Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 классов в рамках переводной аттестации учащихся.

Итоговая работа по английскому языку 7 класс (переводная аттестация)
I READING (Прочитай текст)
Mary Ann was a little girl of eight years old. She was sitting at the desk working at her Maths problems. Her mother entered the room. “ Mary Ann, if you are a good girl, we’ll go to Disneyland tomorrow”, the mother said. Mary Ann couldn’t believe her ears. She thought, “ I will go everywhere in the park. I will have a lot of fun. I’ll eat a chocolate ice-cream!”
“Mary Ann, what are you doing? You are not working, aren’t you?”,her mother said. “ I have already done my work and I want to go to Disnayland”, said the girl. We are not going to Disneyland tomorrow, dear. We’ll go to Daisy’sland , not Disneyland. You know that your Aunt Daisy has a farm in the country!” Mary Ann was very sad. “ I don’t think we can go to the country. We are going to take you to the ear doctor instead!”
A.True or False. (Верно-Неверно)
1.Her aunt entered the room.
2.Her aunt Daisy had a farm in the country.
3.Mary Ann was working at her English problems.
4.Mary Ann wasn’t sad when she heard that they wouldn’t go to Disneyland.
5. Mary Ann didn’t want to go to the country.
B.Choose the correct item according to the text. (Выбери правильный ответ)
1. Mary Ann was working at her… .a) Maths problems. b) Nature Study problem. c) Geography problem.
2. Aunt Daisy had… .a) a garden b)a farm c)a car
3. They want to take Mary Ann… .a) to the museum b)to Disneyland c)to Daisy’sland4. Instead her mother wanted to take her… .a) to the ear doctor b)to the zoo c)to the cinema
C.Read and put the events in the right order. (Поставьте предложения в правильном порядке)
a) Her mother entered the room.
b) She was sitting at her desk working at her Maths problems.
c)’’We are going to take you to the ear doctor instead”,her mother said.
d) Mary Ann couldn’t believe her ears.
e) Mary Ann was very sad.
Grammar and Vocabulary.II.Write the plural. ( Напишите существительные во множественном числе)
1.There are ten_______(flower) in the vase.
2.(Wolf) eat________(sheep).
3.My brother has got two_________(baby).
4.There are three _______(woman) in the café.
5.How many_________(tooth) has the baby got?
6.Her_________(child) are funny.
7.These little___________(mouse) live in our house.
III. Complete the sentences (Раскройте скобки) If…V2.,would V1.
1. If my parents…………(allow) me to get a Saturday job, I…………..(earn) some money for new computer games.
2. If the policeman……….(know) the way, he…………(tell) me how to get to the shop.
3. If he…………(need) money, he……..(ask) for a job.
4. If we…….(try) our chance, we………..(spend) the weekend in the country.
5. If Lisa…………(be) rich, she…………(send) her son to Eton.
Choose the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice:
1. The Russian language ……… by many millions of people.
is spoken b) are spoken c)will spoken
2. Bread and butter…….. by my father every day in our local shop.
a) is bought b) are bought c) was bought
3. The film …… last year.
a) is shown b) will be shown c) was shown
4. English …… in lots of Russian schools.
a) is taught b) are taught c) were taught
5. This house ……. next year.
a) were bought b) will be bought c) was bought
6. The vegetables ……. at the market every Sunday.
a) will be bought b) are bought c) was bought
Choose the correct pronoun. (Выберете правильную форму местоимения)
1. His parents want …… to behave well at school.
Him b) he c) his
2. I want …….. to pay attention to your grammar.
a) your b) you c)yours
3. They expect …… to arrange a party.
a) I b) my c) me
4. Our teacher expects ……. to think of our future.
a) ours b) us c) we
5. Would you like…… to stay out of trouble?
a) they b) their c) them6.I want ……..to phone me this evening.
a) you b)yours c) your
7.My brother expects………..to be back in two days.
a) his wife b) her wife c) our wife
Translate the sentences from exercises III and IV into Russian (Переведите предложения из упражнений 3 и 4 на русский язык.
Критерии оценки
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса состоит из 50 заданий, каждое из которых оценивается в один балл. Задания под **** предназначены для учеников, претендующих на оценку «4-5» и составляют 11 баллов от общего количества. Данная работа включает в себя два блока « Чтение» и «Лексика-Грамматика».
45-50 баллов 35-44 баллов 25-34 баллов < 25 баллов
5 4 3 2

Управление образования администрации города Иваново
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №5
Обсуждено Согласовано Утверждено
на заседании на заседании Директор МОУ СОШ №5
методического объединения методического совета __________О.В.Вихореваучителей гуманитарного цикла от____________2011г. от____________2011г.
№___ протокола. №___ протокола.
Руководитель МО Председатель МС
___________О.Н. Шевлякова __________С.Д. Гринина

Рабочая программа
по английскому языку
на 2011 – 2015 гг.
6 класс
(Составлена на основе авторской программы М.З.Биболетовой, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубаневой"Английский язык с удовольствием»)Составитель:
учитель английского языка
Е.Ю. Кудрявцева