План урока английского языка
Ways of interaction
Warm up
3 min T: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you! Please, take your seats. How are you? Thank you, I’m fine. We start our lesson, don’t we? Who is on duty? Who is absent today? What day is it today? Good, everybody’s here. Let’s start with the revision of tongue twisters
St: Say hello to the teacher.
Tell who is on duty today, who is absent and who is present. They start with tongue twisters, revise them, and recite any two by heart, then students copy the new tongue twisters, repeat after the teacher (two times) If it’s difficult to learn the tongue twisters by heart, students can read it
The main stage
Checking the home task
6 min T: Tell me what was your home task, p10? Raise your hands, who are ready? Why aren’t you ready?
So, let’s check your home task. Проверяем домашнее задание. Who wants to answer irregular verbs and cards? Are there any volunteers? If not, I’ll call the register.
Degrees of comparison
15 min T: The topic of our lesson is Adjectives. А конкретно, степени сравнения прилагательных. Вы помните эти правила, и это не новая тема для вас. Давайте вспомним правило. Let’s check your knowledge. Then he explains the rule
Сравнительная степень бывает простая и составная.
Простая сравнительная степень обозначает большую степень проявления признака и образуется следующим образом:
Прилагательное+ суффикс ER+ than
Например, He is longer than his brother.
Составная степень сравнения обозначает как бoльшую, так и меньшую степень проявления признака и образуется следующим образом:
More\less+ прилагательное +than
Превосходная степень сравнения бывает простой и составной.
Простая превосходная степень сравнения прилагательного обозначает наибольшую степень проявления признака и образуется следующим образом:
The + прилагательное+суффикс EST
Составная превосходная степень сравнения прилагательных обозначает как наибольшую, так и наименьшую степень проявления признака и образуется вот так:
The most+прилагательное
St: Write down the rule, asks questions if they can’t understand anything.
The teacher draws degrees of comparison’s scheme and at the same time he can start explaining the rule
20 min T: Open the books on page 12, and find the exercise 5 and 6
St: Do the exercises on page 12 Repeat the rule one more time before doing the exercises
30 min
T: And now we are going to read and translate the text “My financial career”
We all know how it’s important to know basic economical terms. There are many words which are linked with your future profession.
St: Read the text, translate it and start to write down the economical words and expressions The students can use the dictionaries
Summing up
Giving marks
Home task
5 min T: Thank you very much! It was really interesting. I was going to grade you but I failed to do that. Everybody was hardworking, active. I want to thank you for that and everybody gets an excellent mark.
T: Have you got any questions? Then put down your homework!
You’ll do exercise 10 on page 11 and exercise 10 on page 15. Besides, you go on writing down the expressions from our text and reading the tongue twisters