The theme of the lesson: UK political system
The theme of the lesson: UK political system 11classAims : Presentation of the new words. Talking about polical system in Uk. To increase skills in speech, reading,writing ,using words. To train pupils logical and critical thinking. To develop the pupils interest in English .To teach be polite.
Type of lesson: combined lesson
Visual aids: cards, slides, interactive-board, maps, pictures.
The procedure of the lesson
I.Organization momenta)greetings .Good morning! I am glad to see you. b) Who is on duty today? Who is absend? What Is the date today?
II.Warm up Ex 1. 25км, жүздеген кітаптар, мыңдаған журналдар , 2/5, ондаған машиналар, 2.134.
III.Phonetic drill
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ,Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
IV.Our theme in our lesson is” UK Political system”
a)The new words a supreme -жоғарғы,executive –атқарушы билік,to derive -алу, precedent -өнеге,judiciary –сот билігі,legislature –заң шығарушы билік,monarch -монархия,government -үкімет.
V. Match words with their definitions Ex.1
Supreme-highest in rank, authority –the power or right to give orders, make decisions, judiciary –the judicial authorities of a country, to derive- obtain something from , etc.
VI. 1) Reading the text : UK Political system.(slides)
2)Тарих пәнінің мұғалімі Оразбаева Ф.осы тақырыпты слаид арқылы түсіндіре білді.
VII. Find in the text.
Ұлы Британия монархиялы ел. Үкімет басшысы - Прeмьер министр. Парламент атқарушы билік, заң атқарушы билік, сот билігінен тұрады. Ұлы Британияның конституциясы жазылмаған бірақ әдет - ғұрып, салт- дәстүр, өнегел і сөз бар.
VIII. Question –answer work . Ex. 5
What kind of state is Great Britain?
What does the UK legislature comprise?
What does the UK executive consist of?
What does the UK judiciary determine?
How often is the general election held in Great Britain?
What is the Government normally formed by?
Why is the British Constitution peculiar?
IX. I give you worksheets please choose the right answer.
Check up your answer.
1.What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
A)London, b)Manchester, c)Belfast, d) Cardiff.
2.What is the highest mountain in the UK?
A)Ben Nevis, b)Snowden, c) Mont Blanc d)Everest.
3. What is a kild?
a)a shoe, b) a skirt, c) a shirt, d) a blouse
4.What is Big Ben?
a)a tower clock, b)a clock, c)a wall, d) a palace
5. What does the word <Albion> mean?
a)Brown, b) white ,c) black, d) blue
X. Make up sentences and write on the blackboard.
Europe/ the/ Great/is Britain/ island/largest.
Capital/ the/ is/ Kazakhstan/Astana/of/
Leader /the/is/Prime/party s/Minister/
XI. You should find the necessary words.
Ойыннан --- шығар (от )
Отан оттанда ----------(ыстық )
Жылтырағанның бәрі ----- емес.(алтын)
100 сомың болғанша 100 ------ болсын(дос)
-------- is power(білім )
East or West ----- is best(үй)
So many-------- so many customs (ел)
A good -----is above wealth (денсаулық).
XII. Fill in the gaps with the new words. Ex. 3
XIII. Marks.
XIV. H/ task Ex.6,7
Атырау облысы Махамбет орта мектебінің ағылшын
тілі пәні мұғалімі Мұқашева Г.Ж.