Открытый урок-праздник по английскому языку «Christmas and New Year in Great Britain»

Тип урока: Урок закрепления и изучение нового материала.
Цели урока:
Образовательная:  дать информацию о традициях празднования Рождества и Нового Года в Великобритании .
закрепить в речи учащихся необходимые лексические единицы по теме
развитие навыков устной речи, формирование гибких и вариативных умений говорить, развитие навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух, навыков чтения и письменной речи.
Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к языку, умения активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе.
Тематические картинки по теме.
Раздаточный материал (карточки для выполнения заданий по аудированию)
Карточки с новой лексикой.
Организационный этап. Приветствие.
Teacher: Good afternoon, students! How are you?
Students: Good afternoon, teacher!
We are fine, and you?
Teacher: I’m fine too! Thanks! Today we have a fixing- lesson.
Today we are going to continue speaking about the traditions of celebratiоn Christmas and New Year in Great Britain.
Our Tasks for the lesson are: (Слайд 2)
To check up your homework
To revise words and study new;
To activate speaking and listening skills;
To watch the video
To sing the song

Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Look at the screen. Here is the Phonetic drill for you. (Слайд 3)
Tiny sprays of crystal
Falling from the sky
Soft and silently they fall
A Winter’s butterfly
Повторение лексики. (Слайд 4)
Teacher: So, what was your home task for today?
Students: Our home task for today was:
To learn by heart the Christmas vocabulary
To find some information about Christmas and learn it.

Teacher: Let’s check the words! You’ve got a minute to repeat them.
Christmas Vocabulary
advent  наступление (эпохи, события); bauble – ёлочный шар (Christmas bauble) candy cane – леденец в виде посоха (как правило, белый с красными полосками) candle  свеча chimney  дымоход, труба (дымовая или вытяжная) Christmas  Рождество (Christmas Day is on 25 December) Christmas card  рождественская открытка Christmas carol - рождественский гимн (люди поют на Рождество) Christmas Eve - канун Рождества Christmas holidays - рождественские каникулы (около недели до и недели после Рождества) present - подарок Christmas tree - рождественская елка Father Christmas  также известен, как Santa Claus :) fireplace  камин ginger bread – имбирный кекс, пряник holly, holly sprig – остролист, веточка остролиста (его вечнозелёными веточками с красными ягодами по традиции украшают дом на Рождество) Jesus Christ Иисус Христос mistletoe  омела (в Англии традиционное украшение дома на Рождество) New Year  новый год reindeer  северный олень sleigh  сани snow –снег turkey  индейка
wreath – венок (вешают на двери)

Watching slideshow. (Слайд 5)
Teacher: OK! Are you ready to listen about British Christmas symbols?
Symbol – means Символ , REPEATE Please!
Berry – ягода
Evergreen (plant) – вечнозеленое (растение)
To decorate – наряжать, украшать (вывесить на доске новые слова)

Let’s go!
Christmas is supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
(Рождество празднуют в честь дня рождения Иисусу Христа.)
One of the main symbols of the Christmas is holly.
(Одним из символов Рождества является остролист.)
Holly is an evergreen. (Остролист – это вечнозеленое растение.)
Evergreens that produce berries in winter were thought to have magical power. (Вечнозеленые растения, которые приносили ягоды зимой, считались обладателями магической силы.)
Mistletoe is a plant that is important at Christmas. (Омела – это очень важное растение)
Like holly – mistletoe bears fruit during the Christmas season. (Как и остролист, омела дает плоды в течении рождественского сезона.)
Any two people who meet under the mistletoe are obliged to kiss. (Любые двое, которые окажутся под омелой должны поцеловаться.)
Around the middle of the 19 th century the tradition of the Christmas tree became popular in Britain. (В середине 19 века в Британии стала популярна традиция наряжать рождественскую елку.)
It is under the highly decorated tree that the presents are placed. (место подарков под высокой украшенной Рождественской елью.)
Presents are another important symbol of the Christmas. (Подарки еще один важный символ Рождества.)
They are normally opened by the family on Christmas day. (Подарки традиционно открываются в день Рождества)

Questions: 1. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas? (Слайд 6)
2. What colour are the holly berries?
3. When did the tradition of the Christmas tree become popular?
4. Where is the place of presents?
V. Монологическая речь. Teacher: As far as I remember, your homework was to find some information about CHRISTMAS. Who wants to answer?
Student: (Слайд 7). Xmas comes on the 25th of December. Due to Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert the United Kingdom started celebrating what we know as “traditional British Christmas”.
Teacher: By the way students, Russian people celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January.
Student: (Слайд 8). CHRISTMAS TREE. They say the first Xmas tree appeared in Germany in 1521. And it was Prince Albert who brought it to Britain. In 1841 Queen Victoria and Prince Albert had a lighted tree at Windsor Castle. Today an enormous Xmas tree stands in Trafalgar Square. It is a gift from the people of Norway. Every winter since 1947 they cut down a tree for London. It is usually fifty feet high.
Student: (Слайд 9)
·Слайд 10). CHRISTMAS CANDLES. Each Xmas people lit candles to memorize the star that was shining when Christ child was born.
Student: (Слайд 11). CHRISTMAS WREATH can be on the door or wall. It is evergreen decoration with candles. The wreath of evergreen
· may be hung from the ceiling and decorated with four candles. One of these candles is lit on each of the Sundays up to Christmas, until on the fourth Sunday they are all lit.
Student: (Слайд 12).  CHRISTMAS CAROLS .The first carols came from France. Xmas carols are religious songs and tell the story of Christmas. The most famous carol is “Silent Night.”
Silent Night, Holy Night! All is calm, all is bright. Round the Virgin Mother and Child. Holy infant so tender and mind, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.
Student: (Слайд 13). FATHER CHRISTMAS was known in England in the 15th century. According to the legend Father Christmas is a very old man, who comes from the Far North with the gifts in a sleigh drawn by reindeer. He comes by night in the houses unseen and unheard.
Teacher: I want to add that in Russia we call him
Father Frost- Дед Мороз
He’s got a grand daughter
Snowmaden – Снегурочка
And a helper
Snowman- Снеговик

VI. Watching the video. (Слайд 14)
Teacher: Thank you for your interesting stories. And now let’s watch the video. Write new words at first. Repeat:
Church - церковь
Stuffing - начинка
New Year’s Eve 31 декабря
Christmas cracker – Рождественская хлопушка
Stocking - чулок для подарков
Brussels sprouts - брюссельская капуста

Text/ Video
But the really important festivals in Britain are Easter and Christmas. Especially Christmas. At Christmas people put up a lot of decorations. This is the Robinson’s Christmas tree. They keep their presents under it until Christmas Day! People often spend Christmas with their families. On Christmas Day they give presents to their friends and family. What’s Mrs. Robinson got? - “Oh, how lovely!”
Lucky Mum! – “Thank you darling!” Poor old Dad’s got 4 pairs of socks. In the morning a lot of families go to church. They come back home and have a special Christmas dinner: roast turkey, stuffing, roast potatoes, and Brussel sprouts (брюссельская капуста). These are crackers. You pull at each end and inside there is a little present, a paper hat and a joke. Listen to this: “Where can you always find a cow?” In a MOO- seum! They finish with a traditional Christmas pudding. Sometimes people put a silver coin in it. You don’t eat it! It brings you good luck!
After Christmas there is the last festival of the old year or the first one of the New Year – New Year’s Eve. All around the country people have parties. And at midnight they sing traditional songs.

VII. Test. (Слайд 15)
Teacher: You’ve watched the video. Let’s check how you understood it! Here are some sentences for you, choose the right variant. You’ve got 3 minutes. Go!
The really important festivals in Britain are..
St. Valentine’s Day.
Easter and Christmas
People often spend Christmas with their ...
In the morning a lot of families go to ..
The shop
The park
They come back home and have a special Christmas dinner: .., stuffing, roast potatoes, and Brussel sprouts
roast turkey
roast fish

After Christmas there is the last festival of the old year – .
New Year’s Eve
Mother’s Day

Teacher: All right, stop! And now I want you to exchange your papers and check it! Here is the right variant. (Слайд 16)

The really important festivals in Britain are..
St. Valentine’s Day.
Easter and Christmas
People often spend Christmas with their ...
In the morning a lot of families go to ..
The shop
The park
They come back home and have a special Christmas dinner: .., stuffing, roast potatoes, and Brussel sprouts
roast turkey
roast fish

After Christmas there is the last festival of the old year – .
New Year’s Eve
Mother’s Day

VIII. Закрепление пройденной лексики. (Слайд 17-26)
(при помощи грифельных досок)
Teacher: Ok. And now let’s revise the words that you already know and that we’ve studied today!
Дед Мороз
Рождественская хлопушка
Чулок для подарков
северный олень сани снег венок (вешают на двери) рождественская елка
IX. Творческое задание.
Teacher: Now students imagine that you are writing a New Year Card for your group mate. What do you wish her?
(I wish you good luck)
(I wish you happiness)
(I wish you love)
(I wish you peace and calm)
(I wish you all the best in the world)
(I wish you to live a long life)
(I wish you joy)

Teacher: Let’s sing a Christmas carol which is called
“We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!”
(Слайд 27)
Once in a year it’s not thought amiss
To visit our neighbours and sing out like this
Of friendship and love good neighbours abound
And peace and goodwill the whole year around
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!

X. Подведение итогов.
We’ve done a lot of today! Your marks are:
You’ve worked hard today – excellent
You were good
Pity, but you were to slowly – satisfactory etc.
XI. Домашнее задание. (Слайд 28)
Teacher: Your home task for the next lesson is:
To prepare a greeting card for your friend with best wishes.
To write down the transcription of the words.
I want to present you something that’s reminded to all of us that New Year’s coming – Tangerines. Help yourself!

XII. Thank you! Goodbye!!! (Слайд 29)

Министерство образования РФ и РД
Буйнакский педагогический колледж имени Расула Гамзатова

Открытый урок-праздник по английскому языку
«Christmas and New Year in Great Britain»

Магомедова С. Я.

Буйнакск 2013
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