Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему: Model verb can in the positive negative sentences Present Simple Tense
Date:ofthe 24 th of September
Objective: repeat the regular and irregular verbs in the Past Simple Tense use the modal verb in the positive and negative sentences of the Present Simple Tense talk about robots: what can people do that robots can t do test yourself, listen the text Peter s working day in the language laboratory in I program and do the diagram.
Visual aids: pictures, blackboard chart, books exhibition balloons, flowers.
Dear teachers and peoples!We are very glad to see you in our lesson.
On the 22 nd of September each year is celebrated the Day of the languages and peoples in Kazakhstan. In Our country are lived many people of different nationals. The state language is Kazakh, the people s common language is Russian, but each nation has own culture own folks traditions and ceremonies.
Our great country is celebrated this great holiday and it is become tradition in our school to celebrate it too. We are learning Kazakhstan, Russian, German, English. We are celebrating this holiday and wishing you health wealth in the family and success in your learning of English.
Kim Dona is talking about our country at the map of Kazakhstan. "Our country is situated in Central Asia". It s boarded in the north by Russian Federation, in the last by Republic of China, in the south by Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan and in the west is washed by Caspian sea. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana. The big cities are Aktau, Atyrau, Uralsk, Kokshetau, Almaty, Shymkent, Kyzyl-Orda.
The President is Nazarbaev Nursultan Abishuly.
Ш. St 1 - My name is Alibek. I live in Kazakhstan.
St 2 - My name is Alibek. I am kazakh. I live in Kazakhstan too. Ss - We live in Kazakhstan. Kazakh song "Menin Elim".
St3 - My name is Zhenya. I am Russian.
St4 - My name s Antonina. I am Russian Ss - We live in Kazakhstan.
Я, ты, он, она Вместе дружная семья,
Вместе целая страна
В слове "Мы" сто тысяч "Я" Большеглазых, озорных, желтых,
Рыжих и льняных Грустных и веселых В городах и селах.
St5 - My name is Kristina. I am German.
St6 - My name is Karl. I am German too.
Ss - We live in Kazakhstan.
German song.
Ych heap Katherine und kommie aus Berlin. Und ich heipe Kurt und komm aus Furt.
Wir kommen aus Deutschland und sagen "Hallo". Jetzt wollen wir singen Und singen macht froth.
St 7 - My name is Sonya. I am Korean.
St 8 - My name is Ilona. I am Korean too.
Ss - We live in Kazakhstan.
Korean national song.
All students all together.
Live friends hip of the Kazakhstan peoples!
Live our Republic!
Look at the picture.
These are English schoolchildren.
T. Mike can sweep the floor.
Can he sweep the floor?
St - Yes he can.
T. John can take his bed?
St - Yes he can.
T. - Helen can clean the floor.
Can she clean the floor?
St - Yes she can.
T. - Kate can brush her coat?
Can she brush her coat.
St- Yes she brush.
What can the robots do?
What can t the robots do?
These verbs help you!
Read and repeat!
read the books
watch TV.
sing the songs
T, - Can the robots sleep?
St - No, they can t.
T. - Can the robots read the books?
St - No, they can t.
T. - Can the robots watch TV?
St - No, they can t.
T. - Can they translate?
St - No, they can t.
T. - Can the robots translate?
St - No, they can t.
T. - Can the robots see?
St - Yes, they can.
T. - Can the robots speak?
St - Yes, they can.
Work in the 1 st programmer of the language laboratory.
Take your head dynamic and listen the text.
Deride in to 2 teams and do the tasks for each team.
Pete a schoolboy. He is 13. Pete live in London England. At 7 о clock in the morning he work up. Then he had breakfast. At 8 о clock he went to school №35. After lessons he came home and had supper.
Pete liked sports and played football in the yard. Then he did your homework. At 7 о clock in the evening he had dinner.
Pete watched TV programmers at 9 о clock. At 10 о clock he went to bed and slept.
Do the diagram.
played watched
work up had breakfast had dinner had supper did went slept
The charaeteristigues of the English verb.
Person Tense
Lesson Marks for schoolchildren.
Gaykevitch S 5 Frank К - 5 Serkulov A - 5 Korolyov G - 4 Korolyova T -4 Kim Ilona - 5 Kim Sofya -4