Презентация по английскому языку на тему Лидеры США (8 класс)
Theme of the lessonThe USA Leaders
Aims of the Lesson To deepen and expand on a theme. To improve ability and practical knowledge of English on a theme on all type of speech activity: auding, listening, speaking, writing. To increase in learning of foreign language
THE GROUP RULERSTo participate actively. Белсенді қатысуTo Keep quiet. Тыныштық сақтауTo listen to each other. Бірін – бірі тыңдауTo save time. Уақыт үнемдеуTo tell the opinion. Ойын ашық айту.
Checking home taskTomas Jefferson 3th presidentFranklin Delano Roosevelt 32th president
NEW LESSONHow many presidents in the USA? Who was the first American president?Who is the President of the USA now?
Barack Abama
George Washington
Keys for grammar exercise 1)3; 7) 1; 2) 1; 8) 2; 3) 2; 9) 3; 4) 3; 10) 2; 5) 3; 11) 3.6) 2;
ЖАН ТҮРШІКТІРЕР ОҚИҒАFatal communication
Abraham Lincoln 16th presidentJohn Kennedy35th presidentAbraham Lincoln has been elected in the congress in 1846John Kennedy has been elected in the congress in 1946Lincoln elected the president in 1860John Kennedy elected the president in 1960Both were shot in the HeadBoth were killed on FridayLincoln’s secretary called KennedyKennedy’s secretary called LincolnLincoln and Kennedy’s successors carried a surname JohnsonLincoln has been killed in theater “Kennedy” Kennedy has been killed in car “Lincoln”The murderer Booth has run away from the theater and has been seized on an attic.The murderer Oswald has run away from the attic and has been seized on a theater.
Assessment Clever men’s 6 hatsWhite hat – to tell about good (жақсы болған жәйт)Red hat – what I feel (мен не сезіндім?)Black hat – what shortcomings ( қандай кемшіліктерболды?)Yellow hat – for me useful (мен үшін пайдалы)Green hat – what I’ll be able to make(мен не істей аламын?)Blue hat – what we have reached (неге қол жеткіздік?)
Home taskFind some information about 43president
Good – bye! Thank you!