Test 8 form Attributive clauses
Test 8 form
Attributive clauses
Придаточные определительные предложения
Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.
What's the name of the man car you borrowed?
A cemetery is a place people are buried.
A pacifist is a person believes that all wars are wrong.
An orphan is a child parents are dead.
The place we spent our holidays was really beautiful.
This school is only for children first language is not English.
I don't know the name of the woman to I spoke on the phone.
We don't know the man you are looking for.
This is the car I want to buy.
I don't like people are always dissatisfied with life.
2) Определите, являются ли who, whick, that подлежащим или дополнением, укажите, в каких предложениях эти союзные слова можно опустить. Переведите предложения на русский язык
Here is the book that you were looking for.
Have you got something that will get ink out of a carpet?
I think Bramwell was the one who first suggested the idea.
I want to speak to the person who deals with my account.
I’ve been thinking about those questions which you asked me last week.
Is that your car that's parked outside?
It’s a song that my mother taught me.
People who take physical exercise live longer.
She married a man who she met on a bus.
She was with her husband who I had already met.
The boys who arrived late sat at the back of the class.
Paris is the city that I've always wanted to visit.
We have built a structure that should last for hundreds of years.
The woman who does my hair has moved to another place.
What do you think of the wine that we drank last night?
3) Составьте по два предложения используя союзные слова и предлоги в скобках: одна с предлогом, идущим перед союзным словом, другое - с предлогом после глагола, к которому он относится. Переведите на русский язык
We got the same answer from everyone (who/whom, to) we spoke.
Do you know the woman (who/whom, to) Tom is talking?
The bed (which/that, in) I slept last night was not very comfortable.
Are these the keys (which/that, for) you were looking?
The woman (who/that/whom, with) he fell in love left him after a few weeks.
The man (who/whom, next to) I was sitting on the plane talked all the time.
Are these the keys (which/what, for) you were looking?
Unfortunately, we couldn't go to the wedding (which/that, to) we were invited.
I enjoy my job. I like the people (who/that/whom, with) I work.
I didn't get the job (that/which, for) I applied.
George is a good person (who/whom, on) you can rely.
My grandmother (who/whom/that, after) I looked finally died.
He has a lot of friends (who/whom, with) he talks regularly.
The forms (which/that, in) I had to fill were very complicated.
The people (whom/who, with) I work are very friendly.
4) Переведите предложения
Это история, которая понравится любому ребенку.
Смотри! Там люди, которых мы встречали в Брайтоне.
У тебя есть книжка, которую приятно почитать?
Сегодня по телевизору будет передача, которая наверняка тебе понравится.
Я думаю обо всех вещах, которые произошли с нами с тех пор, как мы сюда переехали.
Мы принимаем на работу только людей, которые имею опыт работы на компьютере.
Как зовут этого высокого человека, который только что вошел?
Где девушка, которая продает билеты?
Она - актриса, которая находится на пике своей карьеры.
Мы пошли в ресторан, который нам рекомендовала Джейн.
Эндрю остановил полицейскую машину, которая проезжала мимо.
Дом, который находится рядом с нашим, сейчас продается.
Большинство лесов, которые раньше покрывали Британию, теперь разрушены.