Презентация по английскому языку на тему Суеверия в Великобритании и России
SuperstitionsIn Britain and Russia
SUPERSTITION - belief that is not based on human reason or scientic knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc.AN OMEN - something that is considered to be a sign of how a future event will take place.
The Aimis to compare Russian and English superstitions and omens
The Sources of InformationPrinted and electronic books,Student's books,The Internet,Dictionaries,Our teacher
Superstitions and everyday life, Superstitions and holidays, Superstitions and plants/animals, Wedding superstitions...Groups of Superstitions
A Black CatGood luck Bad luck
Lucky TalismansA Rabbit’s foot A Bear’s Claw
FaithHopeLoveLuckFour-leaf CloverFive-leaf LilacGood luck
A Horseshoe
A Moth A Spider
Opening an Umbrella Indoors21 days of bad luckTears and crying
Breaking a Mirror7 years of bad luck
13, Friday the 13thA Black Day An unlucky Day
Ladders/Electric PolesBad luck
Spilling Salt
WeddingOldHappyFidelityA Brand-new DressValuable Item of Bride‘s Family
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