Урок истории на английском языке с использованием информационно – коммуникационных технологий и проектной деятельности
Использование метода проектов на уроках английского языка
( урок истории на английском языке с использованием информационно – коммуникационных технологий и проектной деятельности )
Тема: Столетняя война.
Учитель: Веригина Наталия Алексеевна
Активизация резервных возможностей личности и коллектива при усвоении иностранного языка.
Технология групповой деятельности: коллективное творческое решение проблемы.
Метод- « мозгового штурма», сотворчество в процессе решения творческой задачи
Технология индивидуализации обучения
« Метод проектов» - комплексный обучающий метод (ребенок проявляет самостоятельность в планировании, организации и контроле своей деятельности)
Социокультурная задача: знакомство с историей Великобритании и Франции
Развивающая задача: развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речемыслительные задачи.
Воспитательные задачи: воспитание интереса к изучению истории на английском языке, воспитание самостоятельности
Учебные задачи: совершенствование навыков чтения, устной речи учащихся, формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся, развитие творческих способностей, умения проводить исследовательскую работу
Ход урока
T. Hello, children! Sit down! Today we have an unsual lesson. It can be called Hundred Years' War. You will present your mini- projects about Hundred Years' War. At the end of our lesson you will make a great project about Hundred Years' War.
So, the theme of our lesson is Hundred Years' War. (слайд 1)
Our goals today: (слайд 2)
to practise some vocabulary on the topic;
to practise communication skills;
to improve knowledge of English history
to make a project about Hundred Years' War
You can see new words. Do you know these words? (слайд
· слайд 4 .)
The causes of the war: (слайд 5)
France pretended to English possessions in Aquitaine.
Rivalry in Flanders.
War is a source of enrichment
But before the war was a reason. What had happened at that time?
Reason of the war.
War was
(слайд 7)
1337-1360 French defeat, loss of territories, battle of Crecy, battle of Poitiers
1369-1396 French ascendancy
1415-1428 Battle of Agincourt, occupation of France
1429-1453 French victory
T: - Name 1 period of Hundred Years’ War
-Let’s speak about the first period of Hundred Years’ War. (слайд 8)
T: - Name 2 period of Hundred Years’ War
-Let’s speak about the second period of Hundred Years’ War. (слайд 9)
T: - Name 3 period of Hundred
· War
-Let’s speak about the third period of Hundred Years’ War. (слайд 10)
T: - Name 4 period of Hundred Years’ War
-Let’s speak about the fourth period of Hundred Years’ War. (слайд 11)
T: Quiz for you.
T: Now take these sheets, read the text about Joan of Arc. Be very attentive.
Joan of Arc was born in Domremy, in the province of Lorraine, France in 1412. Joan asserted that she heard voices of angels which told her to recover her homeland from English domination . The uncrowned King Charles VII sent her to the siege at Orleans as part of a relief mission. She gained prominence when she overcame the dismissive attitude of veteran commanders and lifted the siege in only nine days. Several more swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims and settled the disputed succession to the throne. The renewed French confidence outlasted her own brief career. She refused to leave the field when she was wounded during an attempt to recapture Paris. Hampered by court intrigues, she led only minor companies from then onward and fell prisoner at a skirmish near Compiegne the following spring. A trial convicted her of heresy. She was burnt at the stake in Rouen in 1431. She had been the heroine of her country at the age of 17 and died when only 19 years old. Joan of Arc was canonized as a saint in 1920.
T : I think you are ready to answer on the questions of the quiz. (слайды 12 - 16)
T: Now characterize Joan of Arc using these words. (слайд 17)
T: Joan of Arc inspired a French revival and the French drove the English out.
T: Now, Look at the wall. We have a project about Hundred Years' War. But we can not see the result of the war. What did France and England have at the end of the war.
(слайд 18)
The English had lost all their French lands except Calais.
The Hundred Years’ War strengthened the royal power in France.
The King fortified the regular army.
The war stimulated nationalistic sentiment. It devastated France as a land, but it also awakened French nationalism. The Hundred Years' War accelerated the process of transforming France from a feudal monarchy to a centralized state.
T: Thank you for your work in the lesson. I shall give you two marks for your research work
one for the story and translation from Russian into English and other for the design of your projects.