Презентация к семинару Рецепт удачного мастер-класса
What makes a workshop effective? Reflection on how to turn your workshop into a special treat.
The outcomes. At the end of today’s session you’ll be able to
To identify your criteria for an effective workshop
To evaluate particular aspects of an effective workshop
To suggest ways of giving an effective training session and making feedback constructive WANTED: A PERFECT MATCH
Pasta, tomato sauce, cheese
Grilled salmon, baked potatoes, vegetable salad
Apple pie, ice-cream, vanilla sauce
Sprite, mint, Bacardi, lime Ingredients The idea
The layout
Techniques and resource materials
Presentation skills
Visual effects and music
Watch this! “A perfect omlette” What was the idea of this workshop?
What was the layout of the episode?
How did you feel?
What presentation skills did Jamie use?
Can you call it an effective workshop? Give your reasons.
Some aspects of an effective workshop. Effective interactions
Effective feedback Making interactions effective
Individual work
pair and group work
Evaluating materials The key criteria:
Appropriate for my trainees
Different learning styles are catered for
Clear organisation
Clear instructions
Easy to dapt
Evaluating materials The key criteria:
Easy to follow
Attractive layout
Learning outcomes At the end of today’s session you’ll be able to….IdentifyEvaluateExplainShareSuggest Making feedback effective Constructive
destructive The outcomes.
To identify your criteria for an effective workshop
To evaluate particular aspects of an effective workshop
To suggest ways of giving an effective training session and making feedback constructive
Thank you!
Enjoy your meal!!!!!