Презентация по английскому языку на тему Как написать благодарственное письмо.
How to write a Thank you letter.Презентация выполнена Зиновьевой Ю.В.(Учитель ФГКОУ сош№8. Г. Севастополь.)
Types of thank-you letter
How to write a thank you letter:For a thank-you note for an interview, begin by telling the person exactly why you are thankful. “Thank you for taking time to meet with me yesterday for an interview.”Continue by writing two or three sentences expanding on that for which you are thankful. “I appreciate the amount of time you spent with me. Your company is impressive and I was excited to learn more about what you do. I valued the questions you had for me.”Begin a new paragraph and write two or three sentences explaining your expectations. “I look forward to hearing from you soon …Close by reiterating that for which you are thankful. “Thank you again for….” Close by using a word that expresses both thanks and formality. The word “regards” is perfect for an interview thank-you.
A hand-written note on simple stationary is preferable. Begin by writing the date in the upper right corner. Skip down a line and on the left side of the page, write your salutation (Dear Mr. Smith). Skip down a line and indent roughly five spaces Thank-you letters are always a good idea
It is important :For any type of thank-you letter, it is important to be sincere, to thank the person for their time, to let them know you appreciate them. A thank-you letter doesn’t have to be long, but each sentence must be carefully thought-out so that even a short note will be packed with your gratitude.
Useful words.To take time Pleasure.To enjoy – Grateful – Additional – Concerning Conversation – Doubt – Skills –.Opportunity – уделять время.– удовольствиенаслаждаться.благодарный.дополнительный. касательнобеседа.–.сомнение.навыки, умения– возможность.
Useful phrases.— I would very much appreciate the opportunity— I would like to thank you— I truly appreciate— I am writing to thank you for your generous… — I am writing to express my sincere gratitude — Thank you for your generosity and support — Я очень ценю эту возможностьЯ бы хотел поблагодарить ВасЯ искренне ценюЯ пишу, чтобы поблагодарить за Ваше щедрое …Я пишу, что выразить свою искреннюю признательностьСпасибо за Вашу щедрость и поддержку
Here is an example of Thank you letter.(Student’s book, p.51. English 9. Kuzovlev V.P)Dear Naxos*Thank you for this wonderful CD. Please don’t stop releasing these Boris Tchaikovsky* recordings. He is a great composer. You are doing a great work. I hope you will continue releasing the modern and post WW ІІ* recordings of Russian composers. I’ve been collecting the works of your company for 15 years. Now my Naxos CD collection includes 226 titles and I look forward to having many more. I really appreciate your help in making so fabulous discoveries. Thanks again. Alec Wessel