Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Theme: Places and directions London.
9 form
Theme: Places and directions London.
Aims: 1. To introduce with geographical
places of London.
2. To develop, writing, reading,
3. To develop speaking skills.
4. To teach respect between international countries.
Types of the lesson: New lesson.
Method of the lesson: problem questions, dialogue.
Visual aids: Cards, pictures, markers, map.
Procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
Duty’s report.
II. Checking up home task.
Check up home task and give them their mark.
III. Main period. New lesson.
Teacher: Good afternoon dear teachers and pupils. Welcome to our seminar lesson. Today during the lesson we study about the London and it’s geographical places and it’s population.
1) Now the first I divided you into two group. First group is London and second group is Astana.
2) Pupils what was your home task?
Pupils answered the questions.
Lets begin our new theme. Now I shall give your information about London. Now I shall read the text London and listen from the Dictaphone. Then you must read and translate it. Pupils now you listen the text. Lets find new word from the text.
Now I shall read and you must read this new words all together. Pupils do you understand the text. I have questions for you.
1. What is the capital of England?
2. How many population in England?
3. Which sightseeing in there?
I give you tests. And you must work with tests.
What do you know about London.
You must work with cluster.
Pupils let’s do exercise 2 d on p159. you must write true of false sentences.
If you have finished to write the exercise, now we will work orally.
We will compare. Astana and London.
Now during the lesson you take some information about the London.
Now we will compare the Astana.
1. Which country do you live?
2. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
3. Which sightseeing do you know in Astana.
4. Who is head of our country?
5. Do you now letter which our president sent the population?
1) Pupils do you know what country do you live?
2) Where do we live? Village and city?
3) Do you know difference between city and village?