Презентация на классный час: Афганистан-na боль моей души
„Національні свята та традиції Сполученого Королівства”.Бойко Анастасії Олександрівни Тема:
The symbol of St. George – a red cross on a white background, so the whole area flutters red-white flags.George is the patron saint of the weak and symbolizes the bravery and courage. No wonder for heroism awarded the George Cross. April 23, the day of Saint George
St Andrew's Day - November 30 - Scottish National holiday.The Apostle Andrew was one of the first assistants of Jesus Christ, his disciple.The unusual shape of the cross of St. Andrew, used in the flag of Scotland , often attributed to the legend associated with his death . Aaccording to legend, Andrew asked the authorities sentenced him to death penalty, not a pardon , but only that it intended to cross to the crucifixion was not like the cross of the Savior. Thus , as the authorities went to meet him , Andrew was crucified on an oblique , like the letter "X" cross, which has gone down in history as the " St. Andrew's Cross."
March 1 - Saint David's DaySt. David's - Wales' patron saint. This festival is very important for the people of Wales and is celebrated as a patriotic and cultural festival of Wales across the world.March 1 - is the date of the death of Saint David. On this day, the 16th century Protestant church was celebrating a religious festival. And since the 18th century for this day was fixed value of the national festival of Wales.
- St. Patrick's DayMarch 17 can be happy without spending a penny - it is necessary to find a Four-leaf clover that brings good luck always, but St. Patrick's Day, it doubles.Day of the patron saint of "emerald country" is really a true national holiday. Anyone who considers himself a real Irishman, March 17 would have to take part in the competition on the strength and agility, as well as the feast in the open air at a huge table, and finish the evening torchlight procession
March 26 - Mother's DayOver time the church festival blended together with a secular holiday. Since it was a time of rich aristocrats and the huge mansions, most of the workers worked and lived in the homes of their owners. On Sunday all the servants of the mother received a day off, they returned to their families to spend the day with their mothers. The festive atmosphere that day gave a special cake, called the "mother cake." This day was supposed to visit the mothers and bring them a cake as a gift in exchange for a motherly blessing.
April 6 - The Catholic Good FridayIt's Friday on the eve of Easter Sunday, the day when Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus. Holy Friday date varies from year to year.Good Friday - a statutory holiday in most of the United Kingdom. This means that do not work , many institutions and companies . In churches hold special three-hour service and prayers , especially at 3 pm , which is the hour of Jesus' death . Some churches hold a dramatic reading. Do not decorate the church in the Holy Friday, is a day of mourning.
On the second Saturday in June is celebrated birthday of the English monarch. On this day in residence of British kings in Whitehall held a ceremonial parade. The ceremony began in the 17th century. Then it was decided to carry the banner of the soldiers, since 1748 with a solemn parade of banners pronosheniem before the army began to be held in the official birthday of the monarch. During the ceremony, the Queen inspects the troops, and after she gives a great ball where all going to know. Queen’s Birthday
Christmas - The roots of traditional Christmas celebrations today in the UK go to England the sixth century. Many traditions were adopted from the pre-Christian period .In 1647, the celebration of Christmas was banned by Oliver Cromwell - Puritan leader direction. He believed such celebrations immoral. The ban was lifted after Cromwell lost his power - in 1660.Christmas of those times was little resemblance to the way in which we present it now . Only during the reign of Queen Victoria's Christmas was a time of joyful events and gifts for children.
April 6 -Tartan - woolen fabric sample different lines width and of different colors , which intersect each other at right angles . there are many tartans different , each of which is associated with certain Scottish clan. Each clan in Highland (Highlands - mountainous , upper Scotland ) has associated with it a certain color and proved a certain pattern that members Clan worn on kilts and plaids . And put the wrong coloris a social disorder.
AphellioAphellio celebrated annually on the last Tuesday of January and is considered the largest fire festival in Europe and one of the most unique festivals in the world.Residents Lerwick make a 30-foot model of a Viking ship (with a dragon on the nose), dress Vikings lit torches, march through the streets, blaring horns in traditional military and through the city carry the ship to sea. Over 900 beautifully dressed participants follow the retinue of 40 Vikings and their giant ship to the place where the fire is lit.