Презентация по английскому языку . Тема World Landmarks к УМК Starlight 5

WorldLANDMARKSПрезентация по английскому языку к УМК Starlight 5 Module 1Пулиной Марины Геннадьевны THE GREAT SPHINXGIZA, EGYPTGiza, Egypt is the largestcity on the west bank of the River Nile and ishome to impressivemonuments and statuesfrom the ancient world. The great Sphinx, TheGreat Pyramid and manyothers.
THE LEANING TOWER OF PISAITALYItaly is a country in southernEurope. 60 million people live there,The capital of the country is Rome.The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one ofthe most remarkable architecturalstructures from medieval Europe.It is located in the Italian townof Pisa, one of the most visitedEuropean cities.
THE SUN PYRAMID OF TEOTIHUACANMEXICOThe Pyramid of theSun, built in the 2ndcentury AD, Dominatesthe landscape ofthe ancient city ofTeotihuacan in Mexico.Teotihuacan -the placeof The Gods - was thefirst true city inMesoamerica, at 600 ADMore than 100,000 peoplelived there.
THE CN TOWERTORONTO, CANADAToronto, Canada is the largest city inthe country, but not the capital. It is topfinancial and business centre. It is alsothe home for the famous CN Tower. TheCN Tower was technically the world'stallest building from its completion in1976 until 2009. At night the tower isilluminated with a programmable LEDlighting. The colours change throughoutthe year. 
THE TAJ MAHALAGRA, INDIA Agra, India is the large cityin the province of Taj MahalWas built in 22 years (16311653) with the orders ofShah Jahan and it wasdedicated to MumtazMahal, the wife of Shah.20.000 workers workedthere and it was builtaccording to Islamicarchitecture.
THE EMERALD BUDDHABANGKOK, THAILAND Bangkok, Thailand is thecapital city of the country. It isthe top tourist destination andit has many cultural landmarks:the Grand Palace .The EmeraldBuddha Thailand is located onthe grounds of the GrandPalace, the former residenceof the kings of Siam. 
OPERA HOUSESYDNEY, AUSTRALIASydney is the largest city inthe country but not thecapital of it. The SydneyOpera House is a performingart centre in Sydney,Australia, situated in Sydney Harbour , close to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Itwas opened on 20 October1973, by Queen Elizabeth II. It looks like huge ferry boat.
ROME, ITALYCOLOSSEUM  Collosseum in Italy is an oval amphitheatrein the centre of the cityof Rome. Builtof concrete and stone, itis the largest  amphitheatre ever builtand is considered one ofthe greatest works ofarchitecture andengineering.
EIFFEL TOWERPARIS, FRANCEThe Eiffel Tower was builtfor the World Exhibition in1889, held in celebration ofthe French Revolution in1789. One could notimagine Paris without theEiffel Tower, in fact it hasbecome the symbol of theCity of Light. You couldn'tpossibly visit Paris withoutseeing the Eiffel Tower. 
STATUE OF CHRIST THE REDEEMERRIO DE JANEIRO,BRAZILChrist the Redeemer is astatue of Jesus Christ in Riode Janeiro, Brazil. Thestatue is 120 ft tall andweighs 635 tons. It is now apart of the modern SevenWonders of the World. It islocated on CorcovadoMountain. 
CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTIONSAINT-PETERSBURG, RUSSIAThe Church of the Resurrection of Christ , also called The Saviour on the Spilled Blood  is a church in St. Petersburg, Russia, that was built by Emperor Alexander III as a memorial to his assassinated father, Emperor Alexander II. The church is privately owned and is part of the St. Issac’s Cathedral and Museum organization.