Презентация к уроку Школьные друзья навсегда
Phonetic ex.
Friendship is a thing for two,Three or four, even more,Like a song that is made to sing.Friendship is a doing thing. The game ‘Rhyme the word’Rice - …, ever -…, mind -.., rest -…, food -…, through -…, ideal -…, helpful - …, cave - …, white - … Юмор Уступка Компромисс Сотрудничество Угрозы, насилие Грубость, унижение Уход от решения проблемы Разрыв отношений - Real friends + If my friend is ill I will …If my best friend didn’t do his/her homework I …If I were in trouble my friend …If you are laughed at your friend … Be a true friend and you will never be alone! If you liked the lesson and your work, say “Thank you!”If you didn’t like, say: “We’ll try again!”