Методическая разработка к викторине Знаешь ли ты США?
Тестовые задания по США
Разработала учитель МБОУ «Куянковская СОШ» имени Гайнана КурмашаШарифьянова Рауза Газизяновна2015год
Пояснительная записка
Данная методическая разработка включает в себя 40 тестовых заданий по теме «США», которые сгруппированы по следующим темам:
«История и география США»;
«Культура и литература США»;
«Правительство США»;
«Спорт и праздники».
Тестовые задания представлены в форме выбора одного правильного ответа. Материал охватывает страноведческую информацию о США:
географическое положение;
политическую систему;
культуру и литературу;
праздники и спорт.
Методическая рекомендация предназначена для самостоятельной работы и определения уровня знаний по теме «США».
What do you know about the USA?
Part I
History and Geography of the USAWho discovered America?
a. John Kennedy
b. Christopher Columbus
c. Jimmy Carter
2. Who was the first president of the USA?
a. Franklin Roosevelt
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. John Washington
3. What is the federal capital of the USA?
a. New Yorkb. Chicagoc. Washington (DC)
4. What river is the capital of the USA situated on?
a. the Potomac
b. the Hudson
c. the Mississippi
5. How many stars and stripes are there on the US flag?
a. 45 and 12
b. 50 and 13
c. 55 and 15
6. Where do American Presidents live?
a. the Capital
b. the Lincoln Memorial
c. the White House
7. What is America’s symbol of freedom?
a. the Empire State Buildingb. the Bald Eagle
c. the Statue of Liberty
8. What part of the North American continent is the USA situated in?
a. northern
b. central
c. southern
9. What is the largest American state?
a. Alaskab. Texasc. Florida
10. What is the largest city in the USA?
a. Bostonb. New Yorkc. Chicago
Part II
Culture and Literature of the USA
Who created ‘’The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’’?
a. Alexander Bell
b. Walt Disney
c. Mark Twain
Whose portraits are printed on American dollars?
a. American Presidents
b. American actors
c. American pop stars
Who built the first car?
a. Arnold Schwarzenegger
b. Bill Clinton
c. Henry Ford
Who wrote the story “The Old Man and the Sea”?
a. Charlie Chaplin
b. Ernest Hemingway
c. O’HenryWhat food is popular among Americans?
a. pizza
b. fast food
c. porridge
6. What place is the centre of the American film industry?
a. Yellow Stone Parkb. Las Vegasc. Hollywood
What prize are the best musicians and composers awarded every year in the USA?
a. the Grammy
b. the Oscars
c. the Gramophone
What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the USA?
a. the Nike
b. the Oscars
c. the Santa Maria
9. What monument in Washington D.C. is nicknamed “The pencil”?
a. Washington Monumentb. the White House
c. the Capitol
“Columbia Pictures”, “20’Th Century Fox”, “Warner Brothers” are
a. the major US sport companies
b. the major US film companies
c. the major US music companies
Part III
Government of the USAWhat kind of state is the USA?
a. federal republic
b. a monarchy
c. a parliamentary monarchy
Who is the head of the government in the USA?
a. the Prime Minister
b. the President
c. the State Secretary
What is the nickname of the US government?
a. Uncle Sam
b. Sister Mary
c. Brother John
4. What is the flag of the USA called?
a. “Stars and stripes”
b. “Stars and rings”
c. “Stars and squares”
5. What is the tallest building in Washington DC?
the Pentagon
the White House
the Capitol
6.What is Congress?
a. the American Party
b. the American Parliament
c. the American Court
7. What currency is used in the USA?
a. pounds
b. franks
c. American dollars
What are two main political parties in the USA?
a. the Democratic Party and the Republican Party
b. the Labor Party and the Communist Party
c. the Social Party and the Conservative Party
How long is the US President term?
a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
10. What was Abraham Lincoln?
a. the Prime Minister
b. the President
c. a doctor
Part IV
Sport and holidays
What holiday in the USA is celebrated on July, 4?
a. Easter
b. Independence Day
c. New Year’s Day
What is the event in the USA in the month of November, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday?
a. Halloween
b. Christmas
c. Election Day
What is the national sport in the USA?
a. baseball
b. golf
c. tennis
What food is traditionally connected with Thanksgiving Day?
a. chocolate eggs
b. roast turkey and pumpkin pie
c. fish and chips
On what day will you see many jacks-o’- lanterns?
a. Halloween
b. Memorial Day
c. Easter
Which of the US presidents was a Hollywood actor?
a. Ronald Regan
b. Bill Clinton
c. George Bush
Are there any differences between American football and soccer?
a. No, there aren’t
b. They are the same
c. Yes, there are
Christmas is an important time for:
a. giving presents
b. watching TV
c. playing baseball
What is the most common leisure activity among American families?
a. car travel
b. bus travel
c. bicycle travel
Where do the New – Yorkers usually meet New Years Day?
a. on Time Square
b. on Broadway
c. on the 5th Avenue
Keys to the questions:
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
1b 1c 1a 1b
2c 2a 2b 2c
3c 3c 3a 3a
4a 4b 4a 4b
5b 5b 5c 5a
6c 6c 6b 6a
7c 7a 7c 7c
8b 8b 8a 8a
9a 9a 9b 9a
10b 10b 10b 10a
Список литературы:
Ощепкова В.В., Булкин А.П. США: страна, люди, традиции. Книга для чтения по страноведению. – М.: РТ-Пресс, 2001
Родин И.О., Пименова Т.М. Устные темы и задания по развитию речи (английский язык) 9-10 года обучения: Учебное пособие. - М.: «Издательство Астрель», «Издательство АСТ», 2001
Шалаева Г.П., Хаскин В.П. Английский язык. Справочник школьника. – М.: Филологическое общество «Слово», 2002
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