Контрольная работа к УМК М.З.Биболетовой «Enjoy English», 6 класс.
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ХокейMatch the games and rules
The ball is usually played with the hands or arms, but players can legally push the ball with any part of the body.
Two teams of no more than 11 players (one of which is the goalkeeper). The game is played in 2 halves consisting of 45 minutes each. The half time interval must not exceed more than 15 minutes. At the discretion of the referee more time is allowed to compensate for any stoppage during play.
A player can carry the oval ball with his hands. The players can move forward only by running with the ball or by kicking it.
Each team must play within its own playing area. However, the ball may be played beyond the free zone. A player must throw the ball on the sport. The ball must be held in the hands.
What British festivals and special days do you know? Describe your favourite holiday in Russia.
When is the holiday celebrated?
What do people do?
What traditional foot on this day?