Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке «Who is my mother?»
Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке «WHO IS MY MOTHER?»
Учитель: Жукова Елена Леонидовна
Baby Bird, Crocodile, Horse, Bear, Dog, Elephant, Mouse, Lion, Frog, Pussy Cat, Cuckoo, Monkey, Hare
Играет фоновая музыка. Детишки все рассаживаются.
На сцену кружась в вальсе, выходят 2 феи (из разных кулис), берутся за руки и говорят:
1. Good afternoon children!
Здравствуйте, дети!
2. Good afternoon dear teachers!
Здравствуйте уважаемые учителя!
3. We are here today to help our new friend, the little bird.
Сегодня мы все собрались, чтобы помочь нашему новому другу, маленькому
4. Ѕhe has lost her mother and can’t find the way home.
Она потеряла свою маму и теперь не знает, как добраться домой.
5. Let’s help her to find her mother.
Давайте поможем есть найти свою маму.
6. As we know, you’ve started learning English.
Как мы знаем, вы уже начали изучать английский язык.
7. Now you may help her.
Теперь вы поможете нашему цыплёнку!
Феи уходят.
На сцену выходит Маленький растерянный птенчик.
Baby Bird: I am a little Baby Bird
I cannot fly, but I can walk,
I can jump and hop, hop, hop.
I am going to find my Mother.
Все участники исполняют песню.
Where are you. Mother bird?
Would you like to say a word?
Baby Bird, your little son,
Is very sad and has no fun.
На сцену выбегает собака.
Babv Bird: Hellol!Are you my Mother?
Dod: No. I am not your Mother'.
Babyy Bird: Who are vou?
Dog: I am a little dog.
I like to jump and run.
If you would do it with me
We could have such a fun.
Baby Bird: No, I want to find my Mother.
Baby Bird sees a frog.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Frog: No, I am a frog.
As you can see
I've got no one
To play with me.
I like sitting in the lain.
Day and night, night and day,
With my house in the bog.
Who am I?
I am a little frog.
Baby Bird sees a bear.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Bear: No, I am a bear.
I have got brown hair.
1 live in the forest.
I like honey.
I can dance.
Oh, look, it's fun!
Song "Teddy Bear"
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, switch off the light.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say "Good night".
Baby Bird sees a Horse.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Horse: No, I am a horse.
Horses run quickly.
They are so fast.
They like lo eat.
Tasty, tasty grass.
Baby Bird sees a Fox.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Fox: No, I am red and cunning.
I am not a dog.
I can steal hens and cocks.
Who am I? I am a Fox.
Baby Bird sees little birds.
Baby Bird: Have you seen my Mother?
Baby Birds: No, we are little, little birds.
We can say "tweet, tweet,"
And we can fly
Up, up, high, high
High up in the sky?
We want to dance for you. (Танцуют.)Baby Bird sees a Cuckoo.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Cuckoo: No, I am a grey, grey cuckoo.
I can fly. That is truee.
But I can't feed little birds.
I don't like them afterwards.
Baby Bird sees a Hare.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Hare: No, I am a little hare.
1 like to hop, hop, hop.
Come on and do it with me.
It's fun, we'll never stop.
Baby Bird sees a crocodile.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Crocodile: No, I am a little crocodile.
I like to play.
I like swimming, every day.
I am very angry, why'?
Because I am a crocodile.Baby Bit it sees an elephant.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Elephant: No, I am a big elephant.
I am grey and big.
I take big steps so slow.
I'd like you to join me,
Ready now? Let's go.
Вaby Bird sees a pussy cat.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Pussy Cat: No. mew-mew-mew, I am nice,
I like milk, I like mice.
I am fluffy, I am white.
I can sing and I am bright.
Baby Bird sees a lion.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Lion: No. I want to be a lion.
I want to jump and run.
My brown hair and tail
Are nice and very fun.
Baby Bird sees a bear.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Bear: No. I am a big brown bear.
I live in the forest.
I live in a small house.
I like to play with a little mouse.
Baby Bird sees the little mouse.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Mouse: No, I am a little mouse.
I am grey.
I like cheese
And I have a long tail.
Baby Bird sees a monkey.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Monkey: No, I am a little monkey.
I like to eat bananas. I live in the forest.
You can play games with us.
Baby Bird sees a cat.
Baby Bird: Hello, are you my Mother?
Cat: I am a kind and clever cat.
I like milk and I like you, Bird .First I’ll eat you,
And then my milk.
Злой кот отпустит маму птенчика при условии, если детишки расскажут стихи и споют песенки.
Фея 1: The angry cat doesn’t let the little bird see her mother.
Фея 2: Злая кошка не дает увидеть птенчику свою маму.
Фея 1: Let’s help her. Do you know any poems?
Фея 2: Давайте поможем птенчику. Вы знаете какие-нибудь стихи?
На сцену выходит 3 класс с песней «Let it always be the mother», 4 класс с песней «Mr Sun».
There are sounds behind the stage (tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet).
Mother Bird comes.
Mother Bird: Oh, my little silly bird.
Don't listen to the cat.
They like to catch and eat us birds
Don't listen to her words!
Baby Bird: Now I blow you are my mother.
You are so brave and you are so nice!
Mummy, Mummy you love me.
And I love you so much!
Все герои выходят на сцену и поют песню.
My dear, dear Mummy,
I love you very much.
I want you to be happy
On the eighth of March.
Be happy, be happy
On the eighth of March.
I love my dear Mummy.
I love her very much.
And do you love your Mummy?
Of course, and very much.
Заключительный танец.