открытый урок по английскому языку Where is my bag?

ОІЖО: ___________________________ М.А. Сариева
Date: _11.02.2015 у_ The 5th gradeThe theme of the lesson: Where is my bag ?
The aims of the lesson:
1) Educational: : Presentation of the lesson Where is my bag? to improve skills of speech activity of pupils the use before the studies lexicon on a theme in speech of pupils to explain knowledge of pupils on use grammatical the phenomenon

2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing , grammar Prepositions and lexical skills. To develop skill of communicative dialogue with lexicon use the theme Where is my bag?
3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom and to develop friendship.
Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English
The type of the lesson: new theme
Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction
The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters,
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment Ұйымдастыру бөлімі (2-3 минут)
a) Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
b) A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk about the weather?
-What day is it today? -What season is it now?
-What date is it today? - What month is it now?
а. Phonetic drill
To find the words
(әріптерді қолдана отырып сөздерді табу) (5-7 минут)

youandweupbig saidblueawaywhereyellow
b. Check up the home task
- what is the Russian for second?
- what is the Russian for seventh?
- tell me about yourself?
II. Presentation of the new theme (10 минут)
Reading the dialogue Ex: 6 p75
Listen and repeat
Where is my bag?
It’s on the chair.
Vocabulary work
Behind артынан
In front of алдынан
On үстінде
Under астында
Opposite қарсы
Between ортасында
Among арасында
Тақтадағы жаңа сөздерді дәптерге жазып аламыз, жазып болсақ қаламымызды қойып тақтадағы сөздерді қайталаймыз.
Берілген мысалмен жұмыс:
The book is on the table.
The book is in the bag.
Bolat is in front of Alma.
Ernar is between Arman and Dauren
ІІІ.Knowledge practice Білімді айқындау (10 минут)
Talking and writing your friend
Where is my (your) pen?
Where’re my (your) books?
They`re ________________
ІҮ. Control of understanding Оқушылардың түсінгенін тексеру
Answer the questions
Where is Almaty?
It’s in Kasakhstan Where is New York?
It’s in USA
Where is Tokyo?
It’s in Japan

Y. To work with picture Білімді қорытындылау (10 минут)
This is Colin's dog. Its name's Rex.
Rex is behind Colin.
Rex is between Carol and Colin.
Rex is in front of Omar.
Omar is next to Ben.
Omar is opposite Colin.
Rex is among the children
ҮІ. Conclusions and mark
Your home task is exercise: 8, 9 p 75