours, and humour to design.
3.3 True or false:
Критерии оценивания задания на передачу основной идеи текста
Четкая монологическая речь, соблюдение правил интонации и темпа речи.
Отсутствие или минимум грамматических ошибок, не затрудняющих понимание содержания.
Соответствие коммуникативной задаче.
Использование в речи лексических единиц профессиональной направленности в полном объеме (не менее 10).
Четкая монологическая речь, соблюдение правил интонации и темпа речи. Несколько грамматических ошибок в речи, не затрудняющих понимание содержания.
Соответствие коммуникативной задаче
Использование в речи лексических единиц профессиональной направленности
(не менее 4).
Речь затруднена, темп неоправданно замедленный, нарушение правил интонационного рисунка.
Наличие грамматических ошибок в речи, незначительно затрудняющих понимание содержания.
Коммуникативная задача выполнена не в полном объеме.
Использование недостаточного количества лексических единиц профессиональной направленности (менее 4).
Речь затруднена, темп неоправданно замедленный, нарушение правил интонационного рисунка.
Наличие грамматических и фонетических ошибок в речи, препятствующих пониманию содержания.
Коммуникативная задача не выполнена.