Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке My first steps in English(5 класс)
My first steps in English
Образовательная: обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний в новой коммуникативной ситуации.
Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся, формирование навыков выразительного чтения и мотивации к изучению английского языка, и литературы.
Воспитательные: развитие навыков общения на английском языке.
Оборудование: класс оформить разноцветными воздушными шарами, на которых написаны по-английски разные слова; сделать выставку детских рисунков по пройденным темам
·e, please, which letter goes after A?
Pupil 3: All the others.
Teacher: And now all of you know the ABC, don`t you?
Pupil 4:
Алфавит –
Знают все , кого ни спроси:
Немцы, французы, датчане,
И само собой, англичане.
И мы теперь знакомы с ним,
Его еще раз повторим.
Pupil 5: AB- охоту полюби,
Pupil 4: CD- под кустиком сиди,
Pupil 5: EF- где-то рядом лев,
Pupil 4: GHI-ты его поймай,
Pupil 5: LKL- поймать его сумел,
Pupil 4: MNO- какой чудесный Лёва!
Pupil 5: PQRST- его на волю отпусти,
Pupil 4: UV- и больше не лови,
Pupil 5: XYZ- от Лёвы всем привет!
Teacher: Very good. You know that all the words are made from letters. And you know a lot of them. We have learned some rhymes to remember these words better.
Pupil 6:
Thin- худой,
Упитанный- fat,
Mouse- мышка,
А кошка- cat.
Pupil 7:
Elephant- слон,
A bear- мишка,
Giraffe- большой,
A fly- коротышка.
Pupil 6:
Lovely- чудесный,
Nice- хорош.
Hedgehog- это ёж.
На кого он похож?
Teacher: I see you know some English words. And I know you like to play with your toys. Let
· tell you about our families.
(появляются два мальчика. они могут сесть на стулья и начать беседу )
Mike: Pete, what is your father?
Pete: My father is a teacher. He is a very good teacher.
Mike: He is a teacher, and your little sister can`t read and write.
Pete: Well, Mike, and what is your father?
Mike: Oh, my father is a dentist.
Pete: Hу is a dentist and your little brother has no teeth. He is not a good dentist then.
(появляется девочка, играющая роль мамы, она несет блюдо с яблоками. Ей навстречу выбегает дочка)
Ann: Oh, Mum, give me an apple!
Mum: Oh, Ann you must be polite! What must you say?
Ann: Give me one more, please.
(девочка сидит на скамейке и читает книгу. К ней подходит другая девочка, обе разыгрывают сцену знакомства.)
Lena: Hello!
·у стола стоит «Тетя» и делает бутерброды. входит «племянница» и обращается к ней)
Polly: Dear Aunt! Let` go to the Zoo!
Aunt: I am sorry, but I can`t. I`m cooking lunch.
Polly: Then let`s play Zoo.
Aunt: But what way? We are at home!
Polly: I can be a lit
·tle monkey. I can jump.
Aunt: Well. And what must I do?
Polly: You can be a lady who gives me bananas and sweets.
Teacher: You see speaking English makes great fun, too. And now we will remember the numbers. So, the first players will be pupils who can recite a rhyme with numbers.
Pupil 15:
One, one, one,
Little dogs run.
Two, two, two,
Cats see you.
Three, three, three,
Birds in a tree.
Four, four, four,
Rats on the floor.
Pupil 16:
One, two,
What must I do?
Three, four,
Close the door!
Five, six,
Give me some sticks!
Seven, eight,
Wash the plate!
Nine, ten,
Bring me a pen!
Pupil 17:
My hands upon
My head I place,
On my shoulders,
On my face,
Then put them
In front of me,
And gently clap:
One, two, three.
Pupil 18:
Nine and one-
Fun in the bright sun,
Nine and two-
Fun for Nick and you.
Nine and three-
Fun by the green tree.
Pupil 19:
One from three-
Two books for me.
One from two-
One book for you.
One from one-
And we have none.
Pupil 20:
One little apple on a tree,
Two apples for you and me,
Three apples by the door.
And four apples on the floor.
The apples are good and sweet,
Can you count them all, Pete?
Teacher: Well done! Now we know the ABC, we know a lot of English words and we can read interesting books in English.
Oh, to read is quite great fun!
This can master everyone!
Don`t ask Mother, Father, brothers,
Nor your friends or all the others,
Take the book from your bookshelf
Just sit down and read yourself!
We can read fairy tales and we can tell our friends about what we have read. Let`s see a fairy tale about
Granddad: oh, what a big turnip! One, two, three. Granny come here!
Granny: I am coming.
Granddad: Help me please. One, two, three.
Granny: Alice come here.
Alice: I am coming.
Granny: Help us please. One, two, three.
Alice: dog, dog come here.
Dog: bow-wow I am coming.
Alice: help us please. 1,2,3.
Dog: cat, cat come here.
Cat: miaw-miaw I am coming.
Dog: help us please. 1,2,3.
Cat: mouse, mouse come here.
Mouse: pe-pe-pe I am coming
Cat: help us please. 1,2,3.
All together: the turnip is out! The turnip is very nice!
Teacher: You have taken your first steps in English. I hope you love English and you can get more and more knowledge every lesson, because we can do it together. Let`s sing the song “The more we get together”
1.The more we get together, together, together,
The more we get together, the happier we`ll be
For your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends:
The more we get together, the happier we`ll be.
Teacher: I would like you to remember our festival and I would like to give you special medals with the words : “The first step is the hardest”- “Лиха беда- начало”. And some presents.
The END!