Урок по английскому языку Писатели-Выдающиеся люди Британии 8 класс
Тема урока: «Talking about the Famous»
Развитие: комуникативных навыков по теме «Talking about the Famous».
Тренировка учащихся в употреблении множественного числа существительных в речи.
Совершенствование коммуникативного общения посредством ситуационной игры.
Воспитательно-образовательные аспекты:
Развивающий аспект: развитие способности к переключению внимания в упражнениях в разных видах речевой деятельности, к активности мышления, к логическому изложению своего высказывания;
Воспитательный аспект: приобщить учащихся к культурному наследию;
Социокультурный аспект: знакомство со знаменитыми писателями англоязычных стран и их произведениями;
Учебный аспект: контроль лексико-грамматических, речевых навыков по разделу «Talking about the Famous».
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент:
Teacher: Good morning! Sit down, please.
I am very glad to see you! How are you? Who is on duty today?
Pupil: I am. I am on duty today.
Teacher: What date is it today?
Pupil: Today is the 5th of December.
Teacher: What d
·.Фонетическая зарядка.Teacher: Let’s practice the English sounds and words. I’ll show you some English sounds and words, listen to me attentively and say after me. Звуки и слова (ученики смотрят на доску и произносят за учителем).
3) Речевая зарядка. Look at the blackboard and answer my question.
What are these people famous for?
(на экране портреты знаменитых писателей)
Pl – William Shakespare is famous for his plays.
P2 – Agatha Christie is famous for her detective stories.
РЗ – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle i
· Проверка домашнего задания.
Задача: Проверка усвоения домашнего задания и качества его выполнения.
(вопросы и далее упражнения по тексту на стр. 86, упр. 26)
T.: When did Daniel Defoe write his most famous novel?
T. Was the story based on real adventures?
T What is the title of the book?
T. Did he write his book for children?
Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
Восемнадцатый век, известный во всем мире роман, удивительные приключения, жить одному, остров, много фантазии, была опубликована, стала популярной, поверили, изобрел зонт.
4. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
· 1) D. Defoe wrote his novels in the 19th century.
· 2) D. Defoe wrote his novel about R. Crusoe when he was 30.
· 3) The story of R. Crusoe is the author's imagination.
· 4) The novel wasn't popular in the 18th century, it became popular later.
· 5) D. Defoe didn't write his book for children.
· 6) D. Defoe is called "the father of English prose" for his detective stories.
T. Have you read the novel "Robinson Crusoe"? Say a few words about this novel and include the following information:
a) the author
b) the main character, his traits (его черты характера)
c) the novel
d) five adjectives to describe the novel
5. Введение нового материала.
Teacher:Look at the list of books and say when they wrote these books.
Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" (1719)
Jonathan Swift "Gulliver's Travels" (1726)
Lewis Carrol "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1825)
Alan Milne "Winnie-the-Pooh" (1926)
Beatrix Potter "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" (1902)
Robert Louis Stevenson "Treasure Island" (1883)
Rudyard Kipling "The Jungle Book" (1894)
T > Pl > P2 > РЗ > P4 > P5
6. Закрепление: Повторение времени Present Perfect в игровой форме.
Teacher: Ask your classmates if they have read these books.
( Выше указанный список книг) Have you read ?
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe?
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll?
Winnie-the-Pooh by Alan Milne?
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter?
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson?
Maugly by Rudyard Kipling?
7. Заключительный этап
а) подведение итогов урока
T.: Well done. Thank you very much. And now your home task. (учитель раздает листочки с вопросами).
б) домашнее задание
Answer the questions and then write about the book you are reading now. Say why you like it or don't like it.
1) What are you reading now?
2) Who wrote the book and when?
3) How many pages are there?
4) Who are the characters in the story?
в) выставление оценок
(прокомментировать выставленные оценки).
Teacher: -Thank you very much. Well done!
Your marks are
The bell has gone. The lesson is over. You are free. Thank you. Goodbye.