Урок Английский язык — язык международного общения (5 класс)
Класс 5
Тема: English is the language of international communication.
Цель: углублять знания учащихся о необходимости изучения иностранного языка как языка международного общения ; формировать творческое мышление; развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, письма и говорения путем использования интерактивных технологий; воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
Оборудование: магнитофон, ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, карточки с заданиями, учебник А. Карпюк “English” для 5 класса, аудиодополнение к учебнику, фильм «Гарри Поттер», слайды.
1. Greeting and aim
T. How do you do?
Ps. How do you do?
T. Do you speak English?
Ps. Yes, we do.
T. Are you from Spain?
Ps. No, we are from Ukraine.
T. Are you ready to start our work?
Ps. Yes, we are.
T. At this lesson we have to speak English more because the topic of our lesson is " English is the language of international communication ". During 45 minutes you will practice to speak, to listen to the text and to do the different tasks. Look at the blackboard, please. You can see an epigraph of our lesson. It's a proverb "Knowledge is power". Repeat all together, please. What does it mean? It means that you have to learn much and in future you will use by all your knowledge. Write down today's date, the topic of our lesson and the epigraph of it into your copy-books, please.
II. Main part
1. Warming up
T. To tell the truth I am nervous. And you? How are you feeling today?
P1. I am fine.
P2.I am sad.
P3.I am happy.
T. Is it cold today?
P4. No, it isn't.
T. Is it frosty?
P5. No, it isn't.
T. Is a windy day today?
P6. Yes, it is etc.
T. Do you enjoy today's weather?
P7. Yes, I do.
2. Checking homework
T. And you know you have to improve your English. Let's speak about your English. What was your homework for today?
P. Some pupils have to act funny stories.
Good Reason
Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son.
Mother. Wake up, son. It's time to go to school.
Son. But why, Mom? I don't want to go.
Mother. Give me two reasons why you don't want to go.
Son. Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too!
Mother. Oh, that's no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready.
Son. Give me two reasons why I should go to school.
Mother. Well, for one, you're 52 years old. And for another, you're the Head teacher!
Good Teacher?
Kid. I think we need a new teacher!
Mom. Why is that?
Kid. Our teacher doesn't know anything, she keeps asking us for the answers!
Nice Teaching
Physics Teacher. Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on his head and he discovered gravity. Isn't that wonderful?
Student. Yes sir, if he had been sitting in class looking at books like us, he wouldn't have discovered anything.
Unfair Punishment
A little girl came home from school and said to her mother, "Mommy, today in school I was punished for something that I didn't do."
The mother exclaimed, "But that's terrible! I'm going to have a talk with your teacher about this ... by the way, what was it that you didn't do?"
The little girl replied, "My homework."
3. Watching a film “Harry Potter”
T. Let’s see a film.
- Harry? Is that you?
- Yeah.
- How are you feeling? OK?.. the greatest of luck. The key is to concentrate. After that, you just have to…
- Buttle a dragon.
- Young love… how … stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today… you two may even make the front page.
- You have no business here. This tent is for champions and their friends.
- No matter. We’ve got what we wanted.
- Good day, champions. Gather round me, please. Now you’ve waited, you’ve wondered, and at last moment has arrived. A moment only four of you can fully appreciate. What are you doing here, Miss Grander?
- Sorry, I’ll just go.
- Barty, the bag!
- Champions, in a circle around me. Miss Delacour, over here. Mr. Krum… and Potter, Mr Potter, over here. That’s right. Now… Miss Delacour, please… The Welsh Green… Mr Krum… The Chinese Fireball… The Swedish Short – Snout.
- Which leaves…
- The Horntail.
- What is that, boy?
- Nothing.
- The Hungarian Horntail. This represents four very real dragons... each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple. Collect the egg.
Questions and possible answers:
T. Where are the champions?
P1. The champions are in the tent.
T. What do the Champions have to do?
P2. They have to buttle a dragon.
T. How many little dragons were there in the bag?
P3. There were 4.
T. What do the champions have to collect?
P4. They have to collect a golden egg.
T. Every son and every daughter
Crazy is about Potter.
He came from Britain,
He lives not far from Eaton,
He’s clever, he’s very cool.
He is your teacher at your Magic School.
Ps. Harry Potter, Harry Potter,
Welcome to the room.
Harry Potter, Harry Potter,
Where is your magic broom?
Harry. I keep it in the secret room.
Now, kids, I want to see
How you can study English.
Show it to me.
4. Listening comprehension
T. Children, you to do the first task. Open your books on p. 48 ex. 1. Listen to the text and answer the questions.
My name's Bob. I'm American. It's cool to learn about Ukraine and Ukrainian kids. I found that we studied the things like you. We learn Spanish at school. There are many people from Latin America in my country like my friend Miguel.
You're right that American English is a bit different from British English. I mean it is sometimes different in spelling, too. Sometimes you use different words to name the same things, for example, Englishmen say a flat when Americans name it an apartment. British holiday is American vacation. In Britain they phone a friend and in America they call a friend. British lorry turns into a truck in America. But don't worry, it's not a big problem. Most English is still the same all over the world.
Possible answers.
Bob is.
He learns Spanish at school.
His friend’s name is Miguel.
In spelling, in pronunciation, in vocabulary.
No, it isn’t. Most English words are the same in the world.
T: Look at the table and remember:
British English American English
flat apartment
holiday vacation
phone call
lorry truck
5. An interval
T. Are you tired?
Ps. Yes, we are.
T. I can see you are tired. So, all together we'll sing this song. You also have to look at Andrei and repeat all his motions. Stand up, please.
I am playing a team game.
I am watching my TV.
I am acting in school show.
I am climbing a green tree.
Lots of things
I do and act,
Have and make,
Read and take…
So many things
I watch and see.
They are all
Good for me.
T. As only children can happy be. Once more. Thanks a lot. You are very energetic pupils. Take your seats, please.
6. Grammar practice
Т. To speak English better you have to know English grammar perfectly, let’s play a grammar game “What’s my job?” to practice have to and not have to. One pupil picks a job card. The next pupil picks a question card and asks the first pupil the question.
Doctor Driver Dentist Teacher Policeman
Dustman Fireman Shop assistant Hairdresser Writer
Electrician Secretary Cleaner Dancer Do you have to wear uniform? Do you have to work with people? Do you have to travel?
Do you have to do hard work? Do you have to work in an office? Do you have to work in danger?
Can you work at home? Can you finish work when you want? Can you tell people what to do?
7. Reading
T. There are several ways to improve your English. Read the text 2, p. 48. One pupil reads, another translate.
More than 300 million people speak English as their first language. But English is also the 'second language' for 300 million more people in India, Pakistan and in some African countries. That means it is one of the most popular languages in the world. You can tell a person's nationality by his accent1 —Australian, Scottish, Canadian, American or British.
8. Speaking
T. Look at the pictures and tell us, what English helps us to do?
- I think, it helps to connect with different countries;
- I think, it helps to read English books;
- I think, it helps to sing English songs:
- I think, it helps to use a computer;
- I think, it helps to make friends around the world;
- I think, it helps to understand English-speaking people;
- I think, it helps to learn new things.
- I think, it helps to watch English films.
- I think, it helps to get good profession.
9. A minute of relaxation.
T: Let’s have a minute of rest. Shut your eyes, listen to the music and think about something pleasant.
Tell me please, what you think about.
10. Writing
a) T. Open your copybooks on p. 34 ex.1. You have to tell us, what country is this?
b) T. Three pupils have to kill a word-dragon and find key-words. Take a card with the task.
Task 1
Find some English words which are international. Rest letters are the key-word
Task 2
Find some English words which came from Danish, German and Swedish. Rest letters are the key-word.
Task 3
Find some English words which came from French. Rest letters are the key-word.
10. Language development
T. Nowadays everyone has to be able to do tests. You have to write only letters to get the correct sentences. Let's begin.
Does your friend ________ go to school every day?
Has to
Have to
Had to
Do your grandparents ________ to work?
Have to
Had to
Has to
My sister ______________ sweep in the yard, because it is clean.
Don’t have to
Doesn’t have to
Don’t has to
My teacher __________ keep us after lessons, because we understand the topic.
Don’t have to
Doesn’t has to
Doesn’t have to
We _________ wear jeans at school.
Have to
Has to
Don’t have to
Alice ________ learn foreign language, because her relatives live in Britain.
Have to
Has to
Doesn’t have to.
Do you have to wear uniform at school?
Yes, I do.
No, I don’t
Yes, I does
Does the doctor _______ know a lot of things?
Have to
Has to
Had to
III. Summarizing
T. That's all for today.
Harry. You are very clever pupils. You learn English very well. This goblet is for you.
T. Have you any questions for me? You've worked very well. That's why your marks are very good too. Open your diaries and write down your homework for the next lesson, please. You have to do exercise 2,3 on page 34 in written form. Good-bye. Good luck for you. See you later.