интеллектуалды? сайысThe Kingdom of Languages
The theme: the Kingdom of languagesМақсаты : Оқушылардың үш тілді меңгере отырып, ауызша сөйлеу , өз ойларын жеткізе білу , түсіну дағдыларын арттыру , танымдылық ой-өрістерін дамыту, өз ана тіліне , басқа ұлт тілдеріне құрмет көрсетуге тәрбиелеу.
Көрнекілігі: мақал –мәтелдер , нақыл сөздер, кесте, плакат, шарлар
Өту түрі : интеллектуалды ойын
Teacher : Good afternoon dear children, guests and participants ! You are welcome to our English game.You know that 22nd of September is the Language Day , today’s activity belong to language day.Our game will held between pupils 8 -11 forms. It consists of … rounds . The theme of our intellectual game’s is “The Kingdom of Languages”
Language is the main communication of people. There are nearly 3 000 languages in the world. The state language of our country is Kazakh, Russian is a communicative language . You learn at school as a foreign language English. Every citizen of our country have to know English too. Today you are going to show your knowledge in three language
Warm up ( Group choose the name of their teams)
The teams are : Zhalyn , Polyglot , Allknown The greeting: “The most important thing is not to win but to take part”
1 round Assosation to the word “ Language”
What words can you connect with the word language?
2 round Completing and translating proverbs in 3 languages
To the group Zhalyn
1 East or west , … ( home is best)
2 So many countries ….( so many customs)
3 A friend in need …( is a friend in deed)
To the group Polyglot
Better be an ordinary man in one’s native land …( than a sultan in a foreign land)
2 Love to motherland is .. ( infused in family heart)
3 Power is in knowledge , but …. ( knowledge is in the book)
To betray one’s Motherland is … ( to bury one alive)
To the group Allknown
For each man is his native … ( land is paradise)
Person without Motherland is … ( a nightingale without forest)
Learning a source of knowledge … ( knowledge is a light of life )
2 round Baige Each group are given 6 questions which the members must answer quickly
Where is situated Kazakhstan ?
What is Baiterek ? (in 3 language)
Who is a person who drives a car ?
What colour is the flag of KZ ?
How many nationalities live in KZ
What is your native language ?
II 1) When was the Low of Kazakhstan adopted ?
2) What is the smallest country of UK ?
3) Name the border countries of Kz?
4) Where is Statute of Liberty ?
5) What language is Russian ?
6) Who can be your mother’s sister for you ?
III1) How many regions are there in your country ?
2 )When was the independent Day of KZ adopted ?
3) What is the capital of Wales?
4) What can you see in the flag of KZ ?
5) Which countries speak in English ?
6) What is round and yellow ?
IV round Polyglot
I Отан неден ыстық ( отан , огонь fire )
Жылтырағанның бәрі .... емес ( алтын , золота gold)
Туған күнде алатын зат ( сыйлық, подарка gift or present )
II Не бар жерде үміт бар ( өмір , жизнь, life )
Тіл тас жарады , тас жармаса нені жарады ? ( бас, голова , head )
Қандай құс бейбітшіліктің белгісі ( қыран , орел, eagle )
III .Қанаты жоқ ұшады , аяғы жоқ қашады ( жел , ветер, wind)
Не … білімде, білім кітапта ( күш, сила , power)
Атпаз көрген ат таныр , ұстаз көрген не таныр ? ( хат , письмо , letter )
V round Ойлан тап! Think quickly !
Match the Russian equivalents of these idioms
n\r In English In Russian
1 To tread on smb’toesПровалиться сквозь землю
2 Put your best foot forward Пускать козла в огород
3 To throw dust in somebody’s eyes Наступать на мозоль
4 The earth seemed to swallow smb. up Разводить руками
5 To set the wolf to keep the
sheep Одна нога здесь другая там!
6 To raise one’s hand Для отвода глаз
1 – c 2 – e 3 –f 4 – a 5 – b 6 - d
VI Lexical game Translate these words in Kazakh
Kazakh English
1 Motherland
2 Independence
3 Nationality
4 Language
5 Border
6 Peace
7 Tradition
8 Environment
9 Friendship
10 Flag
VII The best Interpreters ( you must translate the sentences using given words)
1 Мен Қазақстан елінің азаматымын .( citizen )
2 22 желтоқсан күні ҚР халқы тәуелсіздік күнін тойлайды .( Independence )
3 Ағылшын әлемге кең тараған тіл ( widespread)
4 Мен өз Oтаныма мақтан етемін .( to be proud of)
The result of the game
The jurie count their scores and the winner team was awarded . The participants have shown their knowledge and have spoken in 3 languages . All players and participants were very active and they have done different tasks in English, Kazakh and Russian . I am very pleased with you. Our game is over
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