Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3 классе День рождения Джима

The months of the yearJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember “Jim’s birthday” My name is Kate. I have got a son. His name is Jim. He is nine years old. He is kind and smart. I would like to see you and your pupils. My son Jim has got a birthday on the 10th of February. 10 FebruaryDear Julia, My name is Kate. I have got a son.His name is Jim. He is nine years old.He is kind and smart. I would like to see you and your pupils. My son Jim has got a birthday on the 10th of February.Please come and see us.Best wishes,Jim’s mum.

Agree or disagree: Jim’s mum name is Ann.Her son’s name is Bill. Jim is ten years old. Jim is kind and smart. Jim has got a birthday on the 13th of February.Jim’s mum invites us to the birthday party. Complete the sentence, please.Jim is…sadangrykindbravesmartmerry Would you like to go to Jim’s birthday? Toys shop Pupil: - I would like to buy … Shop assistant: - Here you are!Pupil: -Thank you!Shop assistant:- You are welcome! You have a date to celebrate Which comes but once a year And so today we’d like to say From all of us to you: Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday to youHappy Birthday to youHappy birthday, dear JimHappy Birthday to you! Goodbye!