Урок на тему «New Year in Britain, Russia and the Republic of Khakasia»..

Тема урока: «New Year in Britain, Russia and the Republic of Khakasia».
Автор: Кузьмичева Наталья Александровна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Бондаревской СОШ»
Цель урока: активизировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
1. образовательные:
- тренировать учащихся в лексике по теме «Праздники»,
- практиковать в составлении личного письма по структуре,
- активизировать лингвокультурологический материал по теме: «Праздники».
2. развивающие:
- развивать коммуникативные навыки,
- развивать орфографические навыки,
3. воспитательные:
- воспитывать чувства уважения и доброжелательности к стране изучаемого языка, родной стране, республике и ее народу, своим сверстникам,
- развивать и поддерживать устойчивый интерес к английскому языку, речевому и культурному общению друг с другом.
Применяемые технологии:
- коммуникативное - ориентированное обучение,
- отработка техники чтения,
- развитие познавательного интереса.
- наглядность: тематические картинки, лексические таблицы, комплекты дидактических раздаточных материалов,
- магнитофон, кассеты,
- рабочая тетрадь.
1. Организационный момент.
- Stand up, please.
- Stand still.
- Good morning, dear children, I am glad to see you.
+ Good morning, dear teacher, I am glad to see you, too.
- Thank you, take your seats, please.
Good morning dear guests!
Today we have an unusual day.
We are having a great party “New Year of Britain, Russia and Khakasia”.
I hope you will have a wonderful time.
Let us learn, play and sing together!
- Now, children, answer my questions, please.
- What’s the date today?
+ Today is the 11th of February.
- What day of week is it today? – Is it Monday or Saturday?+ Today is Wednesday.
- What season is it now? Is it summer, is it spring, is it winter?
+ It’s winter.
- What the weather is it today?
- Is it cold or hot?
+ Today it’s cold.
- Is it today cloudy?
+ Yes, today it’s cloudy.
- Is it today frosty?
+ Yes, it’s frosty.
- Good, thank you.
2. Речевая зарядка.
- Today, I will tell you a lot of interesting facts about the ways of celebrating New Year in Britain, Russia and Khakasia.
- O’k, let’s remember when these holidays are celebrated. Look at the board, please. This is a table.
- Look at the 1st column:  These are the names of the holidays
- Look at the 3nd colum: The dates when these holidays are celebrated.
Match the holidays with their dates. (ученики заполняют по желанию таблицу.)
New Year’s Day
 Новый Год
Чыл Пазы
      is celebrated March, 22
January, 1
 January, 1
- Good thank you. Now answer my questions:
- Do you like holidays?
+ Yes, I like holidays.
- Do people cook dinner on holidays?
+ Yes, they do.
- Do people make funny costumes?
+ Yes, they do.
- Do people send greeting cards?
+ Yes, they do.
- Do you like presents?
+ Yes, I like presents.
- Do you like parties?
+ Yes, I like parties.
- Do you like to sing at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to sing at the parties.
- Do you like to dance at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to dance at the parties.
- Very well done! Thank you.
. Ввод новой лексики.
- Today we’re going to learn some new words.
Look at the board, please
1. I’ll read and translate new words.
(показываю картинки и перевожу).
1) Christmas tree2) greeting card
3) Father Christmas
4) presents5) to decorate
6) to celebrate
7) Father Frost
2. I’ll read and you repeat after me, please.
(читаю дети за мной повторяют)
1.     O’K now I’ll mix these words.
Say in English: “What is this?”
Altogether, please
-What is this?
+ It’s a …
(мешаю карточки, дети хором называют слово на английском)
2. Thank you, now I want to listen to everyone, in English.
(спрашиваю каждого ученика, как будет это слова на английском)
3.  I’ll show you the cards and translate into Russian “What is this?” please.
4. (спрашиваю каждого ученика перевод картинки)
 (дети берут прикрепленные на доске таблички с новыми словами и прикрепляют в нужную колонку)
- Thank you, good. Look at the board, please. There is a table. You can see 3 columns:
- Holiday’s symbols, what can you do on holidays? Holiday’s meal.
- Take card from the board and put the new words into these columns.
  - let’s check. (на экране появляется табличка с правильным заполнением)
- Good, you’re right.
. Чтение.
(раздаю на парты листы с текстами, читаем тексты с праздниками по очереди)
- Now we are going to read the texts about celebrating New Year.
- Begin, please.
New Year’s Day in Britain
New Year’s Day celebrates the start of a new year. It is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But it is also celebrated there. Not all English people celebrate New Year.
They have a New Year party at home. On that day they wish a “Happy New Year”. English and American people often make New Year’s resolutions.
- That’s quite good.
New Year’s Day in Russia
In Russia New Year is the most popular holiday. 90 % of the Russians celebrate the start of a new year on the first of January.
People decorate houses and New Year’s tree. On that day they wish a “Happy New Year” and exchange presents. On New Year’s Eve people cook traditional food, cakes and have parties. Most people often make New Year’s resolutions.
Чыл Пазы
It is one of the main holidays of Khakas people. It is celebrated on the twenty-second of March. People say good-bye to old sun and say hello to new one.
Guests fetch white, blue and red ribbons(чалама) with New Year’s resolutions and black ribbons with troubles of the last year. Black ribbons they burn in the fire, and colourful ribbons they tie up the birch. It is called «Пай Хазын». People cook traditional food (хан, талган, айран), dance in national costumes and play games.
Дети делятся на 2 команды, каждой из которой выдаются лепестки, на задней стороне которых написаны что люди делают на новый год, детям необходимо на время прикрепить к сердцевинам: New Year Britain, New Year Russia, Chil Pazi, чья команда быстрее та и победила
. Физкультминутка.
- Now, let’s have a break. Do morning exercises.
(выбираю ученика для проведения зарядки)
- Who is eager to show the exercises?
- Stand up, stand still.
- Listen to the music.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you're happy and you know itThen your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it, shake a handIf you're happy and you know it, shake a handIf you're happy and you know itThen your face wilt surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, shake a handIf you're happy and you know it give a smileIf you're happy and you know it give a smileIf you're happy and you know itThen your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it give a smileIf you're happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it, shake a handIf you're happy and you know itThen your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it give a smile
- Good, thank you. Sit down, please. Take your places. Go on our work.
. Письмо.
Yesterday Mark from Britain sent us a letter. He asks us how we celebrate New Year. Lets write him the letter and answer his questions.
Look at the board, please.
(объясняю, как по схеме писать письмо другу)
I’ll give you ____ min.
My favourite holiday is … 
- New Year
- Chil PaziIt is celebrated in …
- winter- spring- summer- autumnThe symbols are …
- Father Christmas
The favourite meal is …
On this day people …
- wish “Happy New year”
- have for dinner
- sing, dance
- get presents
 - Good, thank you.
11. Рефлексия.
(зайти в замок Английского языка по своим знаниям полученным на уроке).
12. Домашняя работа.
Написать сочинение про свой любимый праздник.
13. Подведение итогов урока.