презентация на тему 7 чудес Башкортостана и Учалинского района

«SEVEN WОNDERS OF BASHKORTOSTAN» Seven Wonders of Bashkortastan Seven Wonders of Bashkortostan YANGAN-TAY SALAVAT ULAEV EPOS “URAL-BATYR” SHULGAN-TASH CAVE. BASHKIR HONEY MINERAL SPRINGS OF KRASNOUSOL’SK KURAY THE MONUMENT OF SALAVAT YULAEV EPOS “URAL-BATYR” Epos “Ural-batyr” is the largest and ancient epic work of bashkir folklore. The main idea of epos is the love to fatherland. The epos describe the poetik picture of settling of the Ural mountains by people, birds and animals. KURAY Kuray is a national musical instrument. Traditional kuray is made of the plant which is named as kuray. Intonation diapason of kuray is extraordinarily wide. It may express a sadness and gladness, force and fragility. MINERAL SPRINGS OF KRASNOUSOL’SK The small river on the tabynskaya earth had native bashkir name-Kugush. Since 1944 on the basis of mineral waters the clinic has been working. BASHKIR HONEY Bashkir honey is a biologically active product, collected by bees from nectar of plants. The high quality of our honey, are estimated on international exhibitions all over the world. HEALTHY INFLUENCE OF YANGAN-TAU There is Yangan-tau in Salavatsky district of Bashkortostan. Three kilometres from a mountain there is a healthful source of Kurgazak. Today the resort “Yangan-tau” takes one of the first place in Russia. SHULGAN-TASH CAVE. Shulgan-tash cave is one of caves of South Ural. It is located on the bank of the river Agidel, flowing on Burzyans district. From 1965 Shulgan-tash is declared as the natural zapovednik of Russia. SEVEN WОNDERS OF UCHALY lake Vorozheich 90.jpg Temple at Voznesenka menhirs PYRAMID BAKSHAY AWLIYA mountain Iremel