урок-ролевая игра Birthday party (3класс)
Урок – ролевая игра с использованием игровых и интерактивных методов
Зерновская ош I-III ступеней
Учитель английского языка
Димакова Юлия Сергеевна
Фрагмент урока
Цели: формировать лексико - грамматические навыки, навыки аудирования и говорения, формировать навыки общения путем выполнения коммуникативных заданий, развивать интонационный слух, воспитывать любовь к предмету.
Оборудование: плакат с поздравлением, воздушные шары, мяч, карточки со словами, магнитофон, аудиозаписи песен, праздничный стол (символический).The scenery1. The guests arrive to the place
- Good morning, children! - Good morning! - Hello! How do you do! - How do you do! - Welcome to our place!
2.The guests give presents
- What is it? Is it a doll? - No, it isn’t. - Is it a teddy bear? - Yes, it is.
- Is it a book? - No, it isn’t. - Is it a CD? -Yes, it is.
- Is it a game? - No, it isn’t. - Is it a souvenir? -Yes, it is.
Hip, hip, hooray! It’s birthday today, hooray! Nastia is happy , hooray, hooray ! Nastia is ten years old today!
Thank you very much! Come to our holiday dinner!
Let’s have lunch today, OK! Let’s have lunch today, OK! Let’s have lunch , Let’s have lunch, Let’s have lunch today, OK!
3. All the children come to table and stand around it. Mother brings the birthday cake, Children sing a song:
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Nastia! Happy birthday to you!
Thank you! Help yourself, please!
Look here! There is a cake, some sweets, some juice and lemonade, oranges and apples, some biscuit and come fruit salad.
4. Table conversation
-Can l have some juice? -Here you are.
-Do you want some chocolate? -No, thanks. Pass me fruit salad, please. -Here you are. -Thanks.
-This cake is so tasty! -Yes, my mum cooked it herself.
-I like this fruit salad! How can you make it? -I need two bananas, two oranges, two apples and some yogurt. -Help yourself!
5.Children are going to play
Let’s dance and sing Here is a spring! Let’s play and fun Here is the sun! Let’s dance and play The birthday party is today!
6.The first game “Eatable and uneatable” ( съедобное – несъедобное)
7.The second game “Chinese whispers” (2 команды, испорченный телефон)
8.The song “Bingo” (или любая другая песня)
9.The third game “Buns for tea” (подвижная игра по типу «платочек»)
10.The fourth game “Show me” (показуха)
11.The moment to say good-bye.
Well, my dear! Do you like our birthday party? I like it to, thank you! But now it’s time to say good-bye!
The song “The more we get together”
12. Every child has got a balloon with written wishes and leaving the classroom.